nodule discovered

monty Member Posts: 2
another newbie here. 5/22 chest xray disclosed a nodule in my lower left lung at 3.7cm
ct scan for another reason in dec of 2011 did not show anything a chest xray in dec of 2011
did not show anything nor did a chest xray in may of 2011. ct scan on 5/24 confirmed the
nodule, had a ct scan with contrast and that also confirmed the nodule and the size. Had a PET scan that did not show any spread. Had a bronchoscope and they were unsuccessful in
getting deep enough to get a biopsy that was large enough to be conclusive. so now i know less that i did on 5/22. my doctor is now setting me up with a surgeon to discuss that possibility even though he initially ruled it out because of the extensive emphysema in my left lung and the numerous surgeries i have had previously. this thing must be very fast growing or a lot of tests missed seeing this nodule.

I am considering proton therapy in the next two weeks, if i even have two weeks since proton
therapy is limited to the size they can cover.

Has anyone ever come across this type of situation, if so i would love to hear from you.

Also if anyone has started proton therapy with a tumor this size let me know i would like to
know where your treatment took place.

thanks themonty