
Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I start Tamoxifen today. I think I am dreading this more than any of the other stuff. I would appreciate any words of wisdom or advice. Which side effects are generally the first to show up and how soon? Just curious. Thanks. God Bless
(((Hugs))) Janice


  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm not taking that, but I
    I'm not taking that, but I just wanted to tell you good luck sister :)
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    The most important thing I always want to tell women starting Tamoxifen is that there are several options for how and when to take it to help minimize any side effects you may have.

    Tamoxifen comes in 20-mg and 10-mg pills. Some women take 1 20-mg pill in the morning, some in the evening, and some take a 10-mg pill twice a day.

    My doctor had me start with a 20-mg pill at bedtime. By the 2nd night, I was awake every 2 hours with hot flashes. But I wasn't having them during the day, so he told me to switch to taking it in the morning instead, which really helped. I always take it with some food, and haven't had any problem at all with it upsetting my stomach.

    Hot flashes have been the major side effect for me -- and, now that I've been on it for 9 months, my periods are starting to be a little less regular, and I'm having minor issues with dryness in the "southern region."

    You just have to start somewhere -- but, if you do have side effects, just know that you do have options for how/when you take it.

    Hope that helps,

  • b7pima
    b7pima Member Posts: 16
    I started it two weeks ago and believe me, it's a lot better than Arimidex which had more side effects than you could count. The only side effect I have are hot and cold feelings and some nausea.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Not too bad!
    I've been on it a total of 3 years. I've had hot flashes, every now and then palpatations and some achiness but nothing major. I had more of a reaction to the Arimidex.

    Everyone seems to be different though.

    Hugs and Best wishes!
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Good Luck...
    I can just talk about my experience. Getting started was hard. The first go-around (back in March of "02) I started and stopped after 6 weeks because I felt like I was "losing my mind"! Hot flashes came and I had ovarian cysts that started developing. I also was VERY moody and my emotions where all over the place. I decided I couldn't live like I was so I quit it and my oncologist was none too pleased. I didn't try again until '05 after being hounded by my oncologist that it would really be in my best interest to try again. He wore me down and I tried again. Second time around was about the same, though I pushed through it. Seems once I got over the 3 or 4 month mark it was much more manageable. Hot flashes would come, but go away for awhile (months) and come back. The hot flashes haven't been that bad up until the past 6 months! They've gotten a lot worse and more often.

    It did make me a little depressed. My oncologist put me on Effexor(sp?) because it was shown to help with hot flashes AND depression. I do think it helped with the hot flashes somewhat. For the depression...not so sure. I've also had trouble with painful ovarian cysts. My gyne just keeps an eye on them and I just take Tylenol when they get really uncomfortable. They should go away when I end Tamoxifen. And my oncologist reassured me that the cysts won't turn into cancer or anything serious. Just another annoying side effect. About the only thing that has been "good" is the not having periods! I really don't miss them. I'd have maybe two to three a year. NOT looking forward to having them again!:(

    Gosh...hope this doesn't scare you to death! LOL. Remember, everyone is different in how their body responds. Just because I had a difficult time with it, doesn't mean you will have all of the same problems. I'd say just try to push through it when you start feeling "out of sorts". It does get better after awhile.

    I'm so excited...I end my 5 year journey at the end of August. 10 more days! I can hardly stand it!

    OH...and like Traci said, there are several ways to take it. I'm pretty sure 20-mg a day is the standard for most women. I started taking both 10-mg. tablets at once. NOT good. Then my doctor told me to try one in the morning and one at night. That worked MUCH better. The dose is spread out over the 24-hours so it's more consistent in your body and it really made a difference for me.

    Best of luck. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! Though you'll probably think twice before asking me, huh??! LOL. :)


    P.S.-OH! The past year I have noticed joint aches and pains which I think (or at least hope) is somewhat a common side effect. Ugh.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    TraciInLA said:

    The most important thing I always want to tell women starting Tamoxifen is that there are several options for how and when to take it to help minimize any side effects you may have.

    Tamoxifen comes in 20-mg and 10-mg pills. Some women take 1 20-mg pill in the morning, some in the evening, and some take a 10-mg pill twice a day.

    My doctor had me start with a 20-mg pill at bedtime. By the 2nd night, I was awake every 2 hours with hot flashes. But I wasn't having them during the day, so he told me to switch to taking it in the morning instead, which really helped. I always take it with some food, and haven't had any problem at all with it upsetting my stomach.

    Hot flashes have been the major side effect for me -- and, now that I've been on it for 9 months, my periods are starting to be a little less regular, and I'm having minor issues with dryness in the "southern region."

    You just have to start somewhere -- but, if you do have side effects, just know that you do have options for how/when you take it.

