My new side effect is.....boredom!

meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yep, i am so stinking bored. My disability has been approved until December, maybe longer depending on what happens at that time. I have finally realized that I liked working!!! For those not familar, I have had a reoccurence with mets to my spine and liver, so physical activity is limited. I have been reading great books, watching tv, cooking more food that we can eat, watching tv, going to the grocery store, watching tv....i have lots of friends that i can meet for lunch, but driving can be difficult, plus i get hit with the big D at the most incovenient times. When my hubby is home, we will usually do fun things, but money is getting kind of tight. I also talk on the phone a lot, and i do spend time on the computer. Some days i sleep a lot, so hard to plan anything. Today, i bought some yarn and i am crocheting a blanket for my aunt, oh, but so far not looking too good! I do have a loving husband, family, friends and neighbors, so i am not going through this alone. Just missing working, working part time is not an option. Anyone else going through this?


  • bjmom1
    bjmom1 Member Posts: 152
    I found a hobby that I wanted to do for years but couldn't because of work. Like crochet and sewing and doing different crafts. When I crochet I donate to homeless and to various cancer centers that are low on hats and blankets ect... This help me from being bored and I doing something good that keep my mind off of myself. So think of something u always wanted to do and figure out how u can make it happen. This should help with the bordeom.

    Good Luck
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Sometimes I miss working too
    Sometimes I miss working too but work can be stressful and not flexible. Have you considered doing volunteer work from home? I just saw a site that is asking for volunteers to record free eBooks. It's The Gutenberg site also uses volunteers for typing in free books.

    Or start a project. Something you are interested in that you use the computer for research. Like genealogy. Of course this would require some trips out to places that keep records but you could get a good start at home.

    You could also start a blog. Google has a free blog site. It's I've been doing this as a way of letting family and friends know what's going on. Of course this is not private. I'm not on Facebook but others like that. I guess there are games.

    There is lots to keep you busy. Just think about what you enjoy.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    You mentioned crocheting.
    You mentioned crocheting. Well I crochet little hats that I donate to local chemo clinics. Helps pass the time and it is really great seeing the faces of the people you give them to. Especially when you tell them they are free. Might be even better since Sep is just around the corner and it is (hopefully) going to start getting cool again.


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    You mentioned crocheting.
    You mentioned crocheting. Well I crochet little hats that I donate to local chemo clinics. Helps pass the time and it is really great seeing the faces of the people you give them to. Especially when you tell them they are free. Might be even better since Sep is just around the corner and it is (hopefully) going to start getting cool again.



    How about scrapbooking. I
    How about scrapbooking. I did this for a while before DX. It's fun, I should go back to it.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Kat11 said:

    How about scrapbooking. I
    How about scrapbooking. I did this for a while before DX. It's fun, I should go back to it.

    Sorry that you are bored
    Sorry that you are bored Meena. I hope that you find something that you like to do since you can't go back to work yet.

    Mainly, just take care of yourself and do whatever you want to do. The sky is the limit!

    Sue :)
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Sorry that you are bored
    Sorry that you are bored Meena. I hope that you find something that you like to do since you can't go back to work yet.

    Mainly, just take care of yourself and do whatever you want to do. The sky is the limit!

    Sue :)

    Me, too
    I've been bored, too, but lack motivation most of the time. I've got plenty of projects in the works and some days I do putz around with one or another a bit. My current excuse is chemo, and when I'm done with that and radiation, I'll feel better and conquer the world.

    I'm retired, but what I find I miss the most about working is being a part of something. I used to work where I receive my medical care. Just the other day when I was there I said to myself "I miss this place!". It's the people connections for me, and contributing my small part to the big picture. Making a small impact. I'm planning to volunteer there in some capacity when my treatments are complete.

    For now, I'm accepting the boredom (and yes, mild depression). I think it's part of the stages of the stupid cancer.

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Me, too
    I've been bored, too, but lack motivation most of the time. I've got plenty of projects in the works and some days I do putz around with one or another a bit. My current excuse is chemo, and when I'm done with that and radiation, I'll feel better and conquer the world.

    I'm retired, but what I find I miss the most about working is being a part of something. I used to work where I receive my medical care. Just the other day when I was there I said to myself "I miss this place!". It's the people connections for me, and contributing my small part to the big picture. Making a small impact. I'm planning to volunteer there in some capacity when my treatments are complete.

    For now, I'm accepting the boredom (and yes, mild depression). I think it's part of the stages of the stupid cancer.


    Now boredom is one side
    Now boredom is one side effect I could handle. At least it's pain free. Don't have to pop pills for boredom. Fall is right around the corner, my favorite time of the year.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Now boredom is one side
    Now boredom is one side effect I could handle. At least it's pain free. Don't have to pop pills for boredom. Fall is right around the corner, my favorite time of the year.

    Thank you all for
    Thank you all for responding, yes i think "lack of motivation" is a good way to describe it. I know that i really should not complain about this since it is not life threatening, but i know that it can lead to depression which there is a history of in my family. Anyway, i think i really like crocheting, so i will try that for a while and donate the blankets. take care everyone.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Meena!
    I get bored to. I just can't understand why some people don't want to work. I been thinking about learning to knit. And knit hats for cancer patients. but I don't know if I have the patients for it. T.V. is boring. Cant cook all the time ( because then I eat it ).Can't play with the dog he is to old and blind. ( but still very cute ) Can't get any of my friends to quite there jobs. so yes I know what you mean. If you find anything interesting to do will you share please.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Meena I'm the
    world's best in wasting time. Since I had to quit working 2 1/2 yrs ago I can spend hours doing nothing. Yes, I read, exercise, crochet, scrapbook, watch tv and the next thing I know the day is over. Motivation is definitely part of it as is that I miss the social contacts I had at my job. I was a church secretary for 18 years. It may take a while for you to adjust to your new lifestyle.

