TJ's Challenge
Yes the wiglet, thanksMarcia527 said:wiglet
I had a wiglet during my senior year. It was a hairpiece of curls. For my prom a friend pulled my hair on top my head and pinned it up and pinned the wiglet on. She was attending the beauty school in town and was going to fix it different and had set my hair in rollers and was about to comb it out when another girl took over while she went to do something else and she teased the heck out of my hair. When my friend got back she was upset because the teasing took all the curl out. That's when she told me to go home and she'd meet me there and she'd stick the wiglet on instead. I actually think the wiglet looked better anyway.
Yes the wiglet, thanks Marcia I couldnt remember the name.
This has been a great thread and thanks to Stef's wonderful memory we have all been reminded of all those fun and funny things from days gone by. Every time I log on I look for this thread to remember the good old days.0 -
A wiglet? Those days donatly15 said:Yes the wiglet, thanks
Yes the wiglet, thanks Marcia I couldnt remember the name.
This has been a great thread and thanks to Stef's wonderful memory we have all been reminded of all those fun and funny things from days gone by. Every time I log on I look for this thread to remember the good old days.
A wiglet? Those days do sound like fun. You have all entertained and made us smile with your recollections. And, you are all so beautiful! Thanks.
Judy,creampuff91344 said:Boy, Stef, you really
Boy, Stef, you really brought back some well hidden memories. Back in the 60's, my husband and I live in the LA area (we migrated from Houston to Alhambra, CA in the early 60's, and moved from there to Phoenix in the early 70's.) Anyway, even though we had children, my husband felt we needed to be part of the "in crowd", and he joined the Playboy Club when it opened in downtown Hollywood. About once a month we would dress to the hilt and go out for the festivities on Saturday night. I can remember making sure that I timed my "dye job" to coincide with that weekend. I did have a hairpiece that was used on top of my head, and it was curled in tight little curls. The rest of my hair was tucked up on top of my head with lots of bobbypins, and was smooth but teased to make it large looking. Then came the hairpiece to sit on top. I had several gold lamet or silver lamet dresses that were so short that I couldn't sit down until I was somewhere that I could tuck my legs under a table cloth. And each outfit had a pair of matching boots...4" heels, with tops that came almost to my knee. There was always a shawl of some kind, and back then it was okay to wear fur. So if it was a little chilly, I would wear a rabbit fur shawl. If it wasn't so cold, I would wear a shawl that matched the dress. The Playboy club in Hollywood was exactly as you have seen it on TV. The Playboy Bunnies were beautiful, and you always had to comete with that. The people were always glamorous, the men in tuxedos or really nice suits, and the women dressed similar to me. Those were the days. The next day, you would wake up to the "real world" with crying babies, food to put ont he table, and the everyday cleaning, but that Saturday night was always so special. Thanks for bringing this to my memory. Hugs, Judy
Ooh, the playboy club,
Ooh, the playboy club, how glamorous was that. I remember that you had a key that looked like a rabbit but we didn't belong to one. I remember silver and gold lame dresses. And yes, fur was okay back then. Those little hairpieces, wiglets, whatever they were called were great. They would be done and ready and you just brush up your own hair, slapped on one or two (depending on how full you wanted the curls to look) and you were ready to go. I had a cute little hot pants jumpsuit and fishnets and knee high boots. I was very slender at the time and I loved how I looked in this outfit. And I remember the mini, mini skirts that just barely covered our behinds but at least with a skirt it stayed in place. I remember one day wearing the cutest dress to work. It was paisley print and very short. I remember because I had to do some filing that day and everytime I reached up for the tallest file cabinet my dress would go up to a very dangerous level. Fortunately I was in a file room and I had the door closed. I did wear it with tights or fishnets so that preserved some modesty. I went braless but no one noticed since I was barely an A cup. On weekends when we would trek into the Haight and be weekend hippies I loved to wear brown low cut cords with lots of embrodery and tears and a white muslin shirt with belled sleeves and lace and we would take our shoes off when we got there or wear sandels or boots if it was cold. Lots of wooden beads and those macrame head bands that went across your forehead. Once in the park, I got sunburned and it left a white band across my forehead.
