Pneumonectomy ( Lung Removed )
Husband had his Left Lung ( entire lung ) removed last Mon. Feb. 8th.... I would like to hear from ANYONE who has had personal experience with this lung surgery... He is discouraged at how short of breath he is... I remind him that it's only been 5 days, encourage him to walk a little, and do the breathing treatment /…
Pailliative Care study from Mass General
In searching out information to help deal with my wife's Stage IV colorectal cancer I came across a study on the positive effects of starting palliative care in the early stages of lung cancer therapy instead of near the end. hope it is of use to some... Dr Temel's discusses her research results NBC News blurb on…
Compromised Immune system and Candida/Yeast/Thrush
I fought Advanced Small Cell Lung cancer in 2006, ending 18 doses of chemo (Cysplatin & Etoposide, EP6) in April and radiation in July. My immune system of course, gave me fits during. Had to take Procrit and Neupogen numerous times during treatment. I juiced daily after treatment and gradually my blood counts were…
My 79 year old mum has stage 4 lung cancer
My 79 year old mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last August. The cancer did not spread and the liquids that were in the canals originally have gone. Her tumor is growing a little bit but not significantly. She was on two different chemos and then they put her on a chemo pill last month that caused a lot of…
New update
Hola, como estan todos? An update on my condition. I'm recovering very slow after my VAST surgery back in march. The coughing had subsided a bit but now is gotten stronger n constant. Docs don't know y this is happening... Well hello!!!!! Maybe cause I have a 5 mm nodule on my upper left lung Which they missed on all of…
July 10 CT Scan
Hi All, Scott had two rounds of Gemzar (six weeks) and a follow up CT scan on the 10th. Current tumors stable but now developing a pleural effusion. They are keeping him on Gemzar for another two rounds then will do an X-ray to see if the effusion has changed. His sister, who was diagnosed with leukemia six months after…
Well Family....another week in ICU with two brain mets surgically removed. Director of radiation will wait til sept scans -mri and ct to determine course of action....Meanwhile ...have a hell of a summer they say after removing 60 ish staples!!!! hope all is well!!! Dave
It's been a whole year and the scan is clear.heehee. cheers medi
Chemo drug Alimta
Hi all. I am a caregiver for my mom. She has NSCLC with mets to the brain. One tumor in the right lung and one in the middle of her cerebellum in her brain. She has gone through all of the radiation she can have to her lung and had chemo once a week throughout all of her radiation treatments. She has also had stereotactic…
Exellent resource for Lung Cancer patients
I occasionaly ask questions related to my wife's Stage IV colon cancer (with lung and liver mets) at cancergrace.org. They are building up a staff of specialists (abut 20 now), mostly oncologists I believe, to answer questions in their forums. This way you get answers from trained professionals. GRACE currently has…
Guidance for lung cancer ordeal
My lovely wife came down with stage III lung cancer which was removed along with her lower lung lobe. After getting positive feedback from the oncologist a couple of months ago and starting to get our lives back, I had to take my lovely wife to the ER after she fell and observing handwriting difficulties, fearing she may…
Looking for Surgeon Recommendations in the Kansas City area
I am visiting from the ovarian cancer discussion board. I received a call tonight from a lady in our church with lung cancer...early stage...not in lymph nodes. She lives in the Kansas City area and is looking for recommendations for a surgeon to remove the tumor in her lung. She was recommended to one at Centerpoint…
Age at diagnosis?
I'm curisous as to what was your age at diagnosis. My grandmother died of lung cancer, smoked two packs a day for 50 years. Both parents never smoked. Dad has passed, unrelated to lung cancer. Mom is still going strong at 74. I was just wondering is lung cancer an older persons disease? I'm 49 and been having a "smokers…
I had my 3 month ct (fluctuatin between x-rays and ct scans every 3 months) scan last thursday evening and have my appt with my oncologist tomorrow morning at 8am and I am just beside myself with worry...I had my right middle lobe removed Dec 2010 and staged 1a which I know is extremly fortunate..even taking a zanax these…
I just celebrated being a 5 years living with Stage IV Lung cancer and doing GREAT!
