Waiting for the Biopsy results
Hello, 9-17-15 I am a 52yr old hispanic. I missed my physical last year due to just being too focused on work and just pain busy. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabeties 2.5 years ago and have been able to control it with diet and excercise. However my AC1 this last visit was a bit higher than the doc wanted so he put me on…
Trying to talk my son off the ledge
Hello again. I'm from the breast and uterine cancer boards. Husband had PC in 2013 and has undergone radiation and injections. He's doing fine. Now, I'm on to my son. Good grief! I don't know about boy things! I hope you can provide me with some information. My son is 45. He recently found that his testosterone level was…
Looking for Proton Beam treatment feedback from someone that had intermediate to high risk PC
I am new to the forum so please forgive if I should be asking this question another way. I am 74; healthy otherwise; exercise on regular basis. No family history; somebody has to be first I suppose. Non smoker. I am in the DFW Texas area. My last PSA was 7.9 June 2015; started up in 2012. Finally had biopsy 10/26/15 and…
Vacum Pump use after prostatecomy?
So I am due to have prostatecomy in the next month or so. Quite frankly part of me is inclined to say "the hell with it" and not have to surgery due to loss of sex life. But any how, part of the rehab for erections is to start getting erections soon after surgery. Cialias or other meds--good luck with insurance covering…
Tertiary pattern 5
Had robotic prostatectomy on 8/26/10 I am 63 years old. Nerves were spared (hope that wasn't a mistake). Pathology results were 4+3=7 w/ tertiary pattern 5. Luckily margins and lymph node sampling negative with tumor involving 25% of prostatic tissue. Anybody like this out there? Getting mixed reports on relevance of…
going to deal with this
I was informed today that I have a low grade prostate cancer with my psa level at 30. This was done at the VA Hospital. I was told that the good thing is that its low grade but that high psa level is concerning. CT,bone scan was ordered, but didnt discuss anything about taking meds to see if we can get those psa numbers…
Abdominal/Incision Pain After daVinci Surgery ? (Hernia?)
Hello… I am 59, and about 6 weeks past a daVinci prostatectomy surgery. My “plumbing” recovery is moving along pretty well, but I have lingering abdominal muscle aches in the vicinity of one of the incision/portholes (upper left, the one close to the bottom of the ribcage). It is not overwhelming pain, but rather a steady…
hi can anyone experienced CEA level to change significantly in short period - such as increasing from 11 to 14 in one week? How can CEA change so rapidly?
suicide gene + chemo
here,s the link maybe someone will turn it blue for you ,,,. www. techtimes.com/articles/115854/20151213/suicide-gene-therapy-and-chemotherapy-combo-kills-prostate-tumor-cells.htm.....i found it interesting.. NEPOL
$20,000 Out of Pocket for Laser Ablation Treatment
I have been given the choice of either laser ablation treatment or another round with cryoablation surgery. The cryoablation treatment is covered by my insurance company, but the laser treatment is not. The laser treatment would be performed by Dr. Walser at the University of Texas who has only performed approximately 130…
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! Best Wishes and good luck as we head into the Holiday season.
Looking for Brachytherapy at Kaiser Roseville feedback
I am a newly diagnosed mid 40's guy, stage 1Tc. Seriously considering brachytherapy at the Kaiser Roseville location. Anybody that got treated there care to share their experience?
my psa came back 27.5 today was normal 18 mon ago what to do
I just got word today frommy primary care doc that my psa was 27.5 she said call a uorlogist. I have urologist appnt for tuesday> I have my mind made up: NO BIOPSY just take prosatate out, then retest psa in 6 weeks. IMO I see no need to go througa biopsy, which is NOT a treatment. or necessary if I have already decided to…
Zytiga has anybody tryed it
I'm a Vietnam Vet 1970 with Prostate remove in 2008, Gleason 9 (4+5). After Proton radiation in 08/2009 and by 04/2010 when to MD Anderson for for CT/bone scan and found PC in Lymph node's. Started lupron and Psa when back down to 0.5, but then started climbing again psa 1.5. By 04/2011 at started Bicalutamide and the PSA…
At what PSA reading should I start to worry after Prostrate removal
I developed cancer in my Prostrate a year and a half ago. I take blood work for PSA every 6 months. It has gone up a little each time and it's at 0.27. My doctor has this 0.30 mark where he starts Radiation treatments for 25 days straight. I've done a lot of research and most things I read says the once it starts going up,…
kill cancer in lymph nodes..