I am trying to remember what poor boy shirts were. I know I have heard of them. I thought they were those oversized shirts that looked like an oxford but they were long (like down to the knees) and were worn over straight skirts. I thought they were in fashion in the early sixties but maybe I am thinking of something different. My mom hated that girls rolled their skirts so she hemmed mine short for me (an inch or two above the knee). By the time hot pants and really mini skirts were in I was out on my own and she figured it was my choice. I had forgotten so much about this and then it all came flooding back. Remember when the Gibson hair styles came in and granny dresses. Oh yeah, I had those too. The gibson style hair was usually achieved with those hair pieces. And the granny dresses were shortlived but fun. Some of mine had a very medieval, renaissance style. My mom made a lot of my clothes and she was an excellent seamstress. Even Denise when she was barely two had several granny dresses. Not so easy for a toddler to walk in but she sure looked cute. So that style must have been in the early to mid seventies.
Any other styles, who confesses to disco wear. Not something I wore but I am sure there are some of you younger ladies that did. And Aortus, chime in on the fashions and hair of your day. And I know you had hair because we have seen you mop top. Did you indulge in mutton chops, paisley shirts, extra wide ties or dare I say it, The Leisure Suit. Confess.
Stef0 -
It is taking me awhile toJeanne D said:I remember that Marcia!
I do remember that too Marcia. Now, what was it called? Darn it! Yes, I remember your baby pic and your being light headed.
Going thru all of these stages of our lives has been so fun!
I don't know if they do this anymore, but, I remember getting my hair frosted and the hair stylist pulled it thru this bag with holes on my head and it hurt!
Also, here is a warning! LOL My hair used to be dry, so, I put vaseline on it, yes vaseline. Guess what? It doesn't just wash out! LOL Mom had to get some kind of super duper strong special shampoo and I had to wash my hair about a million times to get it out. I stayed home from school even for a few days. LOL
Love, Jeanne ♥
It is taking me awhile to get thru all of these, but, it is worth it!
Megan0 -
Loving thisfauxma said:At our school we all wore
At our school we all wore the same gown and the pearls for the pictures. The pictures were done just when school began at a local photography studio. They had the fake black gown (it's a top only) and the pearls. At least they didn't make us wear the mortar boards. I like that students now can go to any studio or submit their own photo and it reflects them. Seniors at the school I worked at would do band pictures if they were in the band, or the sport they were involved in, theater, etc or just a favorite picture. There were guidelines but it was pretty open. It really is a better representation of their school years. Our pictures all tended to look alike. Very formal but it wasn't us. I had a good friend that if you glanced at our pictures you couldn't tell who was who. But that was the time, very "lemmings to the sea". So I will represent us both. Of course, you are 50 feet tall and I was and am only 5 feet but that's okay.
Omg, I love this! I need to read all of them! Please write more stories, please! LOL
Lex♥0 -
Oh, the playboyclub huh? You sexy women! lolfauxma said:Judy,
Ooh, the playboy club,
Ooh, the playboy club, how glamorous was that. I remember that you had a key that looked like a rabbit but we didn't belong to one. I remember silver and gold lame dresses. And yes, fur was okay back then. Those little hairpieces, wiglets, whatever they were called were great. They would be done and ready and you just brush up your own hair, slapped on one or two (depending on how full you wanted the curls to look) and you were ready to go. I had a cute little hot pants jumpsuit and fishnets and knee high boots. I was very slender at the time and I loved how I looked in this outfit. And I remember the mini, mini skirts that just barely covered our behinds but at least with a skirt it stayed in place. I remember one day wearing the cutest dress to work. It was paisley print and very short. I remember because I had to do some filing that day and everytime I reached up for the tallest file cabinet my dress would go up to a very dangerous level. Fortunately I was in a file room and I had the door closed. I did wear it with tights or fishnets so that preserved some modesty. I went braless but no one noticed since I was barely an A cup. On weekends when we would trek into the Haight and be weekend hippies I loved to wear brown low cut cords with lots of embrodery and tears and a white muslin shirt with belled sleeves and lace and we would take our shoes off when we got there or wear sandels or boots if it was cold. Lots of wooden beads and those macrame head bands that went across your forehead. Once in the park, I got sunburned and it left a white band across my forehead.
