Metastisize to lung
I had HPV16+ tonsil cancer in 2016, stage 4. Had 35 radiation treatments and 5 cisplatin. Then in 2017 I had anotehr occurent on the left neck. Had partial neck disection, 35 treatments of prton radiation and 5 of erbitux. Now it has spread to my right lower lung. I am very discouraged. It just keeps spreading. Has anyone…
Only 2 rounds cisplatin
My husband only had 2 rounds cisplatin due to hearing problems developing. Completed all 35 radiation treatments without interruption. Anyone else experience this? We were told only about 50% complete all 3 due to side effects.
jaw bone replacement surgery
I had tonsil cancer in February of 2002 and as a result doctors removed my tonsils. Then, although my cancer was, as the doctors put it 99% gone, was advised to have chemo and radiation as a precaution. The radiation, a six week, daily treatment has damaged my jaw bone resulting in excessive bone loss and removal of 3…
Neck spasms
I've been totally cancer free for 4 year's had stage 4 Head and Neck cancer..caused by tonsilitis. Yes i have bad neck spasm..i eleviate that pain by meds(Oxrcodone and Heat....i learned that if my body temp falls below 76 my neck spasm start....i apply a mild heat gel on that area to help warm the muscles.....hope this…
Liver enlargement and Varices
Hello Head & Neck cancer forum, It has been months since my last post. I am home trying to recover from another painful esophageal dilation-- I have been having these over and over every 4 to 6 Weeks, since late 2018. Before then, I had them sporadically. But my radiation treatments for my head & neck cancer, summarily…
I completed treatment (35 radiation, Cisplatin and 5FU followup) back in June. I'm still experiencing Neuropathy, in my forearms, hands and feet. My Oncologist said it should start fading in 6 months - and I'm getting close to that, now. But, I still have the numbness. It isn't painful - just irritating. I'm able to lift…
Preventing loss of range of motion in neck
My worst side effect so far (28 radiation session down, 5 to go) is the radiation burn on my neck. It is a 2nd degree burn now. Pink, raw, moist. Some bleeding at times. I am using Silver Sulfadiazine on the burn. I don't know if it is working or not, but it feels good and the burn doesn't seem to be getting dramatically…
Feeding Tube Granulation Tissue-Issue
Has anyone on here had a feeding tube and had tissue form underneath it where it meets your body and enters. Right where the tube is the shape of a disc against the body. It is usually pink to red and just looks like a layer of skin. It is the area trying to heal from the foreign item in your body, the feeding tube. I am…
Incision and scar care
I had a neck dissection on 12/10/19. My incision is on my left side. Can anyone share what they use on their incision to help heal it and also what you use to fade the scar. Thanks in advance for your help.
Insurance Denail on extractions before Radiation and Chemo
My husband had to have all of his teeth extracted before chemo and radiation could begin. He was diagnosed with a 4mm mass Stage 3 Supraglottic Laryngeal Cancer. His extractions had to be done in a surgical hospital setting due to the complications of his mass and restricted airway. We were even warned that a trach could…
Hearing Aids
I had Tinnitus before starting treatment, and now I'm a candidate for a hearing aid. Can anyone recommend one that worked very well for them, or just make a general recommendation? I'm just starting to look into them, and there appear to be a lot of options... I will appreciate all feedback - thanks!
Dental Treatment Pre-Radiation
I am preparing to begin treatment in a couple of weeks, and have visited my dentist for cleaning etc.. Is there anything else you all would recommend that I talk to the dentist about prior to beginning tmnt, such as flouride molds? What have been your experiences?
Swelling on radiotherapy area on face
I am getting some white patches on my operated side.
PLEASE READ ROLL CALL 2019 Fourth UPDATE November 26, 2019 All H&N members are welcome! Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. ROLL CALL…
Treatment Update
Just a quick update. I am starting radiation treatments tomorrow Friday the 27th and if I don’t miss any I will be done Feb. 7th 2020. They are avoiding as much as possible my old radiation areas and my throat, spine, mandible, etc. and just trying to do what is absolutely necessary to give me a good outcome and not cause…
Hope This Helps Folks Get Past a Bump in the Road
Saw this at the health campus yesterday and I enjoyed the message and wanted to share it.