March 30th 2007, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung cancer and was not given a very good outlook by my doctors. I was on first line drugs for 2 years and then switched to a trial at Sloan Kettering. That only lasted 6 months before it spread, so started a 2nd line drug, Alimpta which has since been considered 1st line.…
lung cancer # 4
Have been treated for 4 separate NSCLCs in my right upper lobe. Was treated with sterotactic radiation for 3 of them and with chemo for the fourth. Was never a candidate for surgery due to conditon of lungs and heart. Problem started in 2009 and completed last chemo treatment sept of 2011. The problem lobe collasped after…
Progress Seen After 3 Treatments of Carbo-Alimta-Avistan
55 year old non-smaoker in excellent health (or so I thought) I was dx with Adnocernoma in left lung with mets to nodes and pleural effusion on March 28. Did a pleuraldesis procedure in mid-April. Marker tests came up negative for EGFR and ALK. Began Carbo-Alimta-Avistan treatment in early May. So we did CT and PET scans…
Fourth line chemo - SCLC Extensive
My husband might have to have fourth line chemo. First line was Carbo/Etoposide, six rounds (very effective), second line was Topotecan, five rounds (totally ineffective), third line CAV (has had three rounds)(we will know tomorrow with results of scan). He is having more bad days than good days, but still working.He was…
food tastes bad after radiation - what to eat?
He is not really eating anything at all, gets up to have 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning, does not eat, then is so tired from just moving from the bedroom to the kitchen table, he goes back to bed. He then gets up later in the day when my mom wakes him for meds, he drinks water and 1/2 glass of ice tea or cold drink,…
Question about SBRT
Hi , I'm new to this discussion. I'm usually on the Non Hodgkins Lymphoma group- that's what I've got. But tonight I found out that my brother has lung cancer. He said that it's a very small tumor and that the doc is going to treat him with 5 days of SBRT. That should be the end of it according to what he was told. He'll…
I just celebrated being a 5 years living with Stage IV Lung cancer and doing GREAT!
March 30th 2007, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung cancer and was not given a very good outlook by my doctors. I was on first line drugs for 2 years and then switched to a trial at Sloan Kettering. That only lasted 6 months before it spread, so started a 2nd line drug, Alimpta which has since been considered 1st line.…
chemo meds being recommened at consult
So if my Dad can eat better in the next 2 weeks he is scheduled for chemo. His meds are by IV and are called Carboplatin (day 1 & day 8) and Gemcitabine (day 8). Can anyone comment on these? He is 77 years old, a life smoker, quit in Sept 2011, diagnosed with NSC Stage IV lung cancer in June 2012, deteriorating very…
Dad with NSCLC Stage 4
I am new here. I live in Canada, I am thinking many of you live in the US? My Dad is 77 years old and was just diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer (left lung)in early June 2012. He quit smoking (life long smoker)in September 2011 and came home from wintering in Fla with a still heavy smokers cough, went for a chest xray…
PET reveals lung & uterus
Hi, haven't been able to add a post to my original posting so I am going to start afresh. 18 June 2012, Control MRI revealed 34mm x 28mm mass in the base of my left lung . 19 June first appointment with lung specialist referred for biopsy/endoscopy & TEP scan, bloods taken for various, including allergies. 22 June…
Dad with NSCLC and met to pleura
Hi everyone. I just signed up to this thread today in hopes of getting some answers. My dad was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma lung cancer in his left upper lobe, close to the aorta, on April 17th. After the biopsy he did an MRI and PET scan. The MRI was fine however the PET showed some activity in his left pleura. The…
33 year old husband has Non Small Cell Lung Cancer - Please Help...
Hello - My husband is a 33 year old non smoker and has been diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer in March 2012. He was not feeling well for a few months with a dry cough which turned into flu like symptoms. His PCP prescribed numerous meds and thought he had pneumonia. He came home from work one night and was…
Is there a way to contact the moderator/admin of this board?
I know there's an option to contact CSN in general using the Contact CSN link but I was wondering is there a specific administrator or moderator for this lung cancer board that I can get in contact with? Does anyone know? Many thanks,
Stage IV non small cell Lung Cancer
Was diagnosed on 5-29-12 with State IV non small cell Lung Cancer. It's been a real challenge to wrap my head around this as I am only 51 year old female. I have been through one chemo on 6-14-12 which landed me in the hospital for three days due to high fever. All reports showed that there was no other infections. (Next…
Lost my mom, needing support
I lost my mom May 19th to lung cancer. I am having a very difficult time dealing with it all and feel so alone and just need someone to talk with. Here is my story: My mom was diagnosed July 2011 with NSCLC. It has spread to her lymph nodes but no where else. She went through Chemo and Radiation and proactive brain…
Dave is Back--Dapsterd
Well family, if it is not one thing it's an another....!!! Two more brain mets just removed for a week in the hospital and total of two operations and numerous starotactic radiation (gamma knife per se). The back of my head in cerebellum is the place for them to be my Docs say.....and thats where they where....Surgery was…