Pregnant with Breast Cancer
I am a Reach to Recovery volunteer. One of my patients is 42 years old, pregnant with Breast Cancer. She has gone through a mastectomy and is now facing chemotherapy and radiation. Obviously, they will not do the radiation until after the baby is born, but they want to start chemotherapy. She needs someone to talk to who…
I am in remission of lung cancer.I had chemo and radiation and finished my treatments Dec.2001.i'm 41 years old.I'm living in fear that it will come back all the time.No matter how I try to change my thoughts the fear is there all the time.I was positive going through my treatments but after they told me that I was in…
A celebration for me
I finished my six month reatment for NHL in March. Everyone asked me what I was going to do when it was all over and I said "I am going to have a kegger party and the I am going to go to Disneyland with my husband and daugher". I really was joking abou the kegger party. We don't drink very much especially after all this…
Turning 37 and a new year
Hi all: Today, I turned 37. Most of my 36th year of life I was either sick and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me or I was fighting cancer. I feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life. I didn't tell a lot of people it was my birthday becasue I quietly wanted to say good-bye to 36 and welcome 37…
Who will help for a counseling center
How to get support and funds for a counsleing Center for Cancer Patients Who will Help
Going back to work
Hi all: I have just gone back to work after undergoing treatment for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I have been out of work for eight months. I know that my focus should be on my health and I try. The trouble I am having is not getting caught up in the politics of the office and not focusing on work. I have a daughter and a…
questioning lifes meaning
Hello...im only 14 and questioning life. Its not that i want to do anything to mine im jsut wondering if liffes worth lving. A couple days ago my best friends father died and where both recks. I look at these people who have nothing and me haveing so much. Now i just want to spend my life helping other people. if anyone…
Friend just passed.
A co-worker just passed this Saturday. It is so hard to deal with it because it was cancer. Everyone here at work cant understand why I am so emotional about it, but most of them dont know that I am in remission from colon cancer. She was diagnosed just 1 year ago. She was only in her 30's. She leaves behind a son and her…
running away
I dont wanna write to many emails to everyone but i feel that i need help. Things feel like they have changed so much. Most of the changes i dont even want to deal with. No one understands what im going through. If anyone has the time to listen im willing to talk -strength
emergency help
Hello. I am 57, a widow and an only child. I have been diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer located in my liver. The house I rent has been condemned and I must find a new place immediately. In looking through the newspaper, I don't see anything I can afford. I have talked with many agencies to no avail. I don't fit in a…
how to cope
Hi my name is Nordie. I am 44 and my dad is 62 and has cancer.He has been given less than 6 months to live. I am having a hard time coping. I can't seem to concentrate and I am scared for each day that passes cause his time is getting closer. It seems I can't do enough for him. How do you get thru this. It sure does hurt.
A little concerned
Hi, I finished my treatments for NHL (Non-hodgkins Lymphoma) in March of 2002. I had a PET scan in late April. Right now I am experiancing a tightness in my throat, which is one of the symptions I had with the cancer. I have NO other symptions. My radiation was in this spot and I don't know if it is a side effect of that.…
My 4 year old nephew
I just found out today the my nehpew has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. I talked with his dad (my brother) moments ago. The little guy is going to start with treatment tomorrow. I'm having a hard time dealing with this. He's just a little boy. I know that the younger they ketch this the better chances of remission are,…
Good news - Bad news
I just returned from a trip back east to visit my mom. Her prognosis isn't real good. The liver has been (finally) receptive to the chemo. The tumor has shrunk a bit. On the other hand, the brain and bone cancers are still non-receptive. She had a extensive radiation treatment for the brain, but it's really not working.…
Telling the patient
Hi, everyone..my mom had a lung removed in 1996, a metastatic tumor removed in 2000, a recurrence in January of this year and had stereotactic treatment for that. Now, she's got hydrocephalus, a spot on the remaining lung, and a grim prognosis. My problem is this...my dad doesn't feel the need to tell her of her prognosis,…
Thank you ... Thank you
In late September 2001 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. After four months of chemo (CHOP and Rixtun) and 25 treatments of radiation I am in recovery. The reason I am writing is to thank those who helped me. First I'd like to thank the second allergist that I saw and that actually took the time to listen to me…
I've survived cancer, now what?
