Teeth after chemo..
Went to my dentist and was very surprised to find out that tooth decay is prevelant after chemo. I haven't had a cavity in YEARS and now have five! Two under crowns and two behind veneers...... Just saying....
Reaching out to this site again
I still "lurk" but I kinda stayed off of this site while I've been going through this process. I was diagnosed December 14th and will finally be starting treatment Monday February 25. (I think). I started out with a colonoscopy and then the numerous scans and tests. It wasn't until the PET Scan that anything showed up. I…
And So It Begins
For the most part, I have been just sitting back and "lurking" on here. I was first diagnosed with anal cancer on 3/15/2012. At first they thought they got it surgically, but to paraphrase Nietzsche, "That which does not kill me grows back and tries again." I started chemotherapy and radiation therapy today. I'm getting…
Off topic....big blizzard
Well, I have my firewood, my food, water, flashlighhts. Are there any others in the NY/New England area?
starting to feel
Scan Results
Just back from MD Anderson. Scans are all good thank God. 3 1/12 years now, but always one day a t ime. Lori, how did your check up go? Liz
Good News Today
Last weeks ct showed a spot on my right lung, and lymphatic involvement. Had a petscan today, lung is good YEA! Only 1 lymph node involved (inguinal). Still IIIB which was a little disappointing but better than it could have been for sure. Colonoscopy tomorrow, port next week and then full steam ahead to kick this dude's…
anal cancer convention
we all are from interesting areas of the country .... and hearing about all of the snow with you Northerners makes me wish i could meet all of you....we should all get together some where in the middle of the country, if possible, .... i really know that it is not possible due to work, healing, appts, finances, etc.... but…
false negative?
Hello, i had a petscan done on my colon . it showed uptake fdg of 7 and a mass. Had a catscan done showed nothing?...now doctor wont do anything..what can i do?
Hi friends. Just a quick note to let you know that I have been having some very severe abdominal pain the last 4 days accompanied with vomiting. It got so bad last evening that I had my husband take me to the ER. I was admitted and still don't know what caused this. ER doc and my friend, Dr. Mac, thinks it may be either an…
Scared 29 years old
Hi everyone. I have been reading this board for a couple weeks now ad I am scared I may have anal cancer. I am 29 marriEd with a 3 year old son. I am frightened beyond Belief. I saw a GI about 3 weeks ago he performed a DRE and said everything felt normal but ordered a ct scan. CT scan was normal except for a small leaking…
And So It Begins
For the most part, I have been just sitting back and "lurking" on here. I was first diagnosed with anal cancer on 3/15/2012. At first they thought they got it surgically, but to paraphrase Nietzsche, "That which does not kill me grows back and tries again." I started chemotherapy and radiation therapy today. I'm getting…
Anyone had Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment?
Hi, all, I haven't been around a lot since my treatment ended, but I do lurk a bit ;) . The last time I visited my colorectal surgeon, he recommended hyperbaric treatment. The way I understand it is that the increased oxygen therapy hastens the healing of radiation side effects and damage and gets those tissues back the…
Alone right now
Never thought I would do anything like this; last Thursday (on the 1 yr anniversary of my mother's death) I was diagnosed with anal cancer. Too embarrassed to have a "hemorroid" (or so I thought) addressed, I waited for a couple of years. Darn it! Biopsy results will be back Monday, but the surgeon said she has no doubt…
CT done, showed lymphatic involvement and 1 small spot in r lung. Pet scan next. Did finally get to meet the Oncologist yesterday and will meet the radiologist this Thursday. Port placement scheduled for next Tuesday and chemo/radiation to start on the 18th. Finally a plan, just want to get this show on the road and be…
Good News today
We got the news we wanted to hear today, NED never sounded so good. Now hubby just has to hope a lot of the other issues will dissipate in due time. The oncologist did tell him the eye sight will not improve so we will be off for a new pair of glasses. Hope all the newbies are hanging in there, the tx was tough yet we are…
Another newbie to this "select" group
Greetings, all . . . . I'm thankful to have finally found this site after realizing what a "lonely" cancer this is to have, and how uninformed both the public and many medical personnel are. I confess to a bit of cyber-stalking over the last few days, as I've attempted to get my ducks in order. My story, I'm sure, is…
Another lump
Hello everyone my mil had a biopsy the other day and the dr said he was sure it was anal cancer but had to wait until the biopsy results came back before he could tell us anything else. we go in the 11th to find out. She just told us tonight that there is another lump in her anal region that was not there before. Should we…
question about internal pain
Has anyone experienced internal pain (not external) that's more or less constant (worse when I "go" but never really gone) starting at the end of week 2? My radio oncologist says that it can't be from the radiation and this seems absurd to me. Has anyone had more or less constant internal pain after week 2?
All Done :)
Well, my last treatment was last Thursday. So thankful to be done. I wanted to go over a few of my post treatment pains and side effects. Of course I still have internal pain when I have a bm. I'm still drinking a lot of my meals hoping I don't have to go as often. I suspect that will let up some in the next couple of…
New Study regarding link between dairy and bone health
I saw this on the news this morning and thought it was worth passing on considering our potential hip problems after radiation. Eat your Greek yogurt! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130201132336.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+sciencedaily+(ScienceDaily:+Latest+Science+News)…
tapering off oxycontin
Hi everyone I will soon start to taper off the oxycontin I have been taking since October. I am curious to know how this experience was for other people. Was it easy? Was it awful? How long did it take as you tapered off to be off completely? Did you experience any withdrawal symptoms? I'd like to hear about any experience…
my mom was diagnosed anal cancer grade III A
Hello everybody.I 'm a new member of this gorgeous Forum.My mother age 58 was diagnosed anal cancer stage III a, it spreads into vagina rectum anus muscles but the lymph nodes hadn't been involved (yet).We live in Italy and here, in my country there are a few information regarding this rare cancer. My mother has just begun…
VOTE for Anal Cancer "Color" Now!
http://www.analcancerfoundation.org/news/vote/ The Farrah Fawcett Foundation and the HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation want your vote!
Results are in
Well some of them anyway, biopsy confirmed squamous cell. Now waiting for the navigator to call with staging/oncology/testing appointments and port appointment. This waiting is making me a little crazy(ier) but what a relief to be able to tell my family and a few friends last night.
YIKES! This is getting complicated....
I had a PET Scan on Monday. If any of you had seen my previous posts under GOOD NEWS BUT.... you will know where I was in this process. In short, after my original diagnosis nothing showed up at all on my CT or MRI. They put my case in front of the tumor board last Thurs. They called me after the meeting that day and said…
anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade lll
This is what they put on my MILs discharge papers from her biopsy it was under diagnosis can anyone tell me what this mean?
Hi All just wanted to check in since ive not posted since my last post. Took MIL to the coloretal surgeon had a biopsy done yesterday. He said we wouldnt get the results for a week to 10 days but he told me and hubby that he is postive it is anal cancer. I asked him if the biopsy would tell if it had spread anywhere else,…
'Behind Cancer Campaign'
The UK's 'Behind Cancer' campaign is outstanding. http://www.behindcancercampaign.co.uk/ http://www.analcancerfoundation.org/2012/11/17/two-families-twelve-models-one-mission-de-stigmatizing-anal-cancer/ From what I understand they haven't launched anything like this in the US. Why not? This is perfect in helping…
Hello, hoping for some feedback from someone. It has been a while since I posted, the answers to my last post to the board were most helpful for my husband. Now he is dealing with more unpleasantries. His last day of tx was 11/2/2012. The first few weeks in recovery were rough, thank godness healing happened way faster…