New to Board - Proton Beam Therapy anyone?
I just wanted to say hi. I am new to the board. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 with EC. The details are in my bio. I am getting Proton at MD Anderson and am wondering if anyone else has received Proton Beam Therapy instead of regular radiation. Blessings to all, --Deborah
Update on Jeff...and blessings for Jeff Thomas, Nick and Terry, and Erica and John
Hi folks, I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate your support and comments. Jeff is doing very well, he is in the ICU and they are managing his pain well. Today he moved from his bed to the chair, and then tonight he took a walk around the ICU! The nurses say he is doing really well. All of you that are…
Progress for Luis
Luis passed his swallow test yesterday and today the doctors took out his NG tube!! He is feeling so much better without the dreaded NG tube! They have begun him on clear liquids as well. He is only to take in 4 oz over 6 hours but he said he is glad to taste apple juice again. Hopefully, the chest tubes will be removed…
Vomiting up anything he swallows
Hi, my dad was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in September last year (as a result of Barretts disease). He had a round of chemo and radiation in preparation for surgery early 2011 but the PET scan in January showed the Cancer had moved to a node in his neck. He is no longer a viable patient for the surgery. He is…
Stable is good
We received CT scan results today. Chad (my husband) has been on Irinotecan since sometime in May and has had several scans over the last three months. Today's results show the nodes in his neck remain unchanged. While we would have hoped for them to be smaller, we're very thankful that they aren't bigger and there is no…
Attention on Deck.....The Node is Negative
God is good. Got a call from the surgeon's office about 4:30 this afternoon. The biopsy on the suspicious lymph node came back negative. So we're pressing on toward surgery. Should have the date in a day or so. Have all the pre-op stuff scheduled for tomorrow (breathing test, etc.) Thanks for all your comments and prayers.…
Surgery is scheduled
As a reminder, I'm one of the "lucky" ones who is early Stage I and will have an MIE with no pre-op chemo or radiation. My wife and I met with the surgeon last week and he said his Assistant would call me with the date for my surgery as soon as it is scheduled. That was on Wednesday and I hadn't heard from her yet, so I…
Bill had a stroke
Will it never end????? Bill was doing so well after his EC surgery. His was April 25th, and his doctor said he didn't have to come back until his 6 month check-up. Well, last Thursday, he had a rather severe stroke of the cerebellum, with bleeding on the brain. He is in ICU and they have performed surgery and inserted a…
Conflicting test results
Hi, My father was diagnosed with stage IVA carcinoma esophagus cancer on Feb 2011. He underwent 35 days of radiation and 4 rounds of chemo. After 2 months of his treatment, he got his pet scan and endoscopy done. His pet scan results shows positive results (SUV 9) but his biopsy is negative. We got another biopsy done…
My mom went into the hospital to do the endoscopic ultrasound and they biopsied 2 lymph nodes. 1 Close 1 Far. The biopsy results will come back Thursday but the odd thing is, the doctor told me she's T3N1M1A. How can he give me this information without the biopsy results coming back? I've gone to the ECA website and it…
For Daisylin, LeeInLondon, Chemosmoker
Chantal, Lee and Eric, I have been intending to write this for a few days. MrsBotch's thread made me realize the time is right. I have seen all of you exemplify grace, courage, and faith from what you relate in your posts. Your experiences have brought true meaning to these words for me. I have followed Chantal posts and…
Nikimo - Thinking of you both as you near surgery hour
Niki & Jeff, Be calm and know all is as good in your world as it can be as you, Jeff, undergo surgery tomorrow. We pray for an easy and successful surgery, and a good pathology report following. May your path to recovery be speedy and smooth. Niki - you have my mobile number still, I believe. Call if your nerves get to be…
Haven't been on in about two years but all is good
Hello all I haven't been on in a couple of years, but definately have been reading everyones posts. Jeff is doing great and is in remission of this ugly disease it was 2 years July 22, anyone have the ivor Lewis this is what he had surgery wise. Jeff still goes to doctors every six months but all in all is doing great! For…
William are you out there
Hi William and Miss Loretta I know things have been rough for you both, what with the weather and Miss Loretta's Mum, just worried about you both, hoping you are all ok, love to hear from you and know you are ok. Ann
Niki & Jeff-Thinking of you both!
Niki, Thinking about you and Jeff tonight and sending positive energy your way! What time is surgery tomorrow? I hope that you will be able to post and let us know how Jeff (and you) is doing. John does not have his surgery until Friday so if you need to talk to someone I sent my cell phone number to you in private e-mail.…
What caused your EC?
