Anxiety (mine) - help! No, I mean really help!
First let me apologize for the length of this post. Also, at my guilt for posting when there are so many others with so much more going on. Well, it's not like I never experienced anxiety, however, it never put me in the ER. Until yesterday. This is what's going on.. My bc, though I met NED in April, this month - 10/28 -…
Good News & Not So Good News
Well the good news is my husband finally got his appointment for lung cancer surgery - Nov 1st. The not so good news is that although my mammogram came back normal considering my family history with breast cancer my pc doc wants me to have a consult with a breast surgeon to make sure the area that she thought was abnormal…
Today is marine911'swife's Birthday!
Best wishes for a great day filled with everything you love best! love, Jenny
I'm not very good a expressing myself but I feel for all of you. I remembered a card (Hallmark) my neice sent me that says it all. "The Oak Tree" A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the oak tree's leaves away, Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark until the oak was tired and stark. But still the oak tree held…
putting a pic up?
Can anyone explain how I put a pic up with username? thank you..alison
Today is Heatherbelle's Birthday!
Wishing you a wonderful birthday filled with everything you love ... and for many more to come!! love, Jenny
Port question...
Good morning. How long after treatment must a port stay in place? I know it could stay forever, but, if you want to have it removed, how long do you have to wait once treatments are complete? THanks in advance.
Please just LET IT GO..Thanks
I think enough has been said and enough is still being said. Let it go!!! Please stop making new posts relating to what has been going on. We don't need that. For goodness sake, we are fighting for our lives, we don't need a discussion that got out of hand to keep being brought up over and over. Thank you!
Rene9 how's the hair? And you?
Rene how is your hair doing these days and how are you doing. Just checking. KAH
My wife will be coming home tomorrow, and we decided on hospice. Unfortunately Lesley's mental status is poor, so I had to make the decision based on what the ONC and RAD ONC recommended. Any treatment at this point would only create more suffering and would not extend her life much further. There was in fact 3 spots on…
Finished !!!
Friday Oct 1st was my 6th and last treatment of Taxotere and Carboplain - but I still have to complete a year of Herceptin, but I can whip right through that. Anwyay - that last treatment really kicked my butt. I was down for the entire week-end to where it usually just starts to get me down Monday and last through Wed.…
Had my markers drawn today
I'm seeing my oncologist in one week and had all of my labs done today. Please send some healing vibes, good wishes, prayers--whatever you have. Thanks! I'm a little nervous.
More waiting and praying
Went to breast center today..Had a mammo,ultrasound,& FNA....So I am left waiting for pathology report..Again the doc. says "not to worry"...It was a cyst but it had some kind of suspicious tissue...But I am sending all my prayers out to all the others that have posted with their news....This disease is UGLY......
Tomorrow I will finally end up my relation with IV’s
I can’t believe that I already had 16 treatments, and tomorrow I will have my last Herceptin done, finnito, final… forever :) … So for those ladies that think OMG, a year of treatments, let me tell you that there is an end, and that everything in life - the good things and the not so good things - change and come to an…
I don't understand about Lymphedema &Seroma
I tried to search my question but can not get the answer I am looking for. Lately I am seeing many of our sisters have or had Seroma, or especially LYMPHEDEMA. What causes the condition to come in the first place. Lifting, Moving arm to much, or does it just take hold without cause??? Lymphedema sounds so painful I want to…
Finance question
I'm sure this has been asked and answered, but I can't seem to find the thread. So, if you'll bear with me.... Is there financial help out there for people WITH insurance, but have problems with co-pays because insurance deductible has not been met? Thanks. Jennifer
Agencies that help with copays.......
A couple of you have asked for the names and numbers of the groups I used so I thought I'd post it in a new thread. I have three numbers and the first one is the foundation that helped me. The criteria were that you had to have insurance but it didn't pay all of the bill, there's a certain income criteria (don't know what…
1st mammo after surgery and radiation
I went today for my 1st mammo and bone density test after my surgeries and radiation treatment. I find out the results tomorrow and I am nervous and I am praying for everything to be ok. I have blocked it out of my mind since radiation treatments ended in April and now the day has come too soon and I am stressing about the…
Making Strides in Costa Mesa - Who's in?
I know that VickiSam and her lovely daughter will be there, and I know that Traci and Trace are busy moving. Is anyone else coming?
New (to me) positive breast cancer website
A friend sent me the link below. I found the site really positive with lots of good (not necessarily new) information. Enjoy if you haven't been there. And, yes, they do sell stuff. http://www.breastcancerpartner.com/index.shtml Suzanne
Just wanted to share this
> A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have > been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of > innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the > top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to > flow down the spout. We all…
Today is ManWithAMission's birthday!
Best wishes for a great day and a wonderful, healthy year ahead! Celebrate! love, Jenny
Constipation Help!
I have tried Colace and I'm drinking alot of water as I have been. I had my 2nd chemo this past week and then it started. No problem at all after 1st. chemo. Does anyone have anything that they are doing that works to keep it all moving. :( I don't want this to become a big problem. Please help...thanks!
Today is m-star's birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful day! love, Jenny
radiation and taste
I have completed 4 of 6 weeks of radiation and am noticing some change in the way things taste. Has anyone else had this happen?
Anyone take parting part in a clinical trial, or know of one for us to check out?
Just wondering how to go about a search for one that would be appropriate.
Oncologist did not have good news yesterday
I did not want to post my news so close to Heidi's but since we are both fighting the same type of cancer, Infammatory Breast Cancer, i decided to put the info here today. He said that my cancer markers are still quite high, and the pain on my right side is from the liver tumor. Also, the reason i am so tired every day is…
Green tea is ok
P.A. asked onc. doc and called me back said having 1 cup of green tea is ok. I drink decaf.
Wish Me Luck Tomorrow!
I'm getting my yearly mammogram tomorrow morning! And though I'm 9 years out and should be a an "old pro" by now, I must admit that I still get a little nervous when it comes time to get the girl (I only have one "original" side) smashed like a pancake! LOL. Those fears of "what if they find something" start creeping back…
Skipper 85 - Update
Hello Everyone: I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. So many things are going on here. First of all thank you for all your prayers and posts. They are more comforting than you can imagine. Please know that I pray for all the pink ladies every night. My sister was moved to hospice on Saturday. They are slowly…