Back to work
Well I went back to my job on Tuesday. I was so excited to be back. Lots of my coworkers emailed me and sent cards during my surgery and treatment but I never expected a welcome back party. People stopping by my cube all day to ask how i was doing and to welcome me back. I must say I was suprised. By the end of day one I…
DEANNA: get your last (LAST!) final (FINAL!) chemo today?!
Please tell me that you were able to get your last chemo!!! I am so happy for you to be completing the final leg on your treatment protocol, with 3 long months stretching luxouriously ahead of NO DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS, no needles, and reclaiming your life!! :D I had a much (MUCH!) smaller milestone today: MASCARA! I almost…
Hello. I was told during my last chemo treatment that I may need a blood transfusion. Has anyone had this experience? They have been giving me the shot for red blood cells for the past 2 weeks but I guess it isn't working enough. I constantly hear my heart beating in my ears in addition to being exhausted. I am hoping that…
Gene therapy & P53, and Anti-HER-2/neu-targeted therapy
This piece of research is really hard to understand, but builds on some earlier research I did on epidermal growth factor type II receptor. This 'factor' can be tested for with fresh tissue samples taken during your hysterectomy, and KNOWING you had this factor would be VERY important information, as there are drugs that…
Did any of you see Farah's story on TV? She has suffered so much. I had wondered if she was going to be able to let go after her show was aired. I was astonished at some of the treatments she had to have. Also there was a special on our local TV Kare 11 about a rare cancer and the Dr that was treating it. It was very…
My Sisters progress and Undifferentiated Cells
Hello, Haven't posted in a while. Just a quick follow-up on my Sister's progress that I posted earlier here: http://csn.cancer.org/node/165724 She had surgery on Feb. 26th We got the final staging results in late march. They took out 31 lymph nodes and the good news is she's a stage 1B. But the bad news is 10% of the cells…
My Gyn/onc visit-UPDATE
Wow, what a difference in doctors! He was calm, cool, collected, informative, and took the time to actually educate me. He allowed me time for questions, and best of all he made me laugh!! Great bedside manner. In a nutshell, he explained my pathology. Yes, endometrial tissue was taken from my uterus, but there is no way…
rectal bleeding
Just finished 25 pelvic radiation treatments. Yesterday started bleeding from rectum - heavily - when I have a bowel movement - same thing today (sunday) - and very sore rectum. Cannot find rectal bleeding in regular side effects. Has anyone else experienced this - and is it serious? Start localized radiation to just tumor…
Found women with my diagnosis & a TY to ShortMarge
Guess where I found them?? Hystersisters! So a huge thank you ShortMarge for the recommendation! ((HUGS)) I love that website. :) It turns out BOTH women who had the same exact dx as me ended up having endometrial cancer. One was a Stage I requiring no further treatment, the other was a Stage III needing…
Relay for Life
Just wanted to share because I am excited. I will be walking the survivor lap at Relay for Life tomorrow night. My Mom, a friend of hers and a friend of mine will be walking together. Next year I am going to start up a team, I wanted to this year but just wasn't up to it yet. Should be fun!
New things I learned from my talk with radiation oncologist
I was under the impression that once you received radiation on a certain part of your body, that area could never be radiated again. Apparently, with IMRT, that isn't true. Just as the IMRT allows the technicians to lessen the radiation as the machine moves over bones and uninvolved vital organs, should I need radiated…
I am DONE. After a hysterecomy, 25 IMRT and 4 HDR treament I am now done with treatment. I have a 2% chance of the endrometral cancer coming back but I can live with those odds. I was diagnosised with endrometral cancer on 1/20 and had surgey via DeVinic robot on 2/20 was found to have grade 2 stage 2b. Due to the staging…
http://www.lymphnotes.com/article.php/id/313/ This is the best site I've come across explaining swelling and drainage issues. There are many, many site to site references. Here's just a sample: Starting Treatment: The Intensive Introduction An intensive, which is also known as an intervention, is the beginning phase of…
PET finally APPROVED for UPSC - Insurance denial OVERTURNED after long FIGHT!!!!! Tips on dealing w
I was SHOCKED yesterday when I got the call from my Aetna case manager - the insurance company had reversed their long-standing denials of my PET. Two days ago I received a special delivery letter from them that we were to go to a hearing on May 14th about this very issue. Don't know what happened that they changed their…
Sharing something very beautiful...