Hi everyone: I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in September of 2000. I was sick six months prior to my diagnoses. However, my symptoms mirrored typical food allergies and I was sent to an allergist and put on Predisone several times. Finally, a third trip to my regular MD resulted in her insisting that I see…
Emotional stress
I have had colon cancer was operated on and received 25 radiation treetments and I feel that I will be allright but I feel alone I act funny and my wife also seems to not handle it I really don't seem to know what to do, if anyone feels the same way contac me on this at Calvin5734 or on the Email at Lameduck One@aol.com…
Step-mom has stage IV NSCLC cancer, help
My step mom was diagnosed with stage non small call cancer last spring. They told her she's had it for 4 years. She has stopped responding to chemo so they stopped the treatments. They now tried radiation. She is in such terrible pain my dad rushed her to the U of M tonight. This is the second time she has been…
My daddy is gone
My name is Legina and I am 32 years old and the mother of 2. My daddy died in September of 2001, and I am really having a hard time dealing with it. He was my best friend and I didn;'t do anything without asking him first, and now he is gone and I don't know what to do. I do have a good family and my mother and my sister…
Stomach cancer diagnosis
Hi! My brother (47 yrs. old) was just diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. We are all completely devastated. He had to have his entire stomach removed. He is not married and his two sons live 10 hours+ away from him. He is still in the hospital and my elderly father is taking care of him. My dad became a widow only 1…
Personality changes
I underwent surgery to remove squamous cell carcinoma of the neck in July 2001, followed by six weeks of radiation treatment in August/September. Physically, I feel I am adjusting fairly well, but my family is noticing "personality changes." I don't see it, but I am told that I never smile, am difficult to deal with, have…
stage 0 and lymphedema
I am so upset! I knew about lymphedema prior to surgery, but I got mixed messages as to whether I was or was not at risk. Both doctors said that since I didn't have radiation therapy, I wasn't at risk and I could go back to the gym for my workouts four months after surgery. My prosthesis fitter, however, felt anyone with…
Thankz so much
**Thank you everyone so much for your support. I just feel so different i have changed alot in these past few months. I think i have grown intellectualy which isnt a bad thing but its hard the be a deep thinker in middle school because no one understands me. Thankz for the support i would love to hear from you. ** Hugs**…
Caring and sharing
My name is Charles: I am a cancer SURVIVOR! (prostate). I have been cancer free for three years this month. I am a VERY good listener, and would be happy to exch e-mails or chat in any room as time permits. I will be checking the network each day, business days mostly, and am free to chat from 3-5PM EDT most afternoons.…
What Kind Is It
Last Nov I had a malignant tumor removed from my adrenal gland. It was not an adrenal cancer and after much testing, they cannot find the originating cancer. I dont know what kind of cancer it was or if it will come back. Every 3 mo I have to have a ct scan to look for it. I feel like every new lump and pain may be it. It…
Hi, I'm new
Hi, I'm new and this is my first post. My father is in end stage lung cancer (non small cell squamous) with metastasis to bone. He was diagnosed January 10 of this year. My mother is still living and is in denial. I wondered if anyone has experienced kind of shutting down? I've just learned my friends really aren't when it…
I Can't Get Past The Diagnosis
I have had cancr since I was 18 (I am now 37) and about every five years I have a recurrance in the lymph nodes. (The cancer started in my thyroid and spread to the right cervical lymph nodes.) Over half my life I have been a cancer patient and it defines my life. I have put my entire life on hold for fear of the cancer…
Fufilling my Fathers last wish
Hi, My name is Kristy Keefe and my father died this past year of Colon cancer. It was a shock and was not detected in time. My father wanted to use his experience as a learning tool to propote early detection but he had very little time left. I decided to continue his wish buy beginning a long line of fund raisers and…
Keep the Faith
Hi all! I am 35, I have a wonderful life, I was saying a few weeks ago that I "had" a wonderful life when I was dealing with the new diagnosis of Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and my life was completely changed and continues to change. But I realize everyday that there is a purpose, a meaning, there has to be,and when I read…