My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer he was only diagnosed because it moved to his
Hi was wondering what there is to do we went to his docter and she said that there isnt alot he can do it's spread to his adrenal gland and kidney and we think his brain. He is now coughing up blood how long do u think he might have im really worried.
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer
My dad is currently at MD Anderson. He was ready to fly out last sat. but wasnt able to wake up in his hotel room. He has been on a vent since then, he is off sedation since Wed., and still wont wake up. We will find out Monday from cultures, what is causing him to not wake up. Cancer has spread to his brain. His wife is…
Glenna M, medi and mamacita
Glenna, medi and mamacita... it's been awhile since we have heard from you Ladies and wanted you to know you have been missed. Hope and pray all is well. ..... Dan
My Update
Adenocarcinoma non-small cell Stage 3 unoperable, 3 tumors in upper right lobe, going in tomorrow for EBUS then should start Radiation and Chemo sometime in the next few weeks. Pet scan showed that all the cancer appears to be isolated in the right lung, nothing in my other organs or bones. Dr's at Northwestern described…
Newly Diagnosed Stage IV Lung Cancer (Dad)
Hello everyone, My name is jeannette and I am a newbie to these forums so I thought id join and share my story and seek some support. My father is 55 years old and two weeks ago he was diagnosed with metastatic small cell lung cancer (stage iv) that has spread to other organs. A little after thanksgiving last year my dad…
Thoractomy-what should I expect after surgery?
Has anyone had lung survey w/this procedure? A tumor may be removed from my liver during this 2nd surgery as well ss right lung wedging. I am recovering from a left lung lobectomy and am very anxious.I have a scan on Sat., to recheck liver since Ive been off chemo. These boards are full of supportive, caring people. Thank…
Small cell lung cancer....
Hello. I am new here. My name is Donna. I am 58 years old and was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in August of last year. Four months earlier I had just finished treatment for DCIS breast cancer with radiation and lumpectomy. I was told my lung cancer is NOT mets from the breast cancer and is a completely different…
Finished with chemo treatments (12), now dealing with after effects and wondering when they will diminish. The worst one is the tingling, numb feeling in hands, fingers, and lower extremities. Everyone says it takes time, but this is really the only thing that has been a hinderence to me in feeling totally better. So far I…
How you were dignosed
Hi, I would like to know how you were diagnosed? my cousin is in UK , and she had some health issues after the birth of her daughter. she had a chest Xray and it showed a lump of size of Apricot in her lung. Today she had many tests, and was told by the doctor to wait for a letter for CT and lung biopsy. because they want…
Lung Cancer in under 35, non smoker?
Dear All, I am posting this for my cousin. She is 31 and mother of 6 months old. she had a chest xray and it showed a lump in her left lung. she is suppose to do CT and lung biopsy next week...very very scared. I am a member of colon club, since my wife is a colon cancer patient stage 3b since last january. The doctor said…
Understanding this disease and this site
First of all, I am struggling with this site, it is extremely slow, does anyone else have problems with this? By the time, I get to where I want to go, I forget what I wanted to write. Really, this takes minutes to move from one page to another. I don't have patience as it is so waiting for this site usually leads me off…
to much weight lost
cancer sclc limited found dec2011 45 rads to chest ,3rounds chemo,pci10 rounds lost 52 lbs doing treatment and has only gained 4 lbs back.he's treatments has been over since sept 2011 and has had 3 good pt scans since why can't he gain weight,he still gets weak.
What now?
My 31y/o wife has been on the phase 2 Crizotinib trial since last June. Well, we got the news that we didn't want to hear yesterday. Lastest CT/bone scans shows increased progression, doc said its spreading fast again. Its hard to understand how this is possible when the previous scan before that showed everything as being…
Limited SCLC - results?
My dad was diagnosed with SCLC 12/27/2011 and began chemotherapy today. The pulmanologist originally said he would stage it as 3b and basically gave him a very limited amount of time. The oncologist yesterday seemed very optimistic saying the bone and brain scans came back showing the cancer was still in just one lung. The…
Lost !!
