Stage 4 Calgary Dad update

tammylouhay Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Thank you so much to all of you who answered my "Where to go for Stage 4 " post. All of you information support and kindness has carried my for the past couple of weeks.

I am excited to report that dad is home! He is still on some oxygen but able to walk around, get out and even enjoy a little food. They went to put a stent in and although his esophagus is 90% blocked, felt he was not ready for the stent and able still to eat. He has been told not to lay down for an hour and a half after eating to prevent regurgatation, but is happy for now to be off his tube.

I have provided my parents with all of your information and e mails and hoping to one day see them joining in the discussion as it is the combination of everyones information and expperience that makes this site so valuable to each and everyone of us.

Special thanks to William and Sherri who are so gracious and informative with each of us as we arrive!

My parents have a house that they are staying in in Calgary while Dad is treated at the Tom Baker Cancer Clinic adjoining the Foothills Hospital. Dad has met with an oncologist a couple of times and will be beginning radiation a week Monday for 10 days. I don't know why the radiation is prior to chemo, and if that is normal so am interested to hear of others experiences.

I had a package for my dad from MD Anderson which he has set aside for now as he has not heard better success rates from there than Calgary. I am concerned just by the lower population about the doctors experience factors with this specific type of Cancer, but have put up enough argument for now and am trying to support his choices.

I am thinking of Sherri and Jim today and wishing their rally the greatest success.

Thank you all for your continued support!



  • tammylouhay
    tammylouhay Member Posts: 11
    Feeding tube out....stage 4 but able to eat
    Dad's feeding tube started to come out today in the last few days and today when they were meeting with the radiologist he removed it as it wasn't usable any longer. They are going to let it heal and if he requires it later, will put it back in.

    He starts radiation for 10 days on Monday, and we really have no idea what to expect.

    I am hoping it is not too bad for him.

    Any suggestions or things to think about?
  • Feeding tube out....stage 4 but able to eat
    Dad's feeding tube started to come out today in the last few days and today when they were meeting with the radiologist he removed it as it wasn't usable any longer. They are going to let it heal and if he requires it later, will put it back in.

    He starts radiation for 10 days on Monday, and we really have no idea what to expect.

    I am hoping it is not too bad for him.

    Any suggestions or things to think about?

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  • tammylouhay
    tammylouhay Member Posts: 11
    unknown said:

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    Hi Sherri,
    Thanks again for

    Hi Sherri,

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Do you rub the aloe or the skin? Is that where the burning occurs?

    Also, I drink aloe vera juice any time I have stomach issue myself and find it to be really soothing. Has Jim ever tried this, or do you know if it is considered safe with chemo or radiation?

    Is Jim taking any other "Alternative" supplements? I think I remeber you saying that your oncologist was willing to worki with you on that.

    Dad has already e mailed me today to say hoow much better he is feeling without his tube. I think he and my mom are indulging in things like ice cream and milkshakes during this hot snap to help him try to keep on some weight. We will definately be keeping an eye on that though.

    So glad to hear how well Jim did with his radiation. Helps to take away some of my trepidation.
