Disappointed but not surprised

jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member

I asked my surgeon to try doing the DRE and anoscopy in his office instead of outpatient surgery.  He agreed with the caveat that I had to tell him as soon as it was too painful to continue. So this week I went in, having taken valium as he suggested both to relax all of me and to relax the anal sphincter.  He had barely started the exam when he stopped and said it just wasn't going to work.  My anal opening is just too small. He said that may change over time but now I am not hopeful.  We scheduled the outpatient surgery for Sept. 24.  I've had two of these EUAs and now I going to have another.  Does anyone else here only have EUAs rather than office exams?  I so appreciate my doctor's concern.  I just wish it could be different.

The only good outcome of my appointment this week was that when I got home, doped up on valium, I took a lovely two hour nap with my cat.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I really can't say anything about the EUA's, as I've never had one performed.  I have never had any issues with in-office exams that include DRE and anoscope.  I just had those done on September 4th.  I'm sorry that this continues to be impossible for you.  I hope everything will go more smoothly for you on the 24th.  Please let us know.

  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    mp327 said:


    I really can't say anything about the EUA's, as I've never had one performed.  I have never had any issues with in-office exams that include DRE and anoscope.  I just had those done on September 4th.  I'm sorry that this continues to be impossible for you.  I hope everything will go more smoothly for you on the 24th.  Please let us know.

    Me either


    Like Martha, in this way I too have been luckier. At my last exam with Dr. Weiser, my colorectal surgeon, he showed his new nurse by lifting my cheek so she could see clearer and she cucked her head over practically putting her nose to my rear to peek, what radiated tissue looks like. 

    I have not had the curiosity to look at pictures or in the mirror so I am blissfully naieve about the tissue changes except for the fact that I use coconut oil or vitamin e oil at least once at day and most days twice along with the aquaphor across the entire perianal region to try to restore moisture to the area. This would not help in your case. I asked about anal suppositories but no one recommends them. Vitamin E suppositories for the vagina, I use also along with replens. I can't believe how much money I spend on moisturizers for "down there." It's competing for youthfulness with my face!

    Anyway, I am sorry you are having this difficulty but it's important and very courageous of you that you continue this followup care.

    All the best,


  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    sandysp said:

    Me either


    Like Martha, in this way I too have been luckier. At my last exam with Dr. Weiser, my colorectal surgeon, he showed his new nurse by lifting my cheek so she could see clearer and she cucked her head over practically putting her nose to my rear to peek, what radiated tissue looks like. 

    I have not had the curiosity to look at pictures or in the mirror so I am blissfully naieve about the tissue changes except for the fact that I use coconut oil or vitamin e oil at least once at day and most days twice along with the aquaphor across the entire perianal region to try to restore moisture to the area. This would not help in your case. I asked about anal suppositories but no one recommends them. Vitamin E suppositories for the vagina, I use also along with replens. I can't believe how much money I spend on moisturizers for "down there." It's competing for youthfulness with my face!

    Anyway, I am sorry you are having this difficulty but it's important and very courageous of you that you continue this followup care.

    All the best,



    You should ask the doc about dialators or even having it dilated. 

  • ppaseka
    ppaseka Member Posts: 70

    My wife's rad onc gave her a set of dilators for "each"  

  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    thanks everyone

    This is such a kind and helpful group of people. I always appreciate the advice and support we give each other.


    phoebesnow, the doctor said he will dilate during the EUA for a better look.


    ppaseka, I’ve got vaginal dilators but never heard of an anal dilator until now.  Fascinating.



  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    jcruz said:

    thanks everyone

    This is such a kind and helpful group of people. I always appreciate the advice and support we give each other.


    phoebesnow, the doctor said he will dilate during the EUA for a better look.


    ppaseka, I’ve got vaginal dilators but never heard of an anal dilator until now.  Fascinating.




    Hi Janet,

    Since treatment ended, I have had a few EUA's. My consultant considers it the best option to examine during the early days, as it can be painful, plus the way our muscles aautomatically contract. The tumour I had was nearer the rectum. When he last examined me in July it was as an outpatient & no EUA. 

    I seem to remember someone saying they ate houmous to make stools bigger, or was it a different type of liquid fibre? Maybe someone else remembers. But that might naturally help the situation.


  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    pializ said:


    Hi Janet,

    Since treatment ended, I have had a few EUA's. My consultant considers it the best option to examine during the early days, as it can be painful, plus the way our muscles aautomatically contract. The tumour I had was nearer the rectum. When he last examined me in July it was as an outpatient & no EUA. 

    I seem to remember someone saying they ate houmous to make stools bigger, or was it a different type of liquid fibre? Maybe someone else remembers. But that might naturally help the situation.


