TJ's Challenge



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    chenheart said:

    Sadly, I really don't have
    Sadly, I really don't have any pix of me~ when I was 20 we had a housefire, and we lost everything.....I didn't realize until recently how much I miss the pictures of my family.


    And that is my face on the 50'poster~ one of my friends superimposed my face on it!


    Aw that is sad Chen. I
    Aw that is sad Chen. I can't believe that noone has taken a pic of you in all of these years though. There has to be one somewhere. lol

    That's ok. And, sorry you lost your pics when you were 20. Hopefully, you, your family and friends have taken some since then. Pictures are priceless.

    Sue :)
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    fauxma said:

    As my dad would have

    As my dad would have said, nice set of gams. Was your hair naturally curly or was this a perm period? I love the necklace. It's a cute picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Moopy, what a great picture.
    Moopy, what a great picture. I would have recognizd you anywhere, and you still are just as beautiful. Isn't it fun to look back and see what we were, and to look in the mirror and see what we are. Time definitely has been good to you. Hugs, Judy
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867

    Moopy, what a great picture.
    Moopy, what a great picture. I would have recognizd you anywhere, and you still are just as beautiful. Isn't it fun to look back and see what we were, and to look in the mirror and see what we are. Time definitely has been good to you. Hugs, Judy

    Tat ♥
    That is a great picture!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    Jeanne D said:

    Tat ♥
    That is a great picture!

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    I have got to get a scanner!
    So I can join the 21st century! Wow, these are fun, great pics. I am enjoying just scrolling and reading and looking!!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    fauxma said:

    He was probably just

    He was probably just blown away by the prettiest girl at Lawrence County High School. I don't think you look old at all, just lovely. My senior picture is one of the few that I don't look 12 years old in. I think it is the clothing that helped. I used to be able to go to the movies at the kiddies price until I was in my twenties. Of course, the flip side is having to show ID for everything. I was even asked for my ID when I was pregnant with Denise and I was 27 and extremely pregnant. Then I don't know, just when I was loving the young thing, wham my age caught up to me. Hardly seems fair. Your beautiful smile has not changed at all over the years. Still just as pretty as ever.

    High School Years
    Thank you, dear Creampuff and Stef. I feel like the kid sister who's just won approval from her greatly admired big sisters. My sister Jackie left for TN today, and y'all make me feel less lonely tonight. Big sisters are found in many places.

    You know, Judy, the story about your tears is so like you and Stef: whatever fear or stress or sadness darkens your lives, you move through it into the sunlight. Like the tears that are erased with makeup, and replaced with a luminous smile.

    ID requests at 27 and pregnant?? Stef, you can't claim motherhood aged you. Denise and the kids are still keeping you young!

    Looking forward to more photos, and maybe even more memories. Thanks again, ladies.

    from the era of Freebird (yep, the Lynard Skynard song that lasts...forever)

    Jeanne, you do look like Farrah with your long blonde hair. Always our blonde beauty, you probably broke a few hearts, hmm?
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member

    I have got to get a scanner!
    So I can join the 21st century! Wow, these are fun, great pics. I am enjoying just scrolling and reading and looking!!

    Come on down, Melanie! Would love to see your back in the day photo.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    fauxma said:

    You are so cute. I


    You are so cute. I think that on the color photos they did some touch up but it was mostly color in the cheeks. You do have the prettiest eyes and gorgeous hair.

    I knew you were close in age to my daughter but I didn't realize how close. She graduated in 1993. Find a picture so we can see you.


    Senior Photos and Memories
    Everyone, I love your photos and recollections. Stef, you remind me of my sister Jackie. Very classy with your pearls. Cynthia, you wore your nurses' uniform proudly, just as you should; I hope you will keep it displayed for a little while. I hope everyone will. Lynn, you ARE the Breck girl. Wow. Judy, you are all Southern grace and beauty. And Tash, I'm looking forward to seeing you circa 1980s.

