PCI Treatments RE: Lung Cancer
Has anyone had the PCI radiation when they have lung cancer to prevent the cancer from metastisizing to the brain. It has been suggested that I have this done and I am not real comfortable with it.
Pain under breast after surgery
I have had pain along the incision and under right breast .Primary Dr. Said It was my rib. He puts it back in place good for awhile. Then it comes back. Also can only wear bra for a short time. Anyone have the same problem. 3rd CT Scan still clean
Shadow on Chest XRay And Terrified
My husband has been having infrequent (maybe twice a month?) choking/coughing fits where he can't seem to catch his breath and almost vomits. They last for a minute or two, then he's fine. Other than that he seems to be in good health. He had his annual physical last Friday and mentioned the coughing fits, so his doc…
Coughing up Blood
Hi All, I just want to let you all know how brave you all are.....and I pray for each and everyone of you. I found out on April 5, 2012 that I have stage3 non-operable lung cancer. I've had 28 radiations and 6 chemos. I'm lucky enough not to be bothered too much by side effects except for being weak and tired but.....after…
Khypoplasty Friday !!
Dennyc...taking your advice and my Onc says the same...go get the Khypo on the T6/T7 vertabrae. I was supposed to go on a dune buggy Sat, guess I will wait! 2moro at 11:30 they will perform the Khypoplasty. Is it rough? ! Dave
Hola a todos... Been away for a while, the usual docs appt 2-3 times a wk for X-ray, blood test, MRI's, docs making me walk, scans.. Etc, etc, etc... Well, my diagnosis is Stage 1A Endocarcinoma w/ EGRF(something like that which I'm researching) I don't need chemo or radiation as of now, tnk God for some good news. But now…
cancer-lung lining
my 50 yr. old daughter in-law has just been diagnosed with adrenal lung cancer. the dr. said it is terminal with about 1 yr. life prognosis. he, further stated that with the experimental drug he has prescribed some patients are still alive after three years. she is not eligible for surgery or radiation, only chemo. the…
Avastin & Taxol
Hi all - new to posting, but did find this site helpful when first diagnosed in Oct. 2011 wi/NS lung cancer in both lungs. At first was told Stage 1, but then was told if in both lungs it is technically stage IV. Have had about 3 treatments with certain chemo's, but they kicked my butt and lowered all my blood counts and…
Lung surgery questions - stage 2B Adenocarcinoma
I have just been diagnosed with stage 2B. I have one 6cm mass in my lower left lung and one, possibly 2, affected lymph nodes in the chest. The bronchoscope was only able to reach the one lymph node for a posititve diagnosis. Both the lymph node and mass lit up on the pet scan. The doctors want to do another surgery where…
Happy and Hopeful
Last week I got results from the biospy gene mutation. I am positive to carry the EGFR! Will start Tarceva soon. I had a lot of family and friends praying for me. Thank you all. I am so Happy. :)
chemo didn't work
Just had my repeat CT and it showed no improvement, but the oncologist didn't say it was a lot worse. Next week need another bronchoscopy since the pulmonologist didn't take enough tissue the first time. They need DNA to first check to see if the cancer is EGFR or another acronym that are genetic.....he said 5% of lung…
Pain in hands and feet. Clubbing?
Has anyone experienced pain in hands and feet? I wake up in the morning and my hands are stiff and hurt especially in my fingers. Also my feet hurt especially when I first get up in morning and after I have been sitting. My doctors says I am also starting to experience clubbing in my fingers with HPOA Hypertrophic…
Has anyone used Gemzar? If so, how long before the cancer began to progress again? What side effects did you experience? Thank you
Coughing first symptom?
Hello, I have been reading all of your stories and have a question for those of you that have primary lung cancer....I have had a dry cough for 2 weeks now. It is the kind that you get the first day of a respiratory infection where your chest feels tight and you just keep feeling like you need to cough. Usually it develops…
New Member - Waiting and Hoping
Hello my name is Marty. I am new to this board. I have Stage IV NSCLC-Adenocarcinoma. I was diagnosed in November 2011. Finished 6 rounds of chemo March 2, 2012. I was taking Cisplatin and Alimta. The tumor shrunk 25% after the second treatment. Oncologist wanted to keep me on maintenance Alimta but I really needed a break…
Stage 4 Lung Cancer
I would love to hear from someone who has been diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell cancer. My husband was diagnosed in Nov. He seems to be doing well, but I just really don't know what to expect..it would be nice to hear of other experiences....thanks!