"FT Or Not" thread for Charmin50
I saw your two posts in the middle of the long FT thread dating back to 2013, and advise you get your answers in a new thread. Magic Mouthwash is a combination of ingredients the Pharmacist has to mix. As for getting the FT because of your drastic weight loss, it really is a matter between you and your Dr./medical team. I…
Hello to the group, it's my first post. I am 4 months post treatment for HPV+ SCC in the left tonsil. I also had one lymph node on the same side excised which was how the cancer was discovered. Fortunately, the cancer was encapsulated within the lymph node. I was diagnosed as Stage I with the new staging system. I did 33…
Feeding tube or no tube?
I've been reading this board since the end of January, when my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 laryngeal cancer, spread to 2 lymph nodes. He doesn't do much on the internet, so I'm our designated forum user. This forum has been invaluable to us, some of the best information we have gotten. Thank you all so much, and…
A Christmas Blessings Invite Post For All CSN Folks
To join on this post and send Christmas Blessings and Thanks to H & N members or anyone else you may have on your heart. Or you can just say what you are thankful for during this Christmas season. I want to thank my wife #1 as she watches over me and takes care of me, knows when I am weak and strengthens me, stands by my…
Chyle Leak
Hi. Has anyone here ever seen expereience a "Chyle Leak" after a Neck Dissection? Had my Neck Dissection surgery on 12/10/19. I had 20 lymph nodes removed and they showEd no active cancer! I had chemo(3 cisplatin) and 35 radiation treatments on left side for Stage IV Oropharyngea, HPV 16. I've been placed on a 2 week…
Scared family member
Hi all, I am just looking to get some advice on how to go about getting a stubborn person to seek treatnent. My mother in law, a long time smoker, has had a sore throat/ear pain for over 2 months now. she also doesn't have health insurance due to a recent job change. She went to urgent care and her ears look clear, so…
Checking in
Hi all I'm a long timer which possibly makes me a senior citizen of this website. (Everybody has to be sonething) Yesterday was my ten year anniversary of a full neck disection and today I return to the University of Pennsylvania for a yearly check because last year the **** showed up in my right lung. I see a lot of new…
Worried that I have neck/throat cancer
Hi Everyone, I am looking for some help or possibly some guidance/insights (apologies for the long post but I would greatly appreciate any help): -My troubles started about two months ago when I woke one day and felt a bit of soreness on the right side of my neck under the jaw (it's really hard to describe the feeling…
tongue burning
I had 40 rad and 6 chemo treatment for throat cancer, the last radiation was 4/3/07 but still have fairly acute sensistivity to spices especially pepper with my tongue and to some extent the back of my mouth or palate. I thought this would be gone by now, but still dealing with it on top of lack of taste and dry pasty…
Fluid in middle ear post radiotherapy
About 2 weeks before I finished my 7 week radiotherapy course I noticed my right ear felt blocked. I was hoping it was just wax but apparently I have fluid in my middle ear. This is a radiotherapy side effect and I'd like to hear(pardon the pun) if anyone can tell me if this goes away by itself. The specialist was already…
Pills that cannot be crushed for Feeding Tube
Asked 2 Pharmacists, one w/CVS, if the meds I am on are okay to crush, mix with water and shoot into FT. One did not know. The other thought one was okay, but another one he didn't. So, I did some searching. ismp.org/recommendations/do-not-crush ismp stands for Institute for Safe Medical Practice. The one med I was told by…
Food TEXTURE (not taste)
Hello all, I'm new here, even though I've just finished my treatment protocol. I'm a 44 year old female, mother of 2, career as a veterinarian, diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma back in June. I recently completed 35 rounds of radiation (on 9/20) + 3 rounds of chemo (various protocols, stopping early due to side…
Sore throat so soon, normal? Location of symptoms? Also remedies?
I woke up yesterday with the sore throat I was told to expect. The thing is, it is pretty bad and I have only had 11 out of 33 radiation treatments. For some reason I was under the impression that the side effects only got bad for the last two weeks or so. I'm seeing my radiation oncologist today, so I will ask her too,…
Can nasopharyngeal carcinoma be treated without radiation?
Hi, I was diagnosed stage 4c NPC with mets in September. Was told 5-10% chance of survival with no chance of curing the disease. Have finished 3 rounds of neoadjuvant chemo (Cisplatin,Taxotere, 5FU). I also have worked the last month with a healer. A month ago, after the 2nd round of chemo, I decided not to do radiation,…