gray dosage
Anyone know if 53.6 grays (total for treatment) is a large dosage?
my neurapathy solution
First off, let me say that it's not a completely effective solution but does seem to help. Second, I just want to share what I'm doing in case others might want to try it (it's pretty harmless) but I have no idea if it would work for anyone else. My neuropathy is focused around my right knee, which suffered a moderately…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
I have been reading articles lately on the positive results, and a few not so, of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on improving tissue damage from pelvic radiation. Just wondering if anyone has any personal experience or knowledge of this therapy.
Traveling for treatment
I'm wondering how difficult it is to travel for treatment. I see that many of you have. Where did you stay? Hotels? And did u have to have a caregiver with you? Thanks for any info.
does anybody know...
Does anybody know what secondary cancers result from pelvic radiation combined with mitomycin and 5FU, and what the incidences of those cancers are? I think that leukemias are the most commonly occuring secondary cancers but I'm not sure and am seeking more concrete information. I'll ask my two oncologists but don't have…
Wishes for the New Year
Wishing that the newly diagnosed be blessed with the strength to endure treatment and side effects and all the anal cancer survivors NED tests. I have been away from the site for a while dealing with elderly ailing parents. This site has been a blessing to me during treatment and recovery. Bless you all ~Carol
anyone suffer from constipation during
Anyone ever suffer from constipation during treatment? I went from watery diarrhea after the first round of chemo to a gradual slowing and now I've gone the other way. I'm approaching the end of week two of treatment and "went" a little yesterday and very, very little today and it's making me feel sluggish and sick. Anyone…
new diagnosis
I was just diagnosed with anal cancer. The pathology states " infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma" I have an appt with an oncologist. i am trying to search for a specialist in oncology, but am having a hard time locating such. Any suggestions?
Friend who had anal canal cancer
I have a friend that had anal canal cancer. If you want to know her story send me a private message and I will send you a link to her unconventional cure.
urethral discharge
I have been done with chemo and radiation since the end of July/first of August. Around the end of August/beginning of September, I started having a discharge. I went to my PCP and she did a urine test and found WBC and RBC in the urine. She prescribed CIPRO antibiotic and after 4 days of the 7, she advised me to stop…
Started Treatment
So I started treatment last Thursday. Got my chemo connected and started radiation. Chemo came off yesterday. I was very excited to get rid of my leash. I must have caught on every door knob handle in this house. The home nurse came out to remove it. She had to redress my picc site as well. She had to leave me half dressed…
Celebrating Christmas ...found this post on webmd.
I want to share this with all of you undergoing treatments. You are in my prayers! The headline above is a quote from “Anonymous,” one of my favorites from that prolific author. I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea, as the United States reels from the horrific mass shooting of first-graders and their teachers in…
Merry Christmas and a Happy Chanuka to all
Let's raise a glass to the coming year....
sitz question
My radio onc has forbidden me from using a sitz bath with or without epsom salts (including plain water) or even from taking a bath (showers only) when the burns come (they haven't yet). This seems to contradict what I've read on this site, unless I've misunderstood what I've read. Can someone clarify this for me? Have you…
Keeping a positive outlook
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, as I get further into my post treatment for this and then a subsequent, cancer. I really believe that our outlook and attitude have a great deal to do with how we handle treatments, how we heal, and how we live life fully, despite the ever present possibilty of recurrence. We…
Anyon experience internal pain way before external burns appeared? I'm only starting the 2nd week of treatment. I assume that the focus of the pain is the tumor itself since I can localize the sensation to a pretty narrowly defined location. It's sharp, constant and sometimes throbs. Does this sound familiar to anyone,…
port question
Were any of you able to feel the catheter (not the port) under your skin in the area near the collar bone? I don't mean feel it from the inside, but able to trace it with your finger.
Hello again, update
HI everyone, I wanted to stop by and THANK YOU for all you kindness and informational posts. (they have proven to be a godsend to me) some of you may remember me, I just wanted to ck back in to let you all know how I am doing since you all had/have been so kind to me when I was diagnosed. I found you all back in Oct when I…
Working towards a cure
Just read this and had to share. Wouldn't this be amazing! For people like me, this might just work! From The New York Times: GENETIC GAMBLE : Drugs Aim to Make Several Types of Cancer Self-Destruct Three pharmaceutical firms are trying to restore a mechanism that normally tells cells to die if their DNA is badly damaged,…
This is only day 4 and a few hours after the 4th radiation tx, I think I'm feeling the beginning of burns. Has anyone else had this so early on in the treatmens and if so, what does that mean for the 25 days that remain? Applied aquaphor but how do you get it off before the next radiation? It's very thick and not water…
articile: A True Cancer Vaccine?
Current Events in Context: A True Cancer Vaccine? The experimental science of gene therapy has scored a major victory, and gained an adorable new spokesperson, thanks to the remarkable success of a new leukemia treatment for seven-year old Emma Whitehead. This bright-eyed, young girl was diagnosed at age five with acute…
Urethra Problem 9 days post treatment
Hello everyone, It's me again. Gigi with another problem post treatment. I've started to heal and things aren't stinging like they have. And I'm not near as red. But... I've noticed during self exams that I've not been able to identify my urethra. I thought it was because of the swelling but today with some swelling gone,…
Here's another newbie
Hi everyone. I have anal cancer (feel like I'm in front of a group of an AA meeting! :-) I'm T2 N0 M0; I've had all my tests done and start chemo and radiation this coming Monday. I've been reading this wonderful forum to find out as much as I can before something comes up and I'm unprepared. I'm so glad I was given this…
call ACS regarding inablity to post replies
Call the American Cancer Society and tell them about the problem. I called last night but the more calls, the better.
trying to post but can't
testing..... okaaayyy...posting a new subject worked but I can't seem to post a response to any existing Subjects...any suggestions? i'm using Firefox. Tried Internet Explorer but that didn't work either. I composed a response, then hit Preview, then Submit...am I missing something? Thanks!
end of week one and a mystery solved
First week of radiation done, first round of chemo as well. The reason that the the port was killing me was because there was a blister under the plastic part that holds the needle. I react to just about everything, tegaderm, the plastic from the needle holder, everything (as well as an anaphylactic reaction to latex). It…
Just testing out the new upgrade!
It's been a quiet day, but the site is back up!
fatigue and thirst
I'm about to start day 3 (meaning that I've had the mitomycin infusion and have been on the 5FU pump for just a little less than 3 days) but started to feel the full brunt of fatigue last night. Also experiencing unusual (not excessive but unusual) thirst. Has anyone else experieced this? Will report both to the medical…
Had first follow up and am worried
Hi everyone. I had my first follow up doc visits and scans yesterday. The chemo oncologist, his resident, and the resident of the radiation oncologist said the PET and CT scans looked good. The radiation oncologist though was more guarded. He said he wanted to see how things look in three months. The radiation oncologist…
Planned CSN Outage
CSN will be down from 9 pm Eastern Time Thursday (tomorrow) until 9 am Eastern Time Friday getting a badly needed software upgrade. You will notice a few formatting changes and enhancements. Most importantly, site functionality should improve significantly. Regards, Greta aka Your CSN staff