    Hope that helps,


    Thank You Traci for all the info. I think I will start in the morning then and just try mornings first. My Onc. did not specify what time of day and I did not think to ask. I did ask the pharmacist and he said whenever I wanted just the same time everyday.My tablets are the 20 mg. so just one a day for me. Thanks again God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    sea60 said:

    Not too bad!
    I've been on it a total of 3 years. I've had hot flashes, every now and then palpatations and some achiness but nothing major. I had more of a reaction to the Arimidex.

    Everyone seems to be different though.

    Hugs and Best wishes!

    Thank You all for the info,
    Thank You all for the info, best wishes and encouragement! I appreciate the help. God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    sal314 said:

    Good Luck...
    I can just talk about my experience. Getting started was hard. The first go-around (back in March of "02) I started and stopped after 6 weeks because I felt like I was "losing my mind"! Hot flashes came and I had ovarian cysts that started developing. I also was VERY moody and my emotions where all over the place. I decided I couldn't live like I was so I quit it and my oncologist was none too pleased. I didn't try again until '05 after being hounded by my oncologist that it would really be in my best interest to try again. He wore me down and I tried again. Second time around was about the same, though I pushed through it. Seems once I got over the 3 or 4 month mark it was much more manageable. Hot flashes would come, but go away for awhile (months) and come back. The hot flashes haven't been that bad up until the past 6 months! They've gotten a lot worse and more often.

    It did make me a little depressed. My oncologist put me on Effexor(sp?) because it was shown to help with hot flashes AND depression. I do think it helped with the hot flashes somewhat. For the depression...not so sure. I've also had trouble with painful ovarian cysts. My gyne just keeps an eye on them and I just take Tylenol when they get really uncomfortable. They should go away when I end Tamoxifen. And my oncologist reassured me that the cysts won't turn into cancer or anything serious. Just another annoying side effect. About the only thing that has been "good" is the not having periods! I really don't miss them. I'd have maybe two to three a year. NOT looking forward to having them again!:(

    Gosh...hope this doesn't scare you to death! LOL. Remember, everyone is different in how their body responds. Just because I had a difficult time with it, doesn't mean you will have all of the same problems. I'd say just try to push through it when you start feeling "out of sorts". It does get better after awhile.

    I'm so excited...I end my 5 year journey at the end of August. 10 more days! I can hardly stand it!

    OH...and like Traci said, there are several ways to take it. I'm pretty sure 20-mg a day is the standard for most women. I started taking both 10-mg. tablets at once. NOT good. Then my doctor told me to try one in the morning and one at night. That worked MUCH better. The dose is spread out over the 24-hours so it's more consistent in your body and it really made a difference for me.

    Best of luck. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! Though you'll probably think twice before asking me, huh??! LOL. :)


    P.S.-OH! The past year I have noticed joint aches and pains which I think (or at least hope) is somewhat a common side effect. Ugh.

    Thank You Sally
    I appreciate the honesty I would rather you tell me the truth than sugar coat it! I am so glad you are nearing the end of the tamoxifen, gives me hope that I will get through it. Thanks for the info and encouragement. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    My sister took Tamoxifen
    for 5 years. She was 49 when she started so actually went through menopause. What all of you are describing are menopausal symptoms. I went through natural menopause at age 50 and I'm 61 and still have hot flashes. I no longer have the depression and horrible mood swings. I sympathize with all of you who are premenopausal and have to go through all the hormonal changes because of taking Tamoxifen. Just be sure to be checked by your gyn for ovarian problems. {{hugs}}
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Ive been on it for 4 months
    Ive been on it for 4 months and It made me a little moody at first but not so bad now. My biggest thing was the dryness and feeling sore and now thats not so bad either.
    Good luck and hope the side effects are a minimum for you.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    jo jo said:

    Ive been on it for 4 months
    Ive been on it for 4 months and It made me a little moody at first but not so bad now. My biggest thing was the dryness and feeling sore and now thats not so bad either.
    Good luck and hope the side effects are a minimum for you.

    Hot, Hot, Hot
    I am on Tamoxifen now for about 6 months now. I take mine at night. I have a fan on me all night long. I seem to suffer with the heat durning the day. My face turns really red when I get over heated ( I hate that part ) can't even hide it with hair. Other than the heat, I don't seem to have any problems. Haven't been able to lose any weight, heard that can be a side affect. Oh well, have to do this for 5 years.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I started taking Tamoxifen in mid-March. The symptoms I noticed were intensified hotflashes- those calmed down after several months, dehydration, and decreased energy level.

    I found the need to drink more water when I woke up in the morning and when I'd go and do some exercises. Also, my energy level felt a tad bit zapped. Once my body became adjusted to the drug, my energy level started improving.

    I know these drugs have a boatload of side effects attached to them. Just understand that it doesn't necessarily mean you will get them. Take it all in small measures.

    Best of luck on your journey!