I am trying to remember what poor boy shirts were. I know I have heard of them. I thought they were those oversized shirts that looked like an oxford but they were long (like down to the knees) and were worn over straight skirts. I thought they were in fashion in the early sixties but maybe I am thinking of something different. My mom hated that girls rolled their skirts so she hemmed mine short for me (an inch or two above the knee). By the time hot pants and really mini skirts were in I was out on my own and she figured it was my choice. I had forgotten so much about this and then it all came flooding back. Remember when the Gibson hair styles came in and granny dresses. Oh yeah, I had those too. The gibson style hair was usually achieved with those hair pieces. And the granny dresses were shortlived but fun. Some of mine had a very medieval, renaissance style. My mom made a lot of my clothes and she was an excellent seamstress. Even Denise when she was barely two had several granny dresses. Not so easy for a toddler to walk in but she sure looked cute. So that style must have been in the early to mid seventies.
Any other styles, who confesses to disco wear. Not something I wore but I am sure there are some of you younger ladies that did. And Aortus, chime in on the fashions and hair of your day. And I know you had hair because we have seen you mop top. Did you indulge in mutton chops, paisley shirts, extra wide ties or dare I say it, The Leisure Suit. Confess.
I read your stories and just laugh my a@@ off. I didn't have a lot of the things that you talk about, but, I do remember my older sister having them. I thought I would add a few of mine, so, here goes ladies:
Do you remember dippity do? The pink gel that you put in your hair? My hair has always had some curl to it and if I put the dippity do on it and dryed it, it would come out very straight and be really firm with that stuff in it. I used it for years. lol
Then, I had one of those portable hair dryers with the hood. Remember those? lol Mom got me one that had a belt that I attached the heating unit to so that I could move around and do things while my hair dried. Guess what? One day that *&$(*&(*&#** belt broke and the heating unit fell directly on my poor big toe. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! It broke my toe but all they could for me was to give me pain pils, elevate it and tell me to stay off of it. I was so happy when I got my hot rollers! Thank you Clairol! lol
Love, Jeanne ♥0 -
Jeanne,Jeanne D said:Oh, the playboyclub huh? You sexy women! lol
I read your stories and just laugh my a@@ off. I didn't have a lot of the things that you talk about, but, I do remember my older sister having them. I thought I would add a few of mine, so, here goes ladies:
Do you remember dippity do? The pink gel that you put in your hair? My hair has always had some curl to it and if I put the dippity do on it and dryed it, it would come out very straight and be really firm with that stuff in it. I used it for years. lol
Then, I had one of those portable hair dryers with the hood. Remember those? lol Mom got me one that had a belt that I attached the heating unit to so that I could move around and do things while my hair dried. Guess what? One day that *&$(*&(*&#** belt broke and the heating unit fell directly on my poor big toe. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! It broke my toe but all they could for me was to give me pain pils, elevate it and tell me to stay off of it. I was so happy when I got my hot rollers! Thank you Clairol! lol
Love, Jeanne ♥
I had forgotten
I had forgotten about the lovely dippity do? We used it to set our hair. It could both aid in straightening and curling. And the portable dryers. I don't remember the belt. Wouldn't you still be limited by the plug. Ouch about the toe. Yeah they can't set a broken toe. I took the hood off of mine and use the hose to dry each curler. You can see I invented the blow dryer just didn't realize it. I had most of my friends doing the same thing. I even used the dryer that way to dry my hair when I wasn't using curlers. Did you upgrade to the beauty shop style dryer. They were all so loud and slow. Thanks for remembering that pink gel. I used it on my bangs to keep them straight. Do you remember all the flaking when you would brush it out? Who could tell if we had dandruff there was so much product producing flakes. LOL
Stef0 -
Oh, Jeanne....those were theJeanne D said:Oh, the playboyclub huh? You sexy women! lol
I read your stories and just laugh my a@@ off. I didn't have a lot of the things that you talk about, but, I do remember my older sister having them. I thought I would add a few of mine, so, here goes ladies:
