To treat or not to treat
Hello all, I was diagnosed in July 2011 with stage 2 PCa, 3 of 12 being positive, Gleason score of 3+3 "involves app. 10% of the core". The same for all 3. One said "High grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (Pin 2-3)" whatever that means. PSA in May was 7. A later one in Nov. was 4.6. I've read that statins may lower…
PSA Post HDR Brachytherapy
I am just about three years out from HDR Brachytherapy and my PSA is creeping up. Has anyone had this experience? What have they done to determine whether it is reoccurence or not? Also, if it is reoccurence what are the choices for treatment? Thanks in advance. David
Nutrition & PCa Guidelines from UC San Francisco
To All: I have taken an approach that dramatically improves my diet and will focus on building my immunology. Here is an easy to read nutritional guide of 64 pages in .pdf format that I ran across. The guide has many footnoted passages that detail what foods and supplements will help you avoid and or impeded the progress…
Small Cell (neuroendocrine) cancer
My dad 72 years old was recently diagnosed with Stage IV small cell neuroendocrine cancer (Gleason 5+5). He is currently undergoing standard first line platinum based chemotherapy along with hormone therapy (eligard). Given the poor prognosis for small cell prostate cancer we were looking for other alternate treatments out…
A Journalist's Story . . .
Here's an interesting 2 part article written by a journalist chronicling his experiences w/PCa as an active surveillence patient for the past 5 years: Part 1: http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateCancer/56070 Part 2: http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateCancer/56091
ADT May Contribute to Heart Disease
We've all heard that you're more like to die "with" than "from" PCa but a new study suggests that those who take ADT drugs to treat PCa may develop heart diseases and die from it instead of from PCa. Just another reason IMO not to take ADT drugs unless absolutely necessary. See:…
PSA of 88.4. It was 55.8 just two weeks ago!!!!
Hey everyone!! I had my prostate removed in May 2014 (PSA was 29.5) Had Bladder Sling surgery to fix incontinence in September 2014. PSA was 7.4 in January 2015....Had Lupron shot. PSA was 4.5 in April 2015.....Had Lupron shot. Started having bad pains and found out that I had Diabetes with insulin numbers of 399+ and…
Post RP Genomic testing to determine likelihood of disease recurrence
Folks, I am a new RP patient. My cancer was detected in October 2015, and I just had a robotic RP January 26, 2016. I have not read my pathology report, but the doctor did give me a good news/bad news phone call. Good news was no lymph node involvement, bad news was a positive margin. So I don't have any details of what…
PSA 30
Hi I'm new to the board here. I am a spinal cord cancer survivor and just found out my PSA levels today are 30 my Dr. Tells me that this is very likely a strong sign of prostate cancer (my father had prostate cancer 14 years ago and told me his PSA was 18 when his was diagnosed) I am now waiting to see my urologist for…
PSA Following Salvage Radiation Treatments
A routine PSA test in December 2010 revealed a PSA of 5.55. Biopsy thereafter revealed cancer in 10/12 cores and a Gleason of 4+4=8. MRI and scans were negative so I opted for Robotic prostatectomy in March 2011 at age 62. Surgical pathology report downgraded Gleason to 4+3=7 but noted that the tumor involved 50% of the…
Waiting On Biopsy Results
On Apr. 16th I posted remarks and questions about my biopsy scheduled for the next day. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be......I was given a few injections of Lidocane (spel?). A total of 20 cores were taken. Before the ultrasound and biopsy, the doctor showed me how they mapped out ten areas in each lobe…
robotic surgery with heart disease
Has anyone had robotic prostatectomy with heart issuees. I was scheduled for this week. New Family Dr. wouldn't clear due to abnormal ekg. I will have a stress test early in the week, I'm just wondering if it is still possible to have the surgery. I surely don't want to wait on this any longer than necessary. Thanks in…
Looking for similar cases
I am 64. Had psa of 9 then 7 then 8.3 over 3 month span, had biopsy on 12/9 at john Hopkins. Result 2 specimens with Gleason 7(4+3) one with Gleason 7(3+4) the rest ok. Graded TC1. Doc told me to read dr Walsh book and we have consult phone call on 12/23. Said option are surgery or radiation. I see no mention in the book…
PSA 0.14 after radiation treatments
Hi all, I just wanted to give an update on my status and any advice is appreciated. After radical Prostatectomy and radiation therapry 8 weeks ago my PSA has climbed from 0.1 post prostatectomy to 0.14 post radiation I will meet with my radiation oncologist Monday at Mass Gen Hospital. Not much more he can do, but refer my…
Recently diagnosed with pc. Stage 2, psa 4.0, gleason 7 (3+7). I am 69 years old generally good health. Surgery recommended which I plan to do on the 31st of this month. Hope I made the right decision. Wanted to get second opinion, but other Urologist are six months out for taking new appointments and can't wait that long…
Very Worried about PSA level at 7.6
Hi everyone! I just joined this network. I had a PSA test done today and it came out high at 7.6. Last summer it was high at 7.4 and the Mayo Clinic here in Phoenix did a biopsy in July. Luckily no cancer was found. I"m 52 and my Dad had both prostrate cancer and then died of liver cancer at age 70. I just checked the…
Another Biopsy?
