Looking for support
My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. This is very new for all of us considering there is no family history of breast cancer. I do not know what is going to happen. She is facing having to remove both breasts. She goes to the surgeon tomorrow to discuss her options. I am just looking for support from people who…
So - how was your Holiday weekend?
Unfortunately ours started out with Hubby being really busy (he's a tow driver) BUT we had Sunday afternoon 'off' and then Monday morn we took Boss's boat to Sheridan Lake. Well - there were so many skiers and 'Ski-Doos' out that the the only thing we caught was a log that stole my new KastMatser. So we left and went to…
Anyone on Actonel ? and if so are you experiencing any side effects? With so many side effects I have from the Femara, I just don't think I'd be able to take any more side effects from the Actonel. I have read hundreds of reviews on the medication, and only 1 or 2 were good.
^th BIG treatment down
I have finally gotten my 6th BIG treatment behind me!!! It has been rough but I'm on the recovering side now. I had an unexpected overnight stay in the hospital Friday night with a small blood clot in my lung. Now on Coumidin(sp) for 6 months. White counts have bottomed out so Neupogen again this week. BUT no more Taxotere…
My oncologist appointment is tomorrow. Thanks for riding the pink bus. Prayers and kind thoughts welcome........also a margarita.........or two. xoxoxo Lynn
Miss Renee
Are you feeling any better? Thinking about you. Deb
dealing with and finding a support group for local recurrent breast cancer
I have been dealing alone with local recurrent breast cancer for 2 years without any group. In my area of Ct. there are no groups for this type of breast cancer and I was asked to leave the survivor group I was in. Devastating to me. I have tried for 2 years to get the local breast centers and The American Cancer Society…
implants too small, superficial complaint
I know I am lucky, for I have survived one year after diagnosis, gotten thru reconstruction, after expanders, on both sides. Well, they have settled, gravity has pulled them down. I am thin, was an A cup, the surgeon had to remove alot of tissue, and there is next to nothing that remains. It is very bony. I am not pleased…
How do you survive when people you love decide to leave you because you have cancer?
I'm not sure how to express this. I have several friends and family members who have said goodbye. Two freinds I've had for 30 plus years have recently said goodbye to our friendship. I'm very sad and wondering why. The only explanation I have come to understand is my cancer. Has anyone else had this experience?
Expander complications ?
First time user, please bear with me. I wanted to see if anyone has had any complications from the expanders. I had a b/l mast July 10 for right side ca. My left side has healed well, beside all the fluid built up. My right side not so much. I still have a drain in after 7 weeks, about 4 weeks ago I noticed a red shiny…
Healing Journeys
Anyone been to one of these? There's one in Sacramento Sept 8-9 and I'm torn. They're supposed to be really good, are free, but it's the whole weekend (you can attend one day only). Would like some feedeback before I commit. Suzanne
Nipple tattoos, any advice?
In a few months, my new set will be ready for the tattoos. Not sure if I should educate myself on my options to possibly get them done outside of my healthcare plan. My surgeon says that my HMO has a woman who does it for free, but I am hesitant because I want them to be nice. I don't want them generic, but alittle spiffy.…
Anyone go from implants to tram/diep flap?
Did you start out with implants and then have a tram flap or other using-your-own-tissue reconstruction? Why or what was the reason and are you ok with the results? What would you do different? (((Hugs)))
Happy Dance for friend
She has had tough time for over a year, misc surgeries, chemo, radiation and chemo-but she just told me she is going back to work part time starting Thursday! so happy she is now well enough to give it a whirl.. Denise
another game
4 words to make on going story When I was a _________________
I am so freakin done
I haven't posted in a while. But to recap, I had immediate reconsruction after my bilaral. Neither implant wanted to stay. My body, I guess, had had enough abuse and it did not tolerate intruders. The first one came out in May. I was still on chemo, and the hole still has not closed. 2nd one in July, skin is messed up. I…
Cancerversary! Yes or no?
Three years ago today I got the phone call and I've been fighting ever since. I've been on chemo or radiation all but 5 months in the last 3 years. I've undergone surgeries,and been put under 13 times. My question is, is it a cancerversary if you're still fighting or only if you're in remission? Regardless, it has been…
Can't go to Oct. Retreat - Bummer!
As 'older' ones here know I go to Retreats every 6 mnths at Ft. Meade (SD) and get so much from each one. Well this Oct. They are limiting who (and how many) can attend and it is limited to only those who have not attended a Retreat before - so that let's me out. The main purpose of the Retreats (privately funded primarily…
Pre cancerous breats cancer
My wife was told by an Onc that she has pre-cancerous breast cancer in her left breast. Onc. Said masectomy, or remove tumor and get 37 radiation treatments. Does anyone know if Photon treatment would work as opposed to these two choices? Mike
Oncologist Appointment
is tomorrow. This is the first one since learning about the newest growth in my lungs (while in the hospital). She did want to have the thoracic surgeon's input on this so I am hoping she got his report. Kinda scared. Yet feeling confident that these 2 doctors will know what to do and when to do it. Crap ... I wish this…
Please vote
My Grand Niece is entered in the Gerber photo search for 2012. Her name is Aleecia, Seminole Fl. All you have to do is click on vote and put in her name and place.Thanks every one. It is also early enough to enter your baby if you want to. Thanks every one. Your all in my prayer's and thoughts every day. God bless Kay,…
Lumpectomy vs Mastectomy
I met with my surgeon on Wednesday and she has told me that I have to have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. While I am pleasantly surprised by this, I am also wondering if it means that later on if I will eventually have to have a mastectomy anyway. She is also going to do a lymph node dissection because level 1 is…
Marathon For The Cause
Hi Everyone, I did a 5K walk today at the Marathon for The Cause. It is held for the Susan Komen Foundation that serves Oregon and SW Washington. It was great fun especially since my daughter was with me and we were able to take my dog along as well. So far this has been my fastest 5K. We completed the course in just under…
OT - phoenix tattoo
I posted a pic of my survivor stamp on my expression page. I love the design that the artist came up with. Cindy
Axillary Node Dissection
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed 100,000 times, but I have a question. I have about a 4 or 5 inch incision under my arm from the dissection of my lymph nodes. It has been a couple of weeks since the procedure and the incision still feels like the skin is pulling even though visibly it is not. It isn't red, and I…
All good that would routine checkup today
Would work came back good, next month I go for a memo bone density in breast ultrasound. I've only had an ultrasound please surgery which is over 4 years ago. This week I'm starting my 5th yrI on tamoxifen
Well, it's been a year since my diagnosis. What a year it's been! I remember feeling the lump and then the fright that accompanied it. I remember feeling so alone with my feelings at that very moment. My family was sound asleep and I could not wake anyone up. I wouldn't do that to them. I left my bed and headed to the…
Still crocheting hats for our chemo clinics
I visited my old job today and asked my friend Sherlyn if she needed any more hats. She sells some of them for me to help with my yarn expenses. She told me that she did not need any yet but that she could use some in kid sizes. I asked her why. Turns out a lady in the next office was trying to find a hat to fit her 4 year…
More Stuff?
I've Been off the boards for awhile, so busy living life! My 1 yr. diagnosis anniversary passed, mammos were clear, so pretty much everything is good, I think. I had a regular visit with my Oncologist last Fri and tomorrow I go in for a transvaginal ultrasound and an ultrasound on my right breast. After discussing some…
What Next?
I just noticed that the site, What Next, is offered by the American Cancer Society. I don't know how long it has been around, but, was wondering if anyone here participates in that site and if you like it.