Hope for those about to face surgery

JimboC Member Posts: 264
As I looked at the calendar today, I noticed that it was two months ago today that I had the MIE in Pittsburgh. My diet is back to normal pretty much but just less. I still have some problems with sugar and dairy but as long as I watch my intake of those two, it's fine. One nice side effect of the surgery is I seem to have developed a disdain for soda pop. A treat that I too often indulged in. I've tried it a couple of times but it really doesn't do much for me.

I have lost a good bit of weight but it seems to be slowing down so I'm eating enough to maintain. For the most part, I am fairly pain free. Don't get me wrong, I have some bad days but all in all, it's good.

Unfortunately, some cancer was found in three of my nodes that were removed so I'm preparing to start my fifth week of chemo. I have found post-op chemo to be considerably rougher but I understand that isn't the rule. Some breeze through it and shoot, many don't even need it.

Two weeks ago, I bought an RV and my wife and I took it out for it's maiden voyage. Had a blast. That was something we had talked about for years. Today is much more important to me than it ever was before. I did tend to put things off some but no more. ;)

It's a tough road but one of the things that always keeps me going is I feel a responsibility to honor and fight for all of the stage IVs that would welcome the chance for a cure.

I hope this shows, there is life after surgery. It's not always going to be easy but we are collectively a tough group. Often not by choice but out of necessity. Even in the dark days, make them a little brighter for someone around you. Give your caregiver a little hug and a kiss just because you appreciate them. Remember, they have it pretty tough also.


  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member
    Beautiful post
    Enjoy that land ship. Feel better every day. Glad you posted such a beautiful post Jimbo
  • hopper52
    hopper52 Member Posts: 108
    So Good
    So good to read a post like yours. I am so glad that you're recovering well. Let's pray the chemo knocks out whatever residual cells that may be lurking about. I know what you mean about appreciating each day. All the would've's, could've's and should've's seem to fade into obscurity when we realize that today is the only thing we're guaranteed and we should enjoy the blessings that every day brings.

    Dandy Don Meredith once told Howard Cossell on Monday Night Football, "Howard, if if's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas. Or as they say:

    Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift.......that's why we call it "the present".

    Michael Daniels (T3N0M0)
    Brandon, FL
    Awaiting Surgery
  • Joel C
    Joel C Member Posts: 174
    hopper52 said:

    So Good
    So good to read a post like yours. I am so glad that you're recovering well. Let's pray the chemo knocks out whatever residual cells that may be lurking about. I know what you mean about appreciating each day. All the would've's, could've's and should've's seem to fade into obscurity when we realize that today is the only thing we're guaranteed and we should enjoy the blessings that every day brings.

    Dandy Don Meredith once told Howard Cossell on Monday Night Football, "Howard, if if's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas. Or as they say:

    Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift.......that's why we call it "the present".

    Michael Daniels (T3N0M0)
    Brandon, FL
    Awaiting Surgery

    Well put Jimbo.
    There’s nothing I can add except congratulations and happy to hear all is well.
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Thanks for your thoughtful
    Thanks for your thoughtful post. Surgery under the circumstances of this disease is a privilege and most humbling. You expressed it very well. Mary
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    jojoshort said:

    Beautiful post
    Enjoy that land ship. Feel better every day. Glad you posted such a beautiful post Jimbo

    I'm glad you liked the post.
    I'm glad you liked the post. I just felt it and decided to write it down. I did run it by my wife because I was afraid I had put something in there that might offend someone. That's the last thing I would ever want to do considering what we're all going through. I was talking with one of my best buddies on Friday and his brother in law was just diagnosed with EC and they told him he was terminal so it sounds like he's stage IV. I offered to talk to him and I told him to head over here because there were lots of people here to help.

    My counts have been bad for the last couple of weeks so no camping for us. Laura (My Wife of 23 years, Soulmate and caregiver) and I are planning a two week trip around the first of November down south while I am recovering from chemo before I head back to work. She's so excited it really makes me wish I had done this so long ago. I'm committed now to making memories with my loved ones no matter if I have another month or another 50 years left.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    hopper52 said:

    So Good
    So good to read a post like yours. I am so glad that you're recovering well. Let's pray the chemo knocks out whatever residual cells that may be lurking about. I know what you mean about appreciating each day. All the would've's, could've's and should've's seem to fade into obscurity when we realize that today is the only thing we're guaranteed and we should enjoy the blessings that every day brings.

    Dandy Don Meredith once told Howard Cossell on Monday Night Football, "Howard, if if's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas. Or as they say:

    Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift.......that's why we call it "the present".

    Michael Daniels (T3N0M0)
    Brandon, FL
    Awaiting Surgery

    Today is indeed the gift. I
    Today is indeed the gift. I remember about a month after I was diagnosed, I was driving to work and it was such a beautiful day I started tearing up. Truly emotional experience for me. Whenever I start thinking too far ahead, all the uncertainty starts kicking in and I have to talk myself down because it is overwhelming. I now start each day with a little prayer and thank God for the day.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    BMGky said:

    Thanks for your thoughtful
    Thanks for your thoughtful post. Surgery under the circumstances of this disease is a privilege and most humbling. You expressed it very well. Mary

    You are very welcome Mary.
    You are very welcome Mary. I always remember that whenever I have a tough day. I truly respect everyone going through this rough disease and that was one of the things I wanted to express. Some of us may have a time not as rough as others but none of us have it easy. Especially the caregivers. ;)
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Joel C said:

    Well put Jimbo.
    There’s nothing I can add except congratulations and happy to hear all is well.

    Thanks Joel, I appreciate
    Thanks Joel, I appreciate it. Good days and bad, you know how it is. ;)