Dodged a hugh bullet
Hi I was diagnosis for the second time in 10 years with Breast Cancer. The first time was a lumpectomy followed by Chemo and radiation. All was well until my mamo in august 2012. I was very indecisive regarding the type of surgery I should have. Lumpectomy or Masectomy. I also took the BRACA test and that came back…
OUCH!! Where did that pain come from?
This is my 6th week post-op bilateral mastectomy, have had problems with affected breast from get go, have ad jp drains until last weekend when suture line popped open, have been packing hole twice a day as ordered but today all of a sudden i had 3 very sharp, like hold yourself and bend over pain, 3 times and now i hurt…
Phew! It was scary and devastating. We lost all power, heat, phones, internet ... everything for 4 days. Hubby is still in NYC. He is so exhausted. Working 16 hour days. I hope he doesn't get so run down that he gets sick. I am so worried about him. With the short days upon us, I dreaded seeing the clock tick away. 5:30…
Help! anyone live near the Rianbow bridge in Niagara Falls?
My daughter had to leave a bunch of her belongings there and they will be trashed. Can you hel me retrieve them? Sue
Praying that all of you on the East coast will be safe during this storm.
I hope the forecasters are wrong and that Sandy isn't going to be bad for any of you. Stay safe!
Tamoxifen and Leg Cramps - Remedy that works for me
I also experienced severe leg cramps during the night from taking Tamoxifen. I was told about Trace Minerals Electrolyte Stamina, that I purchased from my local health food store. At bedtime I started taking 6 pills for two nights, then 5 pills for two nights, etc, working down to 3 pills which I have maintained. This has…
I have already had 5 rounds chemo with the last being switched to Taxotere and Herceptin. The pain has been almost unbearable. For 48 hours the pain was true agony and the next 24 just agony. Pain meds barely touched it. It is eased up now, but do not want to go through the agony again, any suggestions ?
Cancer Patients and Family History
Hi Everyone, It has been a while since I have been on here and very lucky to be here. I have some information on Arimidex and blood clots. On Sept. 21st I went to see my oncologist cause I wasn't feeling good. I thought I had a bad cold and flu. I was weak, had a hard time breathing and my ankles and legs were swollen so I…
Paddling' like Madalyn
Years ago I heard a story about a frog named Madalyn. She fell into a pail of milk and could not get out no matter how hard she tried. She just knew that this would be the end, she would drown. But Madalyn just would not, could not give up. Exhausted as she was, she just kept paddling. She paddled all night long and to her…
repeat surgery after lumpectomy
I just had a lumpectomy 1.5 weeks ago and apparently she did not get clean margins and wants me to have a 2nd biopsy due to inconclusive calcifications in the tissue sample that did not shop up on the mammogram, and if that sample comes clean to do an additional surgery for clean margins. Feeling rather insecure about this…
Parenthood show focus on breast cancer
Is anyone watching this. I think it is very close to the real experience. Glad they chose this plot thread. Roseann
A Funny for Friday ..
I fish After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married. On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire…
I started arimidex on October 10th. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any pimples on your face with this medicine. I have had a pimple on my face for at last 2 weeks which is highly unusual for me. I do not have acne and I never have had it. Has anyone experienced this Thanks Patricia
Post-lumpectomy pain from fluid build-up **Update - Revised 11/1**
I am now 2 weeks post-lumpectomy, and my pain level is the worst it has been, and not controlled by meds. Yesterday, my surgeon drained off over 10 cc of fluid from my breast, hoping to give me some relief. However, improvement was negligible. She'll be draining off more tomorrow, but if she can't give me relief is talking…
MAJW - Nancy's obituary
Just wanted everyone to know that New Flower & I decided yesterday to send flowers to Nancy's family. I just read that the family is requesting donations to the cancer center. If anyone would like to contribute towards the flowers, let me know and any extra will be sent to the Cancer Center. Here is her obituary. xoxo…
Yeah jp out!!
Yeah the drain is out but now i get to have occupational therapy, yep, i get to pack my gapping hole in the suture line 2x or more aday and go back in a week, plus atb for a week, but all in all a good outcome. It was freaking my husband out to look down into my chest, ugh, i thought it was kinda cool, but then im weird…
O.T. 6 yrs
My mom died six years ago today...not from cancer! She contact Hype C some how and ended up with chirrosis (SP?)of live. That is also a aterrible thing to deal with. Anyhow I have been thinking of her more often today (of course) Denise with that said I have a new grand niece born last night..named after my mom "Faith"…
Checking in to say Hi.
I have not been on here for awhile.But I never forget my dear friends on here that helped me get through Breast Cancer.I am doing really well Thank God.And I Pray the same for you as well.Take care.Love you all.
3 month check up
Mammo and ultrasound on non cancer side OK. Blood work Ok. Arimedix changed to Femara. Hopefully I can relax for another 3 months. Yeah right! Uh Oh, Lunesta is kicking in. Need to go take advantage of it while I can. Good Nite! Deb
Less than 2 weeks on chemo
and have a bronchial infection, on antibiotics, cough syrup with codine, and steroids. DR. doesn't know if I just picked up a bug or if immune system is not tolerating the chemo. Thought Pneumonia at first but chest x-ray showed not. Big question is do I stay on chemo? My onco ordered x-ray yesterday, his office called…
I made it with some down trees
I hope everyone in the path has made it through Sandy safe. In the part of northern NJ I am in we made it safe and kept power and phone. I pray everyone else is safe and sound
For My Friends in Sandy's Path
I pray you won't need this, but here are some things that I found very helpful in the last hurricane here. Unfortunately, I have had way too much experience with hurricanes :-( 1. If you have a smart phone, find a good app. The app that I used for Isaac was Hurricane Software.com (I have an android phone). It was…
3 years ago today
I began this journey. My surgery was on December 7th. I found this site shortly after. Thank you all for helping me so much. Sue
Stage 2A
Has anyone been diagnosd with stage 2A cancer and what did they tell you. Yhey started me on chemo to shrink the tumor then surgery then I guess radiation. Just curious about it.
Meditation Helps Stress, Pain, Attitude
This is my first post. I am a one year survivor of breast cancer. When I had a rough time with treatment (I have autoimmune challenges), I wrote meditations daily and used them. They helped me with stress,pain, fear , and getting rid of any negative thoughts. I still use these meditations. I published my guided imagery…
~~~~ Trick Or Treat ~~~~
Is anyone going trick or treating this Halloween or having a party? Rumor has it that honey boo boo and mama are the big rage this year for costumes. LOL Or, do you want to share some of your memories of a past Halloween, what you wore or what you did? I bet some of you did a few tricks, didn't you? LOL ………^v^… ^v^ …….–.…
Has Anyone Heard From Mary (MsGebby)?
Has anyone heard from Mary? She lives near NY. Of course, she could just be without power. Doris
OT - Pray for me and NJ
We are smack dab in the worst path of this perfect storm! My stomach is sick worrying about this storm. Please send NJ a prayer (or 2) to keep us safe. OMG ... I hope this is not prequel to what our winter is going to be.
Hi, has anyone else had problems with doctors who refuse to listen to your wishes about not doing IVs on the affected arm? I am scheduled to have a shoulder replacement surgery on my left shoulder two weeks from today. I had a mastectomy on my right side thirteen years ago. I have not developed lymphedema. I believe it is…
O.T. week later HONEST PERSON stepped up
My daughter took her son to big fall festival last week. when she got home she discoverd her wallet missing. She went back , searched, asked, left # and nothing. Last night my door bell rang...stranger drove her wallet home with all her cards, checks and CASH still there. (OF course she canceled everything-but so good to…