Do you remember dippity do? The pink gel that you put in your hair? My hair has always had some curl to it and if I put the dippity do on it and dryed it, it would come out very straight and be really firm with that stuff in it. I used it for years. lol
Then, I had one of those portable hair dryers with the hood. Remember those? lol Mom got me one that had a belt that I attached the heating unit to so that I could move around and do things while my hair dried. Guess what? One day that *&$(*&(*&#** belt broke and the heating unit fell directly on my poor big toe. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! It broke my toe but all they could for me was to give me pain pils, elevate it and tell me to stay off of it. I was so happy when I got my hot rollers! Thank you Clairol! lol
Love, Jeanne ♥
Oh, Jeanne....those were the days, weren't they? The women of today have no idea how hard it was to stay beautiful back then, and most assuredly don't have any idea the time it took. If there was a Saturday night date, you started the night before with all of the rollers you slept on all night (can you imagine that), and usually you started early in the morning getting your clothes, petticoats, nails ready for the big event. The night of my senior prom I especially remember because we had a dress made for the occasion. It was a design of my own, and try as I could, I couldn't make it look like I had imagined. About an hur before my date was to pick me up, my Mother literally sewed me into the style I was looking for. Then I spent the rest of the night hoping and praying that the stitching didn't break. Guess I would have been the original "wardrobe malfunction", not to mention being exposed to the elements. The memories keep coming, so hope this thread continues. What fun it was, and nothing I would change. Hugs. Judy0 -
LOL Stef ♥fauxma said:Jeanne,
I had forgotten
I had forgotten about the lovely dippity do? We used it to set our hair. It could both aid in straightening and curling. And the portable dryers. I don't remember the belt. Wouldn't you still be limited by the plug. Ouch about the toe. Yeah they can't set a broken toe. I took the hood off of mine and use the hose to dry each curler. You can see I invented the blow dryer just didn't realize it. I had most of my friends doing the same thing. I even used the dryer that way to dry my hair when I wasn't using curlers. Did you upgrade to the beauty shop style dryer. They were all so loud and slow. Thanks for remembering that pink gel. I used it on my bangs to keep them straight. Do you remember all the flaking when you would brush it out? Who could tell if we had dandruff there was so much product producing flakes. LOL
You probably don't remember the belt because the company probably did a recall on them after everyone was getting broken toes because they were breaking. lol I used an extension cord or several so that I could move pretty far from the plug in.
OMG, you did invent the blow dryer Stef! You could be a billionaire! I never even thought about doing that. duh me lol
My Mother got one of those beauty shop style dryers in the house. Dad bought it for her for Christmas one year. Mom thought she was so hotsy totsy by having one. lol I never used it as hot rollers came out and I used them or just let my hair dry naturally.
Yes, I remember the flaking. lol But, it kept my hair nice and straight. I loved dippity do. lol
Back to clothes now, I remember wearing my skirts and dresses so short that they barely covered my underwear. And, I would wear heels so that with my 5'7" height, I was all legs. lol When I worked at the computer laboratory on campus, my first job, I would have to go out amongst the other students and clean jams and so forth out of the data recorder machines. And, guess what? I would have to bend over. Yep, bend over. lol I think some of those dudes did them on purpose and then would purposely come back and ask for me. I wasn't that dumb. lol I can't believe I wore them that short and then did that. Shame on me. lol
Love, Jeanne ♥0 -
That is so funny about theJeanne D said:LOL Stef ♥
You probably don't remember the belt because the company probably did a recall on them after everyone was getting broken toes because they were breaking. lol I used an extension cord or several so that I could move pretty far from the plug in.
OMG, you did invent the blow dryer Stef! You could be a billionaire! I never even thought about doing that. duh me lol
My Mother got one of those beauty shop style dryers in the house. Dad bought it for her for Christmas one year. Mom thought she was so hotsy totsy by having one. lol I never used it as hot rollers came out and I used them or just let my hair dry naturally.