    Thanks to TJ for her great idea with the photos. Now, where is she hiding? Behind a beehive?
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Moopy23 said:

    High School Years
    Thank you, dear Creampuff and Stef. I feel like the kid sister who's just won approval from her greatly admired big sisters. My sister Jackie left for TN today, and y'all make me feel less lonely tonight. Big sisters are found in many places.

    You know, Judy, the story about your tears is so like you and Stef: whatever fear or stress or sadness darkens your lives, you move through it into the sunlight. Like the tears that are erased with makeup, and replaced with a luminous smile.

    ID requests at 27 and pregnant?? Stef, you can't claim motherhood aged you. Denise and the kids are still keeping you young!

    Looking forward to more photos, and maybe even more memories. Thanks again, ladies.

    from the era of Freebird (yep, the Lynard Skynard song that lasts...forever)

    Jeanne, you do look like Farrah with your long blonde hair. Always our blonde beauty, you probably broke a few hearts, hmm?

    This is a great idea!
    I am loving looking at all of your pictures. You all look great! And your stories are a riot! This is the best one of all of them so far. Please keep this thread going! LOL

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    susie09 said:

    This is a great idea!
    I am loving looking at all of your pictures. You all look great! And your stories are a riot! This is the best one of all of them so far. Please keep this thread going! LOL

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣

    Ok, so now I have to find a
    Ok, so now I have to find a better picture. If I have time I need to seach for them. kinda packed them away and well don't have the energy to dig them out. but I will try. You all look so great. Its nice going back in time.
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Shout-out to my fellow 80s chick!
    Libby, I would have *killed* back then for hair that feathered back like yours! And what is that furry thing you're wearing? -- I didn't have fur back then, I'm jealous!


    Right back at ya!!!! 80's were the best
    Hey Traci!!! I love the 80's!!! Hair ---- hours of prep (hot rollers) and hairspray -- white rain I think haha -- I had blue eyeliner and blue mascarra!! (did I spell that right???) the feather thing --- we all had to wear one for our senior picture in the year book - it was some deal they wrapped around our shoulders - underneath a tube top hahahaaa. awww those were the days :) o and lovin the perm I think I had that look, at least once :)
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    Okay, this really dates
    Okay, this really dates me....guess I am the oldest one on the board. My 1962 graduation picture was so "60's", and was just like everyone else in the class. All were draped in the same blue netting, and all had the same hairstyle. Guess we were a generation of copy cats. What memories. (Just remember this was the age before hairspray, so in the south, you slept in rollers, and then hurried to school as fast as you could before your hair drooped. What a hoot.) Hugs. Judy

    it's all that comes to mind

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Kat11 said:

    Ok, so now I have to find a
    Ok, so now I have to find a better picture. If I have time I need to seach for them. kinda packed them away and well don't have the energy to dig them out. but I will try. You all look so great. Its nice going back in time.

    I am late I know I started
    I am late I know I started this whole thing!!!! What do you expect, I was not even on time for my own birth 3 weeks late and still had to induce, can you hear my mama grumble?
    Anyway I am 18 here, and already got a tatoo, now can you here my daddy grumble?

    Sorry I was late, been having pc problems

    ps i will work on gettint the pic to come in better
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Moopy23 said:

    High School Years
    Thank you, dear Creampuff and Stef. I feel like the kid sister who's just won approval from her greatly admired big sisters. My sister Jackie left for TN today, and y'all make me feel less lonely tonight. Big sisters are found in many places.

    You know, Judy, the story about your tears is so like you and Stef: whatever fear or stress or sadness darkens your lives, you move through it into the sunlight. Like the tears that are erased with makeup, and replaced with a luminous smile.

    ID requests at 27 and pregnant?? Stef, you can't claim motherhood aged you. Denise and the kids are still keeping you young!

    Looking forward to more photos, and maybe even more memories. Thanks again, ladies.

    from the era of Freebird (yep, the Lynard Skynard song that lasts...forever)

    Jeanne, you do look like Farrah with your long blonde hair. Always our blonde beauty, you probably broke a few hearts, hmm?

