TJ's Challenge



  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    RE said:

    Here's mine.
    Here I am at 18 atop my Chevy Impala that I dearly loved!

    Hot car RE and Hot
    Hot car RE and Hot YOU!

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Okay, this really dates
    Okay, this really dates me....guess I am the oldest one on the board. My 1962 graduation picture was so "60's", and was just like everyone else in the class. All were draped in the same blue netting, and all had the same hairstyle. Guess we were a generation of copy cats. What memories. (Just remember this was the age before hairspray, so in the south, you slept in rollers, and then hurried to school as fast as you could before your hair drooped. What a hoot.) Hugs. Judy

    Movie star!
    Yes Judy, I know that you were before! Come on, tell us!!!!

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Moopy23 said:

    High School Years
    Thank you, dear Creampuff and Stef. I feel like the kid sister who's just won approval from her greatly admired big sisters. My sister Jackie left for TN today, and y'all make me feel less lonely tonight. Big sisters are found in many places.

    You know, Judy, the story about your tears is so like you and Stef: whatever fear or stress or sadness darkens your lives, you move through it into the sunlight. Like the tears that are erased with makeup, and replaced with a luminous smile.

    ID requests at 27 and pregnant?? Stef, you can't claim motherhood aged you. Denise and the kids are still keeping you young!

    Looking forward to more photos, and maybe even more memories. Thanks again, ladies.

    from the era of Freebird (yep, the Lynard Skynard song that lasts...forever)

    Jeanne, you do look like Farrah with your long blonde hair. Always our blonde beauty, you probably broke a few hearts, hmm?

    Moopy, you look so sweet and
    Moopy, you look so sweet and so pretty in your picture!

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    lynn1950 said:

    Ooh, Stef - I've been away
    Ooh, Stef - I've been away for awhile, but you must be my soul sister. Beehive, heavy makeup, white oxford shirt, black tight skirt (short), white canvas Keds. Wipeout! I've loved all the pictures and all the comments - it really makes us 3-D. : ) Lynn

    Lynn you are gorgeous and
    Lynn you are gorgeous and yes you must have been the Breck girl.

    Jeanne you are our 70's Farrah

    Creampuff that is definitely a photo from one of those movie magazines I used to read.

    Mimi you look just as beautiful today

    Stef its hard to believe that you went from pearls to Haight Ashbury--Ah the good old days

    I'm loving all these photos and comments.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Jacque101 said:

    Do we get to vote?
    My Big Hair vote goes to tat2granny..You rock.

    Jacque you look like the
    Jacque you look like the class valedictorian, beauty with brains
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Moopy23 said:

    Senior Photos and Memories
    Everyone, I love your photos and recollections. Stef, you remind me of my sister Jackie. Very classy with your pearls. Cynthia, you wore your nurses' uniform proudly, just as you should; I hope you will keep it displayed for a little while. I hope everyone will. Lynn, you ARE the Breck girl. Wow. Judy, you are all Southern grace and beauty. And Tash, I'm looking forward to seeing you circa 1980s.

    Thanks to TJ for her great idea with the photos. Now, where is she hiding? Behind a beehive?

    A beehine, come on Moopy I
    A beehine, come on Moopy I am way to young for a beehive? Are you saying I look old, not the thing to say to a southern womean :(
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Aw that is sad Chen. I
    Aw that is sad Chen. I can't believe that noone has taken a pic of you in all of these years though. There has to be one somewhere. lol

    That's ok. And, sorry you lost your pics when you were 20. Hopefully, you, your family and friends have taken some since then. Pictures are priceless.

    Sue :)

    Here's the wierd
    Here's the wierd husband was SUCH a controlling person, and great photographer. How do those 2 collide? Well, he took the most beautiful pictures, but never wanted them "spoiled" by having me in them! ( or himself!) He would wait, and wait, and wait until no people were in the shot he wanted, and drummed into my head that we didn't need to prove to anyone that we were in Hawaii, or wherever else we happened to be. So, I have no tangible proof; just memories. And I have had no pictures taken of me since I was dx~ and that is my choice. Not even one picture exists of Reggie and me together. And we have been together 8 years! Not being in picture habits die hard, and now, I honestly don't want to be in any.

    But I did look just like everyone else who was a teen in the 1960's!:-)

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    tjhay said:

    A beehine, come on Moopy I
    A beehine, come on Moopy I am way to young for a beehive? Are you saying I look old, not the thing to say to a southern womean :(

    Uh Oh
    Catfight! LOL And, what is a beehive anyway?

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Ritzy said:

    T Y!
    Thanks Stef and Tj for getting this thread going! Obviously everyone is loving it!

    Sue :)

    Movie stars among us!
    Judy, you look like Rita Hayworth, and Cousin Natly, you look like Audrey Hepburn, giving Cary Grant that come-hither look!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Kat11 said:

    welcome back to the 70's
    Not a very clear pic. Don't know why its like this. How do I make it larger ?

    Love these!
    These pictures of all of you are GREAT! This is fun!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    TraciInLA said:

    Movie stars among us!
    Judy, you look like Rita Hayworth, and Cousin Natly, you look like Audrey Hepburn, giving Cary Grant that come-hither look!


    Hey cousin Traci you look
    Hey cousin Traci you look like a young Meg Ryan. I agree Judy definitely looks like a glamorous movie star right out of a Movie Star Magazine. Hepburn giving Grant the look, Oh Yeah I'll take that one anyway I can get it. LOL

    Lynn is the Breck Poster Girl, hands down.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    natly15 said:

    Hey cousin Traci you look
    Hey cousin Traci you look like a young Meg Ryan. I agree Judy definitely looks like a glamorous movie star right out of a Movie Star Magazine. Hepburn giving Grant the look, Oh Yeah I'll take that one anyway I can get it. LOL

    Lynn is the Breck Poster Girl, hands down.