Yes, I remember the flaking. lol But, it kept my hair nice and straight. I loved dippity do. lol
Back to clothes now, I remember wearing my skirts and dresses so short that they barely covered my underwear. And, I would wear heels so that with my 5'7" height, I was all legs. lol When I worked at the computer laboratory on campus, my first job, I would have to go out amongst the other students and clean jams and so forth out of the data recorder machines. And, guess what? I would have to bend over. Yep, bend over. lol I think some of those dudes did them on purpose and then would purposely come back and ask for me. I wasn't that dumb. lol I can't believe I wore them that short and then did that. Shame on me. lol
Love, Jeanne ♥
That is so funny about the dudes setting up the bending over. I can see that. I had those skirts and dresses too. They were never designed with the work force in mind. Here's a short skirt story. In 1967, I bought a brand new car, first year it was out. It was a Camaro, 4 speed, very cool. But a year after I bought it, it started having problems shifting. I had a friend that showed me how to reach into the engine and unkink the links. Problem was that this could only be accompolished by opening the hood and reaching way in and bending over the engine to do this. See where this is going. Well, when I was wearing pants or a reasonable short skirt no problem. But one day I was driving down the road, went to shift from one gear to another and it hung up. So I pulled over and popped the hood and realized that with my extremely short skirt, all the traffic on that road, that my reaching in to fix it just wasn't going to happen. A very nice young guy stopped and offered to help. I told him what needed to be done and he kindly obliged. He was impressed by my automotive skills and asked why I didn't do it myself. Then he looked at my short skirt and slapped his forehead and starting laughing and saying something about missed opportunities. Then we both laughed. He asked me out but I declined (stranger danger). Yes, the fashion was cute but not so practical. By the way, that camaro was a dog. I hated it and have no nostalgia for it at all. Traded it in for a Fiat Spider that was much better.
By the way, I have a picture in my head of your with a 1000 ft of extension cord wandering through the house. And I love the recall of the belt. Too funny.
I think that the reason I removed the bonnet was because it was torn and air was escaping and I didn't have duct tape. So I adapted its use. A true lost opportunity for riches.
Stef0 -
Oh Stef lol ♥fauxma said:That is so funny about the
That is so funny about the dudes setting up the bending over. I can see that. I had those skirts and dresses too. They were never designed with the work force in mind. Here's a short skirt story. In 1967, I bought a brand new car, first year it was out. It was a Camaro, 4 speed, very cool. But a year after I bought it, it started having problems shifting. I had a friend that showed me how to reach into the engine and unkink the links. Problem was that this could only be accompolished by opening the hood and reaching way in and bending over the engine to do this. See where this is going. Well, when I was wearing pants or a reasonable short skirt no problem. But one day I was driving down the road, went to shift from one gear to another and it hung up. So I pulled over and popped the hood and realized that with my extremely short skirt, all the traffic on that road, that my reaching in to fix it just wasn't going to happen. A very nice young guy stopped and offered to help. I told him what needed to be done and he kindly obliged. He was impressed by my automotive skills and asked why I didn't do it myself. Then he looked at my short skirt and slapped his forehead and starting laughing and saying something about missed opportunities. Then we both laughed. He asked me out but I declined (stranger danger). Yes, the fashion was cute but not so practical. By the way, that camaro was a dog. I hated it and have no nostalgia for it at all. Traded it in for a Fiat Spider that was much better.
By the way, I have a picture in my head of your with a 1000 ft of extension cord wandering through the house. And I love the recall of the belt. Too funny.
I think that the reason I removed the bonnet was because it was torn and air was escaping and I didn't have duct tape. So I adapted its use. A true lost opportunity for riches.