I was sent this link by a dear friend, and wanted to share it with each of you, to inspire you and brighten your day. It's really beautiful. You may want to have your sound on LOW. Click on the word LIFE on the opening page, and ENJOY: http://www.greatdanepromilitary.com/Life/index.htm (It made me cry. I think I am overly…
Who has had a D&C question and update on my doc's visit:
First thing I have to know is who has had a D & C and do you have a copy of the pathology report? Here is why I ask: My D & C pathology shows specimens of endometrial curettings and endocervical curettings...yet my doc said I dont have dysplasia in my uterus, only in my endocervix, that he didnt take samples from my…
UPSC - aspiring new discussion member - recurrance last year - Mary Ann in San Francisco
Hi, Ladies. I was diagnosed with UPSC in February 2006, when I could not find a discussion like this. I have never met, in person or on line, anyone else with UPSC. They found recurrence in July 2008. I've finished my second series of 6 carboplatin-taxol chemo on March 17 and have the barest fuzz of hair back. My doctor is…
happy mothers day
Have a happy mothers day tomorrow. bonniesue
Aloha UPSC survivors
Glad to have found you all; diagnosed in May 08 with UPSC stage 1A; I was lucky and very blessed to find this killer early; all I noticed was some unusual moisture in the vagina during intercourse (this is NOT normal for a post menopausal woman); my further investigation of this change included a clear, odorless, sticky…
Anyone know their Karnofsky Performance Scale Index score?
I was just reading a Clinical Trial and one of the "inclusion criteria" to be considered for the study group was that you must have a Karnofsky Performance Scale Index of greater than 60. So, naturally, I wondered what that was and looked it up. Apparently, it is a way that physicians measure how you are doing with your…
Pre-diagnosis confusion...seeking answers
Hello everyone. I have had a very hard time finding someone who understands what I am going through...maybe I can find someone here (I have tried cervical cancer forums and only got answers to the cervical portion). I'm 32 years old. I originally went in to doc presenting with pelvic pain that worsened with menstruation,…
Has anyone heard from Peggy?
Linda did you go visit your sister?
Linda how is the swelling to your feet and legs. Were you able to travel to see your sister, or did you go to the doctor instead? I hope you were able to visit you sister. I hope the swelling got better. Good luck with your appointment on Thursday with the radiation onocologist.
Geting back into routine
Well I don't know how many of you have gone back to work or stayed working while doing treatments and had a rough time of adjusting to it all. I just recently went back to work on Wednesday and worked 8 hours that day and the next. I was so bone weary tired on Friday I had to call in. You don't really know how it's going…
A local church knitted me a Prayer Shawl. Familiar with this ministry?
The Museum Director at one of my long-time grantwriting clients has become a dear friend over the years we've worked together. His church has been praying for me since the beginning of my cancer journey. He called me last week to tell me that they have knitted me a Prayer Shawl. I had never heard of this, so I Googled it,…
Healthy Suggestions
Hello, I am about to start 6 weeks of radiation and chemo for Stage 3 cervical cancer. Does anyone have any words of wisdom as to help my body cope with the shock it is about to get? Thanks for listening. Sherry
3 Month Check-Up
Well, today is the day that I start; my first three month check-up. Not really looking forward to walking into the cancer center but feeling great and having no worries. Y'all are in my prayers and hope all are feeling well today. MIND, BODY AND SOUL!!!! Hugs.
If all goes well, I will have chemo # 5 today! So close to being finished and hopefully for good! Also hoping to get CT results from the doc today. Hope everyone is feeling well. In my prayers always! Love and hugs, Deanna
Ankles and legs really swollen the last 2 days. Serious?
I only have a couple of days before my external radiation starts and I plan to drive down to see my sister and step-mother tomorrow for an overnight visit. My problem: after taking the grandkids to an Amusement Park yesterday, and being on my feet all day, my ankles and lower legs ballooned up quite a bit. And even after a…
I am feeling lost!
I am 34 years old. My last son was born in may 2003, after which I immediatly began having the heaviest periods ever. My periods were heavy enough to make me anemic, so my gyn at the time did some testing which revealed nothing abnormal. No fibroids, polyps, nothing. I was given the choice of a hysterectomy or endometrial…