Cancer specific
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309 topics 1.2K comments Most recent: I felt unwell today and I got a little scared. I’m recovering from chondrosarcoma. by peppysuzy October 24
1.6K topics 9.5K comments Most recent: Glioblastoma Stage IV Brain Cancer by Answered_Prayers December 20
398 topics 1.7K comments Most recent: Late Term Effects Chemo - where I am now 14 months after reading NYTimes Article by KwakingAlong December 12
27.9K topics 277.1K comments Most recent: Safe to use same shower with ostomy while on folfox by sonnyinspring December 21
13K topics 142K comments Most recent: Any information about de-escalated adjuvant radiation therapy (DART) by Keep_the_Faith1 December 20
794 topics 2.9K comments Most recent: looking to connect my mom with someone who is in her shoes with a time sentence by krd5250 12:06AM
5.1K topics 39.8K comments Most recent: Referral to Oncology based on this PET….. by PipLily December 20
63 topics 461 comments Most recent: Why is pancreatic cancer considered one of the deadliest and most insidious cancers? by DrAli88 December 18
1.2K topics 6.6K comments Most recent: Looking for someone to connect with my mom to share experiences in this tough time by krd5250 12:10AM
733 topics 2.5K comments Most recent: Just Diagnosed with Melanoma - I have had it for 2-3 Years at least. by LoyalRam 2:18AM
1.5K topics 8.2K comments Most recent: New Member Undergoing Treatment Currently with Questions by Miles' mom December 18