I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on what they believe might have "caused" their EC. We've all asked ourselves this question a million times, and struggled with faith, and guilt and everything in between; Obviously medical history and lifestyle can be strong predictors of future illness, and this group would be a…
EC back
Sorry to say that Don's EC is back. He has a tumor that came up on his Clavicle bone. Had a biopsy and it is Stage 4. He will have a Petscan Tuesday to see if it is anywhere else in his body. Will find out on Wednesday. If it is, there will be nothing they can do and he does not want to go through anymore Chemo and I'm not…
Recent diagnosis - Stage 1
I was diagnosed with EC a month ago from the biopsies after a routine surveillance endoscopy. I got lucky and had an endoscopic ultrasound a week later, which confirmed the diagnosis and showed that the lesion is growing into the wall of my esophagus. But it also showed that it was very small and only into the 1st mucous…
1st post
Guess I'll start by saying Hi and thank you all for sharing. Today is day 3 of chemo for my husband, finally, as he was dx in mid june! Laproscopy shows esophageal tumor quite long and involves upper portion of stomach and 3 lymph nodes.No staging was mentioned. Will be sure to get info on the 19th. Plan: chemo, radiation,…
Pain between the shoulder blades
How long prior to diagnosis did the pain between the shoulder blades show up? Anyone remember? I do remember my husband complaining for a long time about pain between his shoulder blades before diagnosis, but he just thought it was our bed . . . I can't remember how long before though . .
OK ...some levity...
We took off on Thursday to spend labor day weekend at a hotel in Fort Lauderdale in advance of my surgery on the 8th. My 15 year old son had his nose buried in a book for the whole plane ride. He was reading "Presumed Innocent". I was very impressed, because he is not usually a reader. In any case, today I started asking…
esophageal cancer
This is my first time writing. I was diagnosed with stage 1 esophageal cancer. They removed my entire esophas and 26 lymph nodes Jan 11, 2010 and I've never been the same person since. I'm grateful to God that they feel they got all the cancer but its beeen such a long journey. They had to stretch my new esophagus 4 times…
yet another feeding tube question....
Just a simple question here, but for some reason we are getting mixed answers from our visiting nurses and our oncologists. Do you permanently need to keep the feeing tube covered with the gauze, tape and padding? Our nurse says it ALWAYS will have to be covered and cleaned on a regular basis. Our doctor said that although…
WE DO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Whitney and all the others who are on this journey. Sometimes I felt like Vince and I were on an island all by ourselves(one very sick) and one healthy (physically, not emotionally) . We would float around not ever knowing what would happen next. I read Lee in London's post and He sounds so much like my Vince. After…
For our Stage IVs questioning treatment
All, Below is a reprint of a rather lengthy Mayo Clinic article - it is very thoughtful and discusses the difficult decisions many Stage IV patients face during treatment. I share this since there are so many new folks on the Board who may not have seen this article in the past. When a patient and a family face these…
2nd round of chemo - what to expect
My husband is going for his second round on Monday. He tolerated 1st round really well. I am wondering when do the effects of chemo really start to take its toll. Jackie
Hope for those about to face surgery
As I looked at the calendar today, I noticed that it was two months ago today that I had the MIE in Pittsburgh. My diet is back to normal pretty much but just less. I still have some problems with sugar and dairy but as long as I watch my intake of those two, it's fine. One nice side effect of the surgery is I seem to have…
en-bloc esophajectomy....has anyone had this or heard of it?
Hi all, In doing some research today I found a few articles about en-bloc esophajectomies, in this procedure they are able to remove a higher number of lymph nodes than in the THE surgery. The articles stated that the en-bloc has higher 5 year survival rates because more nodes are removed. Has anyone had this en-bloc type…
diet problems after surgergy
I had my surgergy 7/15/11. Was cleared to go home 10 days later. All cancer is gone . No after surgery chemo was recommended. However, I have gone from 151# at discharge from hospital to 138#. I am having differculty finding things that I can eat that don't bother me. I can't drink ENSURE or nutrition drinks. Has anyone…
nausea/hair loss question
Hi everybody; I've had a very rough few days, and have a question. Lately I've been getting a lot of nausea, mainly in the mornings. I'm sure you can relate to the temperature issue, I'm either boiling or freezing and no happy medium. I'll get relatively comfortable in bed, and then suddenly break out in sweats, the nausea…