    I too love to crochet and for the past year+ I've been making baby blankets, lap afghans and chemo hats that I donate to local hospitals, etc. It's my way of feeling useful and helping others in some small way.
  • krispatmad
    krispatmad Member Posts: 10
    I remember...
    I remember being so bored out of my mind that I felt like I was losing it sometimes. I read alot and wrote in an on line journal to keep my friends and family updated on my progress. It was a nice way to stay connected with the people in my world. Their little notes back to me was fun to get.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you all for
    Thank you all for responding, yes i think "lack of motivation" is a good way to describe it. I know that i really should not complain about this since it is not life threatening, but i know that it can lead to depression which there is a history of in my family. Anyway, i think i really like crocheting, so i will try that for a while and donate the blankets. take care everyone.

    I hope you like crocheting
    I hope you like crocheting Meena. I have never tried it, but, have lots of beautiful afghans from friends and family that made them for me. Good luck!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Meena i went thru the exact
    Meena i went thru the exact same thing when it came to that point i couldnt work. I was use to being so active at work (i was kind of a work alholic) Then bam all the sudden there was nothing to do but my mind was saying i could still do whatever i wanted and my body was saying hell i went from the tv to the computer ect much time just to sit around and think about stuff so i had to get my mind busy...i hope the crocheting helps you and im sure they look great!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    jo jo said:

    Meena i went thru the exact
    Meena i went thru the exact same thing when it came to that point i couldnt work. I was use to being so active at work (i was kind of a work alholic) Then bam all the sudden there was nothing to do but my mind was saying i could still do whatever i wanted and my body was saying hell i went from the tv to the computer ect much time just to sit around and think about stuff so i had to get my mind busy...i hope the crocheting helps you and im sure they look great!

    Gee .. Boredom and Guilt are my new bestest
    friends .. Boredom because I am unable to work, and Guilt because I am unable to do alot. Need to keep me busy doing projects, and little things around the house .. otherwise, I would be surfing the web .. and getting myself into a lot of trouble .. EBay sends me personal daily greetings, get the picture !

    I try and send out cards, letters .. hand written - make my chemo brain think ... I have inquired into a painting class 45 min's away .. 3 hours every Wednesday .. I know NOTHING about holding a paint brush, hair brush or round brush - Yes, paint brush no .. but I am willing to give it a try ..

    I also signed up for a Yoga class .. sometime ago, paid and became too fatigue along with my WBC issues to go .. so I hope to be taking Yoga up again ..

    Now I just need to get over my Guilt .. Guilt of not bring in a paycheck, helping with our bills .. Guilt of not being the Mother and Wife I was before my BC diagnosis and treatment .. Guilt .. ahhhhh something else to think about instead of getting my 8 hours of beauty rest.

    Crocheting ... Meena, what a wonderful and artisit way of showing your love ..imagine the Christmas gifts you can make, right? Happy stitches to you ...

    Vicki Sam
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    VickiSam said:

    Gee .. Boredom and Guilt are my new bestest
    friends .. Boredom because I am unable to work, and Guilt because I am unable to do alot. Need to keep me busy doing projects, and little things around the house .. otherwise, I would be surfing the web .. and getting myself into a lot of trouble .. EBay sends me personal daily greetings, get the picture !

    I try and send out cards, letters .. hand written - make my chemo brain think ... I have inquired into a painting class 45 min's away .. 3 hours every Wednesday .. I know NOTHING about holding a paint brush, hair brush or round brush - Yes, paint brush no .. but I am willing to give it a try ..

    I also signed up for a Yoga class .. sometime ago, paid and became too fatigue along with my WBC issues to go .. so I hope to be taking Yoga up again ..

    Now I just need to get over my Guilt .. Guilt of not bring in a paycheck, helping with our bills .. Guilt of not being the Mother and Wife I was before my BC diagnosis and treatment .. Guilt .. ahhhhh something else to think about instead of getting my 8 hours of beauty rest.

    Crocheting ... Meena, what a wonderful and artisit way of showing your love ..imagine the Christmas gifts you can make, right? Happy stitches to you ...

    Vicki Sam

    Well, Vickisam, quess you
    Well, Vickisam, quess you can't sleep either!! My blanket is coming along very nice, but now i find that my hands are bothering me alot more, i do have some neuropathy and I think the crocheting may be bothering me. Can you believe it??? i get all psyched about finding something nice to do and it turns into a bust. But, anyway, i do recommend crocheting to everyone, very relaxing and i know my aunt will love it. I know about the guilt also, luckily i am on short term disability but it is only 60% of my pay, trying to make that work.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    jo jo said:

    Meena i went thru the exact
    Meena i went thru the exact same thing when it came to that point i couldnt work. I was use to being so active at work (i was kind of a work alholic) Then bam all the sudden there was nothing to do but my mind was saying i could still do whatever i wanted and my body was saying hell i went from the tv to the computer ect much time just to sit around and think about stuff so i had to get my mind busy...i hope the crocheting helps you and im sure they look great!

    I hope you find something
    I hope you find something you love to do Meena! Praying for you!