    This is awesome to see all
    This is awesome to see all of these pictures of all of you. I am still pretty new here, and just love this! From Stef with her pearls looking so pretty and innocent, to Re on the car looking so happy, Jeanne looking like Farrah, Natly and Creampuff looking like movie stars, the big hair, the stories of how it used to be. I can't believe you didn't have hairspray Creampuff. LOL

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Megan M said:

    This is awesome to see all
    This is awesome to see all of these pictures of all of you. I am still pretty new here, and just love this! From Stef with her pearls looking so pretty and innocent, to Re on the car looking so happy, Jeanne looking like Farrah, Natly and Creampuff looking like movie stars, the big hair, the stories of how it used to be. I can't believe you didn't have hairspray Creampuff. LOL


    All I can say is WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! This thread is great! I didn't know we had so many beauties on this site. Thanks Stef and Tj for getting this thread going.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Jacque101 said:

    Must have been a popular look...
    Wouldn't it be neat if everyone posted their grad picture. We'd all look alike. Hummm...the only thing about my pic that is still true today...I'm still 5'1"
    The dimples are filled w/ fat and wrinkles now. I guess my school couldn't afford pearls.

    So, you all wore the same
    So, you all wore the same top? Leave it up to Stef to add some bling. LOL
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    natly15 said:

    Judy I wore the net
    Judy I wore the net petticoats in the 50's and felt like I was a movie star with all the ruffles, however the net always scratched my legs and those petticoats were not comfortable but they looked so pretty and feminine.

    When I graduated from grammer school in 1960 we didn't wear caps and gowns. We had these horrendous dresses the classes' teacher's pet picked out for us. They were stuffed with netting even in the pouffy sleeves. Picture at least 100 13 year olds clomping down the aisle of the church in their first ever high heels (ankles turning every which way) trying to hold their flowers and scratching their arms the whole time. The audience was hysterical. I am trying to find a copy of my high school (1966) pic. The only one I can find is in the yearbook. Too hard to scan a book!!!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    padee6339 said:

    When I graduated from grammer school in 1960 we didn't wear caps and gowns. We had these horrendous dresses the classes' teacher's pet picked out for us. They were stuffed with netting even in the pouffy sleeves. Picture at least 100 13 year olds clomping down the aisle of the church in their first ever high heels (ankles turning every which way) trying to hold their flowers and scratching their arms the whole time. The audience was hysterical. I am trying to find a copy of my high school (1966) pic. The only one I can find is in the yearbook. Too hard to scan a book!!!

    I bet that was funny Pat.
    I bet that was funny Pat. Hope you find your high school pic.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Uh Oh
    Catfight! LOL And, what is a beehive anyway?


    I could google it, I guess lol
    I am confused to as to what a beehive is. I assume it is your hair? lol

    Sue :)
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    DianeBC said:

    All I can say is WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! This thread is great! I didn't know we had so many beauties on this site. Thanks Stef and Tj for getting this thread going.

    For the couple of gals too
    For the couple of gals too young to remember the beehive hairdo. You backcombed your hair (we called it ratting) until it was a mass of snarls and had volume. Then you started just above one ear smoothing it as you combed or brushed it slightly upward, forward and around your head. You used bobby pins as needed. The end result looked just like a beehive on the top of your head. Wish I could find that picture. Mine was a small beehive. I didn't have the thick hair that worked so much better for these backcombed styles but I tried. I am sure you can google it and see it. There was another style called the double bubble that was popular as well. The most common and flattering styles were the backcombed flip or the backcombed page boy. One of our gals has a perfect picture of that style. I could never get mine to do that. The best I got was my graduation pictures and that took me a long time to achieve. Glad that ratting is no longer in style. No to mention how hard it is on your hair. Oh, we suffer for beauty. Like the gal who had starched legs by the time she got to school. That was too funny.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    fauxma said:

    For the couple of gals too
    For the couple of gals too young to remember the beehive hairdo. You backcombed your hair (we called it ratting) until it was a mass of snarls and had volume. Then you started just above one ear smoothing it as you combed or brushed it slightly upward, forward and around your head. You used bobby pins as needed. The end result looked just like a beehive on the top of your head. Wish I could find that picture. Mine was a small beehive. I didn't have the thick hair that worked so much better for these backcombed styles but I tried. I am sure you can google it and see it. There was another style called the double bubble that was popular as well. The most common and flattering styles were the backcombed flip or the backcombed page boy. One of our gals has a perfect picture of that style. I could never get mine to do that. The best I got was my graduation pictures and that took me a long time to achieve. Glad that ratting is no longer in style. No to mention how hard it is on your hair. Oh, we suffer for beauty. Like the gal who had starched legs by the time she got to school. That was too funny.

    LOL Stef
    OMG, you make me laugh! I can't believe that you would do that to your hair. I have to google it and see what pops up. I remember people talking about ironing their hair. Did you do that? I would think you might catch it on fire, to say the least. LOL

    Thanks for explaining it Stef!

    Sue :)

    I am trying to put something here and it isn't working. I will keep trying. :(((((
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75
    natly15 said:

    Jacque you look like the
    Jacque you look like the class valedictorian, beauty with brains

    Oh my...
    I've never been told that before...sorry, brains just " ain't " a part of my Tennesse education. But, gee it was nice seeing that in print. :) Thank you ;)