    It's good to hear that


    It's good to hear that you have gone from EUAs to office exams.  It may or may not happen for me and I'll just live with that.  It's a good thing I have excellent insurance coverage as I've just gotten the estimated doctor and hospital fees for the procedure.  Astonishing!

    I have been drinking thick glasses of psyllium and either juice or water since I think I was still in treatment.  It helps with bulk and smooth passage.  Happy to say I rarely have pain during BMs.  So I think I just may always have this stenosis.  My rad. onc. can do a digital exam but her hands are much smaller than my surgeon's.  Small favors.

    Anyway, I'll get through the EUA and move on to the next scan and then to Oct. 18th, the 2nd anniversary of my last day of treatment.  Hooray!


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member

    Sorry about the EUA, I'm fearing that too. I see the colorectal surgeon in 2 weeks so I am glad you mentioned the valium, I wil take note and be prepared as she may do the anoscope that day in the office. keep us posted and wishing you a good report !

  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    had the EUA on the 24th

    I had my exam under anesthesia on the 24th and I think I may always have them rather than the office procedure.  It's Saturday the 27th and I am still experiencing pain and bloody discharge.  I wisely gave up on toughing out the pain and am taking oxycontin for a few days - yes, the post-procedure pain was that bad.  I definitely feel man-handled.  I'm so curious to hear from my surgeon about just how small my anal opening is.  I'll see him next week for a follow-up.  I had a spinal and what the anesthesiologist said was light sedation.  I was in recovery for quite a while.  I just could not wake up.  That hasn't happened with me before.  I know I've got quite a cocktail of medications in me including 2 anti-depressants so maybe I respond to sedation differently now.  I didn't feel all the way awake for a full 24 hours after the procedure.

    I've been off work for a few days.  Sitz baths, snuggles with my cat, slow walks, and a lot of words with friends.  Not bad I guess.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member
    jcruz said:

    had the EUA on the 24th

    I had my exam under anesthesia on the 24th and I think I may always have them rather than the office procedure.  It's Saturday the 27th and I am still experiencing pain and bloody discharge.  I wisely gave up on toughing out the pain and am taking oxycontin for a few days - yes, the post-procedure pain was that bad.  I definitely feel man-handled.  I'm so curious to hear from my surgeon about just how small my anal opening is.  I'll see him next week for a follow-up.  I had a spinal and what the anesthesiologist said was light sedation.  I was in recovery for quite a while.  I just could not wake up.  That hasn't happened with me before.  I know I've got quite a cocktail of medications in me including 2 anti-depressants so maybe I respond to sedation differently now.  I didn't feel all the way awake for a full 24 hours after the procedure.

    I've been off work for a few days.  Sitz baths, snuggles with my cat, slow walks, and a lot of words with friends.  Not bad I guess.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.



    wishing you a speedy recovery and to be quickly pain free :)

  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member
    sandysp said:

    Me either


    Like Martha, in this way I too have been luckier. At my last exam with Dr. Weiser, my colorectal surgeon, he showed his new nurse by lifting my cheek so she could see clearer and she cucked her head over practically putting her nose to my rear to peek, what radiated tissue looks like. 

    I have not had the curiosity to look at pictures or in the mirror so I am blissfully naieve about the tissue changes except for the fact that I use coconut oil or vitamin e oil at least once at day and most days twice along with the aquaphor across the entire perianal region to try to restore moisture to the area. This would not help in your case. I asked about anal suppositories but no one recommends them. Vitamin E suppositories for the vagina, I use also along with replens. I can't believe how much money I spend on moisturizers for "down there." It's competing for youthfulness with my face!

    Anyway, I am sorry you are having this difficulty but it's important and very courageous of you that you continue this followup care.

    All the best,


    "Down there" treatment


    My radiation oncologist prescribed Annusol suppositories for me throughout treatment and during the recovery period, 2 x day during most of the time, but 4 x day for weeks at the peak of red-eyed, white knuckled burn pain. I can't really say that I felt any great relief from the hydrocortisone in the med, but the melted wax from the supository really helps with interior lubrication.

    Do you insert the coconut oil vaginally or rectally or both? How - a gloved hand, an applicator?

    My first colo-rectal exam was under anesthesia because I was unable to cooperate in the office with the digital exam or even contemplate an anoscope. I'll have to get back to you after Tuesday about the next exam, but several days ago, my pain level rose dramtically, so I'm not looking forward to it.

  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    qv62 said:


    wishing you a speedy recovery and to be quickly pain free :)


    Thanks for your good wishes.  I'm feeling much better today.  I was so curious about having some really specific places that I was experiencing the pain that I just had to look.  I got out my mirror to check down there and could actually see bruises near my anus.  I hate to think what was done in order to be bruised there.  Ah well, it's in the past and hopefully the news is good.