tram flap reconstruction
ok i had a tram flap march 1st 2012. i had a few complications but am working thru it. my questions for anyone with this surgery is when to the bulges under your breast go down and why on occasion do they feel like they are having spasms. i have a relatively small bugle over my stomach incision that hurts unless i wear a…
found a possible source of financial assistance...
It's called the pink fund... http://www.thepinkfund.org/the_pink_fund_application.php
that's when I just (long funny-ish story!)
Since my oncologist refuses to prescribe ANY meds for my getting-worse-everyday hip pain I went to my primary care. She did give me a script for the pain but it doesn't even begin to take the edge off the pain. She suggested some therapy and how using a tens(sp?) unit might help. Sounded promising enough...my bad! So,…
I'm Bad, I'm Sorry!!! Much Love!
Hello dearly loved pinks. I'm not totally bad and I do check in ever so often and try to keep up with all of you. Natly and I keep in touch and she also has kept me up on everyone. I have had so many health issues and dealing with them and the after effects of bc has kept me out of it a lot. As for bc, the docs say I'm in…
Today is Pokrydi's Birthday!
Today is Debi.18's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DEBI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all the candles on your cake become wishes that come true! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
To all of our new "members" and maybe some of our veterans
With all the new members, and so many of us struggling right now on this board, may I offer a recommendation that has certainly changed my life and helped me so much through this struggle. As some of you know, I attend a 2-hour group therapy session every week at a wonderful place called "The Wellness Community" here in…
Expander question
I am having expanders put in in July. I had a double mastectomy in December, but (obviously) no reconstruction. I'm wondering what does it feel like to have expanders in your chest. Are they soft, hard? Can you sleep on your stomach? My husband says my prosthetic breast forms feel like "memory foam pillows"...I'm thinking…
Femara vs Arimidex
Anyone switch from Femara to Arimidex with less side effects ? I've got hair loss, insomnia, joint pain, weight gain and severe sweating from Femara, but doctor thinks I'll have the same ones if I switch to Arimidex, but I think I'd like to try !!!
No treatment except mastectomy...
I'd like some HONEST answers from you please. Do you ladies believe ... honestly believe ... that if you don't have chemo, or whatever other treatment the oncologists suggest, that you will die. Even if after your mastectomies they can find no trace left of cancer.....
How do I remove myself from this website ?? Thanks
Cancer has found me again!!! Help!!!!
Hello, this is my 3rd Cancer. I had so much radation back in the 80's that it has given me breast cancer. My case is very different, I have a implant stim in my back, which means they can't do an MRI on me. The doctor told me they are not sure what they will see when they go in. They told me that the best option will be a…
Off to do "Mom things"
Some of you know, I've been on a roller coaster with my daughter's health for about 6 weeks. July 7 she had a uterine ablation for constant bleeding and cramping. It was supposed to fix things. I flew to Las Vegas to take care of her and the grands. She was absolutely fine - until I got back to Sacramento. Then she…
For the Phoenix girls
http://myhopebag.com/uploads/Vendor_Expo_-_General_Public_Flyer.pdf I ran across this last night and thought the Phoenix girls might be interested. It's an Expo this Saturday in Mesa. Deb
Hair resorting back to pre-chemo texture
When I found out I had to do chemo last September, I prayed that I would end up with better hair after the ordeal. I had very fine, straight, silky hair that lacked body and didn't hold a style. Well, after chemo, my hair came in very thick with a light wave. I actually laughed when my stylist said the last 3 haircuts that…
Help paying medical bills
Hello all. This is my first time posting anything on any site concerning my diagnosis. 2 months ago, I was blind sided with a diagnosis of breast cancer. I was right in the middle of a divorce. Since my diagnosis, I have had a bilateral mastectomy, started the initial stages of my breast reconstruction (expanders), had my…
How do we get that little man next to our name??
Don't recall how to get that little guy next to my name . I do think I had it at one time. Not sure what that little guy represents? Any suggestions?
Today is BJMom1's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BARBARA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Endometrial cells in cervix??? Update
Just had my pap test a little over a week ago and received a call today saying that my pap was negative but they had found endometrial cells. Since I have been on tamoxifen for 4 months and I know that it can cause uterine cancer I have to have an ultrasound and possible biopsy to figure out what is going on. The only good…
Dizzy Blonde, tumor markers and that darn ol onc doc
Hope all are having a tolerable weekend. I have a quick confession and question. About 10 days ago, I fell. I "tipped over" as I used to tell my MIL before she died (alzheimers). Problem: I told hubby, ER personnel, and work folks that I tripped on the cord to the iron. Really, I just got a dizzy spell and didn't have…
Blue Ribbon for a Pink Ribbon
Yup - I got a blue ribbon at the county fair that's going on now, for the tattted Pink Ribbon I entered (made from my own design/pattern). Was suprised as I really didn't think it was that good and primarily put it in because last year there had been no tatting entered and all the other pieces I still have had already been…
Need some opinions re support for Stage IV patients
When I finished treatment, I decided I wanted to give back, so I've been volunteering as a peer navigator at my health care provider. http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/youseethefuture/cpeernav.html I believe in the philosophy of this program and have felt good about participating. I so well remember the feelings of being…
I sit here and reflect upon this time last year when I learned I had breast cancer. Hearing the word cancer .... what an awful, scary, horrible word to hear! I remember feeling this lump while in bed. Everyone in the house was asleep. Except for me. My daughter and son in law had just flown in from Israel to spend a few…
OT - Lance Armstrong
I guess I must be the last one to know, but, did you read where Lance Armstrong was banned for life from cycling and stripped of his titles?
I stopped having my period after my first chemo in April, I had four infusions of taxotere and carboplatin which ended late June. I'm still waiting to see if my period comes back or not. Anyone have this happen to them? And if your period came back, how long did it take after chemo ends?
"PINK" garbage cans
I have seen a few in my area....don't know which company or how to get it My trash removal company. Anyone else have them or seen them? Denise
Hi Everyone.
First I want to thank Jean for helping me with updates. I just couldn't do it these past few weeks. And I am sorry that I haven't been posting as much as I use to. But I want you all to know that I think of all of you and pray for each of you every day. This site and the ladies on it have saved my life. I also want to…
Is There Any Pink Sister Here That Does Or Knows Anything About Scrapbooking?
I have been thinking about it, key word-thinking lol, but, I have no idea where I would even start. What do I buy and is it an expensive hobby? I wish I had some girlfriends that do it, but, none of them do and know nothing, just like me. lol Any help you can give me would be great! Thanks! Angie
This is not my idea of living.
Last Thursday I received my second infusion of Ixempra and started a second cycle of Xeloda. Over the weekend I developed an infection in my mouth (oral thrush) and yesterday I got a prescription called Nystatin to swish and swallow four times a day. Thankfully it doesn't taste too bad but when I swallow, it feels more…
OT- I'm so excited!
I'm really excited tonight. I want to shout from the roof tops! I'M RETIRED! Today was offically my last day of work. Now I can enjoy my life. Hugs, Georgia