This past Saturday I took my mom who is 59 to the ER because she has been having severe headaches, loss of hearing in her right ear & most recently stabbing pains in her left eye. It took me 2 weeks to convince her to go. They did a CT scan and found abnormalities in her Cerebellum they warranted a MRI where they found…
Choriocarcinoma in lung as primary
Looking for anyone who knows anything about choriocarcinoma in the lung as a primary
Choriocarcinoma in lung as primary
Looking for anyone who knows anything about choriocarcinoma in the lung as a primary
extensive small cell lung cancer
My aunt was diagnosed about a week ago with extensive small cell lung cancer and the P.E.T. scan said that it hasd spread to her liver and stomach. Anyway im on here cause she is not very good with computers and I would like to find somebody that is fighting the same type of cancer that she is. Somebody for her to talk to…
Fentanyl Patch
My onc has decided to put me on the Fentanyl patch 50mcg/hr. He stated that I need to give it a good 24 hours before it has had time to build up in my system. If the pain does not ease, then I may need to up the dose. I will only take the vicoden when I need extra help with breakthrough pain. I know that some of you have…
SCLC - Dad Newly Diagnosed
Hi everyone, First let me introduce myself. My name is Megan and I am 23 years old. My Dad (age 53) was just diagnosed with extensive SCLC. We went into the ER last Friday because we thought he might of had a stroke. His symptoms were numbness on his right side and a headache. Well, after he was given a CT scan it was…
Waiting on Biopsy Report from Lung Biospy
Hello, I'm a Newbie here, though not new to Cancer. My hubby is THE survivor - of Colon cancer in 1990, with an early spread (chemo for a year - max radiaton) and Melanoma in 1999 (right ear lobe removed - no node involvement). They found a spot on his lung last week while doing a plaque test, and we had biopsy yesterday !…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Anybody been to CTCA? How was it, Is the treatment good? Im fumbling for words here desparate
My dad and radiation pneumonitis
Hi all.My dad started carboplatin and gemcitibine for his stage iv nsclc.He only finished one cycle.Very hard on his blood counts.Ended up in the hospital a week ago with inflammation in his right lung d/t the radiation he had to his mediastinum and his right lower lung. he is on oxygen now. came home on saturday. he was…
Weight gain during chemo
Hi all, my dad (72) diagnosed stage 4 nsclc (squamous) has stated chemo - carbo/gem. He had lost weight prior to dx and has lost a little more since. Just wondering if it is possible to gain weight while on chemo. He is a big guy and i don't want him to lose more weight. Should we be encouraging weight gain or wait to see…
Diagnosed today
Just diagnosed today with a 4cm node in right upper lobe. 57 years old smoked probably 35 years been quit since 07 and now this. Diagnosed during a chest xray for pre op surgery on my knee and they find ths mass. Totally lost which way to turn next and need help from you all who have been where I am now. This will not…
Does lung cancer spread to colon?
I'm asking this for 2 of my best friends. Their mom has lung cancer, chemo, surgery 3 weeks ago, developed MRSA and gas from surgery wasn't abating. Doctor put her in a coma (still) and did a colonoscopy a few weeks later to relieve the gas. A leision/ ulcer was discovered but not dealt with due to the circumstances. My…
Exposure to radiation
I was a navy diver and while doing a small job i got 89 millirems in approximately 10 minutes. My dive partner received 0. Radiation control does a sweep prior to the dive, during the dive and after the dive. Back the the federal weekly limit was 100 millirems per week. They never did any blood work or any physical. I have…
My Mum
Hi My mum has non small cell lung cancer, I believe they refer to her tumour as T4 so it's fairly serious. She has small deposits in her left lung and a large tumour in her right as well as deposits in her chest and pelvic bone. She has just been told her 1st 2 chemo treatments have made no difference to the tumour and she…
So my mom hasn't had any treatment since last September, her last round of chemo hospitalized her for over a week. We have been just keeping her comfortable and treating any symptoms that arise on her request. I was very surprised when she asked my yesterday about trying some form of treatment again, she said she doesn't…
Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Brain Mets.
My Mother Was recently diagnosed w Stage 4 lung cancer/brain mets. She has 6 Brain tumors, two of them measuring at about a cm each. She is having radiation daily. I believe they will go for 15 rounds, she also had chemo on Tuesday. I am desperatly searching for anyone who has survived this stage of cancer or has at least…