Lung Cancer Recurrence w/Brain Lesions
I am a 46 year old female. In Sept., 2002 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Two weeks after that diagnosis, during routine pre-op testing, a spot was discovered on my lung. A biopsy diagnosed a separate non-small cell lung cancer. I had a lumpectomy on the breast, clear margins, and no nodes involved. Two weeks after the…
MK-3475 clinical trial
Anyone else out there joining the Merck MK-3475 trial? After passing all the screening, I am starting next week. I would be interested to keep in touch with any other NCSLC Stage IV participants (previous trials have been with melanoma patients).
Update PET Results from Dr Visit Tuesday / Gemzar?
Hi All! First some good news! My husband is going on 11 months and he was here to greet his newest grandson! He arrived 5 weeks early and is doing well with the exception of being able to suck, swallow, and breath at the same time but he is learning quickly and will be able to leave NICU once that is accomplished. We have…
Lets go back to the spine and radiation late effects
Hello Family! Not sure if I am satisfied with what is going on here... Lets go back to the spine and radiation late effects. My T6/T7 vertabrae are compressed a bit from late effects of radiation 1.5 years ago on back and chest to treat the RL Upper Lobe tumor and chest lymphs. It is not cancer mets as far as they can tell…
I just celebrated being a 5 years living with Stage IV Lung cancer and doing GREAT!
March 30th 2007, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung cancer and was not given a very good outlook by my doctors. I was on first line drugs for 2 years and then switched to a trial at Sloan Kettering. That only lasted 6 months before it spread, so started a 2nd line drug, Alimpta which has since been considered 1st line.…
Questions about my dear friend's diagnosis
Hi everyone--I'm actually on the breast cancer forum here with Stage IV breast cancer with bone mets. I have a friend (actually my Chemo Angel) who was just diagnosed with "inoperable Stage 3 lung cancer." She has had symptoms for 2 years, with periodic testing but nothing showed up until this past March. Apparently, one…
mother lost her battle with lung cancer on sunday
Mother lost her battle she fought it hard. She wanted to live but told me it was her time to leave this world and be with her loved ones that have gone on before. She was calling for her mom at the end I guess we always want our mothers when we are hurting. She was 83 and had lived a good life. She had 8 kids three had…
PET-CT scan results. What they mean?!?!?!
Hi My name is Sheila and I just had a PET test done and I got the sheet with the results but I don't understand what it means. Does it mean I have cancer or not?! My dr is out of town until next week and I cna't wait. I need to know but have no insurance and she's hte only one htat will see me on payments. So, if any of…
Questions re: post op chemotherapy for stage 1b (T2A)
My father (75, smoker) just underwent a VATS lobectomy of his lower left lobe where a 4cm tumor was located. His diagnosis - stage 1b (T2A) adenocarcinoma. The surgery went well and his recovery is progressing nicely although he'd tell you he feels exhausted much of the time (on par with what the doc said). His doc is…
Questions.. pls someone answer
Hi, I posted yesterday my PET scan results. I went to the dr today and he said that it's not positive that I have it and wants me to wait 3-4 months for another ct. Said because ofmy age that he doesnt think i have it. than goes to say only way to know is if i have a biopsy and he wont schedule one saying im to young. wtf?…
low grade disease
I was wondering what investigations are carried out to find out if the cancer I have in my lung is low grade or not. It's metastatic from somewhere else so it's not lung primary but I'm guessing that the lung investigation routine is the same. Would appreciate some information ... :)
new and don't know what to do.....
Hello, my name is Stacy and we just found out last month that my husband has stage 2 lung cancer.....he had a biopsy done on 5-9-12 and we are waiting for the results to find out if it is small cell or non small cell... how this all came about was that he was caughing up blood and went to the er, they did an xray of his…
Complimentary/ alternative treatment for stage 4 lung cancer?
Hi, My father just got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, which has metastisized to the liver and lymph nodes. We have to start the chemo soon - combination of Carboplatin, genzar and taxol. I was wondering what the is expected survival rate if chemo goes well. And are there any other alternatives? He is 71, but mas, in…
CAV - Questions
I've been on this board before and everyone has given me great feedback. So, here I am again, hoping for help. My husband is starting his third line of chemo on Monday - CAV. Second line of Topotecan was ineffective, so now he has three new tumors. If anyone has had CAV, could you please tell me whatever you can - side…