I can just see you reaching in and working on your car with that teeny weeny short skirt. LOL This is just too funny. My sides are hurting from reading these stories of the "good old days". I wanted a mustang fastback like Steve McQueen had in Bullit, but, my Dad didn't think it was safe enough for me. HA He bought me, well helped me, to buy a 1969 Plymouth GTX. It had a 440 in it, 365 horses! It was one of the fastest cars around and I loved it! I could lay a patch over 150 feet long with it. Do you remember that? I went thru a lot of tires doing that. LOL And, I would even race some of the guys in the 1/4 and I almost always won. They always had excuses like "they blew a gear" or "it locked up on them". Yea right. A girl beat you, suck it up and face it! I have always loved cars and always had "guy" cars when I was younger. I liked the speed! I didn't like the wrecks so much though. LOL
And yes, I had a lottttttttttttttt of extension cords on that sucker. I had to move around Stef. I am a mover! LOL
Love, Jeanne ♥0 -
Yes Judy they were ♥creampuff91344 said:Oh, Jeanne....those were the
Oh, Jeanne....those were the days, weren't they? The women of today have no idea how hard it was to stay beautiful back then, and most assuredly don't have any idea the time it took. If there was a Saturday night date, you started the night before with all of the rollers you slept on all night (can you imagine that), and usually you started early in the morning getting your clothes, petticoats, nails ready for the big event. The night of my senior prom I especially remember because we had a dress made for the occasion. It was a design of my own, and try as I could, I couldn't make it look like I had imagined. About an hur before my date was to pick me up, my Mother literally sewed me into the style I was looking for. Then I spent the rest of the night hoping and praying that the stitching didn't break. Guess I would have been the original "wardrobe malfunction", not to mention being exposed to the elements. The memories keep coming, so hope this thread continues. What fun it was, and nothing I would change. Hugs. Judy
Yes, I would sleep on those awful wire bristly hair rollers all night so that I would be beautiful for my date. I would do my nails the next day and that would take forever. I had claws back then. lol I don't know how I did anything they were so long and I had so much nail polish on them that they would never break off. lol My clothes would be perfect ofcourse. It would take hours to get ready. The only time it didn't for me, was when I went thru my hippy days and it was just bell bottom jeans and a halter top with a band around my forehead and straight hair. lol Remember that?
That was great that your Mom could literally sew you in that dress Judy. My goodness though, what if it had unraveled? Woe!
I love this thread too and am having so much fun reading and adding to it.
Love, Jeanne ♥0 -
Loving these stories!creampuff91344 said:Oh, Jeanne....those were the
Oh, Jeanne....those were the days, weren't they? The women of today have no idea how hard it was to stay beautiful back then, and most assuredly don't have any idea the time it took. If there was a Saturday night date, you started the night before with all of the rollers you slept on all night (can you imagine that), and usually you started early in the morning getting your clothes, petticoats, nails ready for the big event. The night of my senior prom I especially remember because we had a dress made for the occasion. It was a design of my own, and try as I could, I couldn't make it look like I had imagined. About an hur before my date was to pick me up, my Mother literally sewed me into the style I was looking for. Then I spent the rest of the night hoping and praying that the stitching didn't break. Guess I would have been the original "wardrobe malfunction", not to mention being exposed to the elements. The memories keep coming, so hope this thread continues. What fun it was, and nothing I would change. Hugs. Judy
Man, I can't believe all the time and effort it took to get ready for a date! No wonder women went to the beauty parlor so much more often in those days. LOL. I guess the reaction to this was the hippie movement, for which the reaction was the buttoned down 1980's, for which the reaction was the slobby 1990's. Remember the grunge look? I never knew how a piece of clothing should properly fit until adulthood. And, oh my, the Playboy club sounds fascinating indeed.
So, I NEVER dated until my last year of college. I was from one of those conservative families and my mom actually told me that I would date a guy after I got engaged to him! I could never figure out how I was supposed to get engaged without dating, but that's how my parents did it, so that's what they expected of me. Well, did they ever get an education. LOL. After I moved out of the house, I went ahead and did exactly what I wanted, including living with Simon for 2 years before we got married.
So how about more dating stories?! Here is one about my very first boyfriend. I was 21 and he was 29 or 30. He admitted that the only reason he had asked me out was because of how my breasts looked in a particular tight turtleneck that was popular in those days. Ugh. And I was actually pleased. What an idiot I was. LOL.
Mimi0 -
My recollection of my firstmimivac said:Loving these stories!
Man, I can't believe all the time and effort it took to get ready for a date! No wonder women went to the beauty parlor so much more often in those days. LOL. I guess the reaction to this was the hippie movement, for which the reaction was the buttoned down 1980's, for which the reaction was the slobby 1990's. Remember the grunge look? I never knew how a piece of clothing should properly fit until adulthood. And, oh my, the Playboy club sounds fascinating indeed.
So, I NEVER dated until my last year of college. I was from one of those conservative families and my mom actually told me that I would date a guy after I got engaged to him! I could never figure out how I was supposed to get engaged without dating, but that's how my parents did it, so that's what they expected of me. Well, did they ever get an education. LOL. After I moved out of the house, I went ahead and did exactly what I wanted, including living with Simon for 2 years before we got married.