tinyurl.com/pmhj8ux... they are on it at cornell .....NEPOL
Perineural Invasion after robotic radical prostatectomy
Hi all, I'm new to this web site and i thought that maybe some of you cancer experts/survivors could answer or give me some info on post prostate removal biopsy with perineural invasion means as far as further treatment. I just had radical removal two weeks ago and will have the foley removed this week. First the…
Multiple Opinions Received
Greetings. I've been reading through the board, and it seems like there is some good advice here. So let me throw my hat into the "I need some advice too" ring. I am newly diagnosed and having a difficult time deciding on the treatment plan. I guess some stats would be helpful. 54 years old. Routine colonoscopy Nov 2014,…
Radium 223 Treatment
Hello,my name is JoAnn and my husband is Bill. We live in Virginia and have been married 50 years this past July. Bill was diagnosed 3 years ago on Sept.15th with aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. He went through the Provenge treatment,he had radiation on his spine,was put on Xtandi…
Rookie Mistake; nervous in the service
Before going for my six month Active Surveillance appointment on 10/19/2015 I made a rookie mistake. I rode a bicycle before the appointment. My PSA from that day was 8.0 and Free 20. a very large increase in PSA. The PSA was redone on 10.26/2015 at a different lab, quest , walking distance from home. The number is now…
Back in 2013 my psa was 22.1
I had my prostate removed in 2013 after my byopsie came back pos. for cancer in 3 of the 12 taken and was told it was contained to the prostate. 1 year after I had my psa done and it was 00.0... 1 year after that I had it done again and it came back 0.22 The Dr. told me we would recheck it again in 3 months and at that…
IAM 43yrs and I can not find any support groups for young men such as myself. I have been fighting for 2yrs now and notice that Prostate Cancer does not get as much pub as Breast Cancer. This is my first time on this site and i had alot of things on my mind. I have been looking for Prosate Cancer runs or walk in my area…
Previously I posted about casodex on this forum. After IMRT my PSA slowly started rising. I started taking Casodex 50 mg about two years after I finished my IMRT when my PSA rose to 9.5. In a very short period it went down to 0 and I continued to take the medication for a total of three months. My PSA stayed very low for…
My first post op PSA .008 ...is this good?
Hi.. 5 and a half weeks after surgery.. This is my first PSA test.. Is this good... Less than one mean I am in zero club? Thx all
Big PSA jump aft undetectable
had surgery in January, 9 months ago. Surgical path was G7(3+4), negative margins, beg seminal vesicles, negative lymph nodes, (9 taken) no ECE, 5% of prostate involved by tumor, have had 3 UNDETECTABLE PSAs, all <.02. Today I got my 9 month PSA results , came back at 3.38! Is it even possible that ther could be a jump…
Helpful Books
http://www.masteringthepowerofnow.com/#register This is a course of how to use and understand Eckhardt Tolle's The Power of Now. I am now studying it. The Power of Now was no. 1 on the N Y times best seller list for many months and was featured on Oprah. http://worldprayerfoundation.com/resources/Ken Keyes-Handbook to…
Cancer Now Under Control and Competing Again
This is a report on my cancer. For those who do not know, I have stage 4 Prostate Cancer with very advanced bone matastases. The severity of this cancer is needed to be told to understand this story. Here are the % of my body covered: 50% lower half of skull 100% spine and pelvis 80% all ribs 40% shoulder and knee joints…
How To Heal Yourself
All of you have unlimited amount of power, love, and wisdom that few know about. There are two worlds we live in: one, the world of man called the materialistic world, and, two, the spiritual world. Spiritual means of the spirit, and spirit is love. The spiritual Father is often described as pure love. If the Spiritual…
Alternative generic treatments?
Hey everybody! It’s very nice to meet all of you. I’m 69 years young and I'm going to start some prostate cancer treatments. They prescribed me doxorubicin which is pretty cheap. They also told me to look into Viagra to go with the doxorubicin. However, at my age, and still working, I don't have a lot of money. I was…
Expectant management for men with early stage prostate cancer
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21278/full This is the most inclusive article that I have come across to date about expectant management for early stage prostate cancer. H