    I'm always 1 step behind right now
    Seems like I just finally got my baby pic up. I'm trying to find a high-school picture. Haven't gone through all my stuff since I moved so can't find my photo album. Soon as I do, I'll scan one. Love looking at all the ones posted. We are a fine bunch of gals, even in our youth! Lola
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    I'm always 1 step behind right now
    Seems like I just finally got my baby pic up. I'm trying to find a high-school picture. Haven't gone through all my stuff since I moved so can't find my photo album. Soon as I do, I'll scan one. Love looking at all the ones posted. We are a fine bunch of gals, even in our youth! Lola

    I wish it was more of a

    I wish it was more of a closeup but you were very cute. But I was hoping for a beehive. So you are always a little late, huh? Your poor mama, I can't even imagine going 3 weeks over my due date. Denise was born the day after she was due. I was going crazy and ranting all day on her due date that I was going to be pregnant forever. Two hours after midnight I went into labor so she wasn't even a whole day late.
    And Lola, you are the youngest looking teen of all, such a baby face and I can't remember when the big hats were in fashion but you were probaby a rebel. LOL Look forward to seeing your teen years.
    TJ, late or not this was a great challenge. So much fun. Thanks for doing it.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    You look great on that car! And, I love the car too! Those were the days of the "muscle cars". lol

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    Muscle cars
    Jeanne I love you picture you look like Farrah! Yup I most certainly loved my car, wish I still had it.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Just seeing if this works.
    Just seeing if this works. If it does, it's me - 1968 version.

    What a great picture, what a cutie! :-) It is fun to look back and see ourselves then and now.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Okay, this really dates
    Okay, this really dates me....guess I am the oldest one on the board. My 1962 graduation picture was so "60's", and was just like everyone else in the class. All were draped in the same blue netting, and all had the same hairstyle. Guess we were a generation of copy cats. What memories. (Just remember this was the age before hairspray, so in the south, you slept in rollers, and then hurried to school as fast as you could before your hair drooped. What a hoot.) Hugs. Judy

    You were stunning, I love this picture, great smile!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Class of 1978 - better late than never!
    Here's my senior picture from Lawrence County High School, class of 1978. When I brought it for Joe to scan, he refused to believe it wasn't my college graduation picture! That better not be his way of telling me I look old...

    Moopy you look darling, not old at all...silly Joe.


  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    fauxma said:

    MimiDid you use safety pins
    Did you use safety pins to peg those jeans as tight as could be? Some of the jeans had zippers at the cuffs. And I remember that Guess jeans were the ones to have. Denise has one picture with the pumped up bangs, but her hair was so fine and thin that it just didn't work so she gave it up. And she was told that if she tried to perm her hair it would break and fall out. She did crimp it though. Her hair was very straight until high school and then it developed major waves and curl. It still is. And her best friends hair went into major curl. It was like nature gave her the perfect perm for the time. Now she uses a straightener to get rid of the curl. And have you seen that the pegged are back in. Do you think the foot high pumped bangs will follow. So funny. I hope you find a picture soon. I'll see if I can find Denise's and post it to my expressions. She'll hate me for it cause she hates that picture.

    Pegged jeans
    LOL. No, I didn't use a safety pin. We had this method where we would fold the cuff over to the side and then up -- practically cutting off circulation to the leg. Of course half the time one cuff would become undone and then you would be lopsided. I haven't seen that this look is back! I will definitely NOT be stylin' this time. As for the high bangs, god forbid! Do post a pic. of your daughter, Stef!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Class of 1978 - better late than never!
    Here's my senior picture from Lawrence County High School, class of 1978. When I brought it for Joe to scan, he refused to believe it wasn't my college graduation picture! That better not be his way of telling me I look old...

    Aww, Moopy
    That is just lovely. Your sweet nature and kindness really shine through that picture. Very beautiful.

    OK, I have looked and looked and I don't have a high school picture at my condo, but I will have my mom send me one. TJ, can you hold off on updating the challenge for a few days?