So how about more dating stories?! Here is one about my very first boyfriend. I was 21 and he was 29 or 30. He admitted that the only reason he had asked me out was because of how my breasts looked in a particular tight turtleneck that was popular in those days. Ugh. And I was actually pleased. What an idiot I was. LOL.
My recollection of my first "date" was in the sixth grade, when the boy I sssoooo liked asked if he could walk me home from school. I said yes, and we walked the two miles to my house with him carrying my books....not a word passed between us. I was so shy back then, and was absolutely mortified of carrying on a conversation with a boy with no one else around. Anyway, when we got to my house, he handed me my books, and then he stood around, and stood around, and stood around...I guess waiting on an invitation to come in to the house. I was so horrified that I finally went over and turned on the water hose, and doused him a good one. He ran off squealing, and needless to say, I never was asked again. Recently, this same guy made comtact with me through Facebook and reminded me of the dousing. We both got a good laugh out of it, I apologized, and he said it was probably the best thing that had ever happened to him in his life. As a result, he decided that girls weren't his deal, and he started chasing boys. He now has a "life partner", and is so happy I validated his true feeling. Now, is that a heartfelt story, or what. Hugs, Judy0 -
I'm finallycreampuff91344 said:My recollection of my first
My recollection of my first "date" was in the sixth grade, when the boy I sssoooo liked asked if he could walk me home from school. I said yes, and we walked the two miles to my house with him carrying my books....not a word passed between us. I was so shy back then, and was absolutely mortified of carrying on a conversation with a boy with no one else around. Anyway, when we got to my house, he handed me my books, and then he stood around, and stood around, and stood around...I guess waiting on an invitation to come in to the house. I was so horrified that I finally went over and turned on the water hose, and doused him a good one. He ran off squealing, and needless to say, I never was asked again. Recently, this same guy made comtact with me through Facebook and reminded me of the dousing. We both got a good laugh out of it, I apologized, and he said it was probably the best thing that had ever happened to him in his life. As a result, he decided that girls weren't his deal, and he started chasing boys. He now has a "life partner", and is so happy I validated his true feeling. Now, is that a heartfelt story, or what. Hugs, Judy
joining this challange.. class of 1978... since this is such a long topic I havent had time to read all of the posts!!! But how fun to see how we looked back in the day before life really took over!!0 -
What a beautiful picture,Calleen said:I'm finally
joining this challange.. class of 1978... since this is such a long topic I havent had time to read all of the posts!!! But how fun to see how we looked back in the day before life really took over!!
What a beautiful picture, Calleen. Fun to look back and see "the way we were", and have the memories come forth like they were yesterday. You look so relaxed, and definitely in control. Hugs, Judy0 -
Calleen,Calleen said:I'm finally
joining this challange.. class of 1978... since this is such a long topic I havent had time to read all of the posts!!! But how fun to see how we looked back in the day before life really took over!!
How truly lovely
How truly lovely you are. What a beautiful and serene face. Just darling.
Stef0 -
I had a mustang fastback.Jeanne D said:Oh Stef lol ♥
I can just see you reaching in and working on your car with that teeny weeny short skirt. LOL This is just too funny. My sides are hurting from reading these stories of the "good old days". I wanted a mustang fastback like Steve McQueen had in Bullit, but, my Dad didn't think it was safe enough for me. HA He bought me, well helped me, to buy a 1969 Plymouth GTX. It had a 440 in it, 365 horses! It was one of the fastest cars around and I loved it! I could lay a patch over 150 feet long with it. Do you remember that? I went thru a lot of tires doing that. LOL And, I would even race some of the guys in the 1/4 and I almost always won. They always had excuses like "they blew a gear" or "it locked up on them". Yea right. A girl beat you, suck it up and face it! I have always loved cars and always had "guy" cars when I was younger. I liked the speed! I didn't like the wrecks so much though. LOL
And yes, I had a lottttttttttttttt of extension cords on that sucker. I had to move around Stef. I am a mover! LOL
Love, Jeanne ♥
I had a mustang fastback.0
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