Gleason 6 Aug 2014, chose watchful surveillance , Had MRI of prostate in Nov 2014---no cancer seen. MRI of prostate in Nov 2015, 2 urologist's state they can see the tumor ( in same area the gleason picked it up on biopsies, Left side). They both told me this has grown rapidly in 1 year, and recommend surgery or…
Had brachytherapy (seed implants) today, 12/14/2011
Had 53 Iodine-125 encapsuated seeds implanted into my prostate today. The proceedure went very well; however, I am experiencing more burning when urinating that I expected. It is far from unbearable but really is noticable. Also, my flow rate is noticably lessened. Will this improve? I have read that it does. Have any of…
Dad's Biopsy Report....Questions.
Hi. I'm a concerned and scared daughter who is trying to do as much research as possible. My dad is 65 and was diagnosed with prostate cancer this past week. Needless to say, this was devastating news and we are struggling to accept his diagnosis and are frightened about his prognosis. However, I'm attempting to be strong…
I Need Understanding With My Results
Hello, everybody! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thursday, I went to have a free/total PSA blood drawn. Yesterday I received the results. I'm not ashamed to say that I am scared and confused. Before I share with you my results, let me tell you about myself. My name is Samuel. On December 18, 2015, I turned 42 years old. About six months…
Newly diagnised
My husband was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer on 01/12/2016. He will have a bone scan and MRI next week and we will receive the results next Tuesday. His biopsy showed 8 out of 12 samples to be cancerous. Gleason scores of 8 on one and the rest were 4 and 6. He is very healthy, 69 years old, and loves life and…
mri with endorectal coil
Is anyone familiar with this type of MRI? Can you tell me if there is any special prep to be done prior to the procedure? Husband is scheduled for Friday. Surgery is scheduled in less than two weeks. Things are happening very quickly here. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Anne in PA
AMS 800 urinary artificial sphincter
Any one interested in tell me the name of a great Urologist that does surgery for the implant of the AMS 800? Thanks
I had my prostate removed 2 years ago, all is well but I need to learn my options in order to have decent erections when I want them. Right now I am only able to get an erection ocassionally. I have been told by my Doctor that it will take more time but in the mean time I could try injections into my penis. Has anyone…
Post Cyberknife treatment update
I have posted previously regarding my decision to pursue Active Surveillance 5 years ago, some progression of the disease earlier this year, and my decision thereafter to end active surveillance and to be treated with Cyberknife. This is an update re the treatment and aftermath to date. Given 5 years on active…
Incintence Type? 2 years after radical prostectomy
I have tried reading up on the different types of incontence that are common after radical prostectomy. Its roughly 2 years since my surgery. PSA < 0.1 so that part is great. Before I had the surgery I had to rely on CIC (Catheters) to void. The cancer just made it impossible to urinate. Post op I had really bad pain that…
Movember 2015, Time to grow mustaches
to bring awareness of Prostate Cancer and other Men's diseases to the general population. Spread the word about what is needed to screen for disease. Information about Movember http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wanted-movember-shave-november/story?id=26654042 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movember#History Foundation site…
Blood in urine after BM
After I have a hard bowel movement I have blood in my urine. Its been almost two months since my prostate was removed. Any one else having problems like this.
So confused, worried and clueless about my dad's prostate cancer and Zytiga
My dad is 75. He now has "castration resistant" or hormone resistant prostate cancer becuase he has cancer now in his lymph nodes and abomen despite being on hormones. So he is going off the hormones and trying Zytiga. My extensive research is that he is in late state prostate cancer and the survival rate is 1-2 years…
V.D. and others micrometastatic trial
hello to all ...c trail at U of Heidelberg .. LU-177-antipsma I know V.D. is fighting this patricular pc ... thought you all might be interested. I am not good on searching this is as far as I have went I am sure one of you can get more info..God bless...NEPOL