Caregiver Needing Help
I am a college student living at home with my mom who has IIIA NSCLC. She's in such bad shape, not because of any tumors but because of her weak immune system and her weak bones. She has recently contracted Pseudomonas AGAIN, and has fractured a rib and probably a vertebrae just from coughing. I go to school full time, I…
dealing with incurable (doc prefers instead of terminal)
I feel kind of bad since so many wonderful people on this site, which I just discovered, have so much worse conditions to deal with than I. Cancer of any kind is so devastating, so lonely. I have metastatic prostate cancer spread to pelvis, spine, ribs, etc., diagnosed in June but probably have had it for a long time. Kept…
The 'abused dog syndrome'
Under another discussion topic I mentioned this theory of mine to someone who responded to one of my postings and I realized that perhaps others would like to comment on this syndrome, that I am pretty sure I made up but is widely recognized in principal I believe. You know how it goes, a dog is abused and then becomes…
Chat room disaster
I am very new to this network. I found the website after searching the net for awile. I have been very isolated since my operation, and recovery. The pain meds I take, mean that I cannot drive, and have to rely on my husband to get me to doc appointments, and so forth. This has caused me to experience a great deal of…
Just received the word from CSN that the room is back up and running and I did get in so just thought some of you would like to know. See you there.
I was wondering if anyone went through a state of regression during their treatment? I went through it during my treatment and I am writing my thesis on this subject. I was diagnosed 3 days before my 13th birthday, but spent the next 6 months living like a kindergardener. Has anyone experienced the same feelings?
All who post - come join the chat
Just a little note that if you haven't already tried the chatroom on this site please do drop by and have a chat. You will find many folks who are or have gone through the cancer experience as either a survivor or caregiver and who truly understand and can validate your experiences I'm sure, on any given day. Hope to see…
New to site
My name is Angie and I am new to this site. My husband is 33 and has terminal colon cancer. This has been the most horrible and rewarding year of my life, and now that I know he is coming to the end of his, I have been overwhelmed. I have three young children who will be devasted when he is gone, how do I hold myself…
new here and dealing with my cancer and friend who palliative
hello, i am new to this site, and the web communications. I was surgically treated for my cancers in 2006. Very early grade cancer. There are other health issue rendering me handicapped. I have no words to express how helpless i feel for my friend who is like a younger brother to me. He had some issues 2 years ago, but…
How do you deal with dating as a cancer survivor?
I'm finally putting myself out in the dating world, going to single events and joining dating websites but I am unsure about how to present myself as far as revealing I had cancer to someone I am interested in and don't want to lose. There is someone who is interested in me and knows about the cancer but so far I have kept…
Where's the handbook?
I really wish there were some type of handbook that would help in dealing with cancer, with a list of "How To's"...but if there is, I sure can't find it. I'm usually supportive of everyone else in any circumstance, especially cancer related, but I seem to be all out of juice right now. I don't usually reach out to others…
Friend's Refusal to Acknowledge an Awful DX
I recently moved to a new state to begin graduate school only a month and a half after my dad was diagnosed stage IV colon cancer. I'm having a difficult time telling new people about my situation. I guess it's mostly because I do not want to cry infront of people I hardly know. But also I don't want to parade my awful…
Is cancer a mental illness
Hi everyone; I am a 45 year old schizophrenic that smokes a lot and believe that cancer may be a mental illness. Yeh, this guy is crazy. Maybe a "unit of mind" is trying to manifest physically by occupying the flesh (or bone) and is trying to grow but does not know how because this quantum of mind has no instructions and…
Searching for meaning...
I'm a 21 year old bachelor and have been the caretaker of two loved ones who have had the misfortune of being diagnosed with cancer. My mother died at the age 48 on November 17, 2006 as a result of advanced cancer. I had been there with her through it all, watched as her health deteriorated and was there at her side when…
Surgeon told me five years to live
I like to know what gives a doctor the right to tell you that you have five years to live. I know that I'm not that smart so I wanted to check out lung cancer on the net. He told me to get my affairs in order because if I didn't get operated now I'll be dead in five years.With me I don't like it when someone trys to push…
Has anyone experienced this?
Hi all, I am new here. I am trying to find some answers to some emotional problems that I have. Its really kind of strange to explain but the best way I can explain it is like this... I know everyone around me, I know where I am, what day it is, what time it is, what the date is but its like Im not there. Its like living…
not able to eat - losing weight
My boyfriend just finished having both cemo and radation treatments done. Treatments went thru about 4 months. In this time period and since the treatments have stopped, he has lost 70 plus pounds. He can't seem to keep any food or liquid down. He had cancer in 3 different areas - lypnoids, lungs and colon. The lypnoids…
My mother....
Hi everyone..i just turned 16 today and my mom and I just found out that she has cervical cancer...I feel like my world is spiraling out of control cuz I just lost my dad a year ago and I am soo afraid....I know it can be treated but i get scared. I just wish I had some one to talk to cuz i am so confused.....thanks for…
against the odds-lucky but not so lucky
Hi, I just joined today. I have had cancer 2x. The first time I had surgery and was told 'not to worry' little chance it will come back. 4 yrs later...30% chance of survival, and told if it comes back again they will just send me home to die. Now, 2 yrs and counting. still have all my fingers and toes, but have lost so…
Looking for sucess stories
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in February. I've been inspired by some of the success stories of survivors of metastatic cancer who have beat incredible odds and are alive for many years. I was wondering if anyone that fits this category or knows someone who has could share these stories with me. It really…
Not sure where to turn to
Hi. My husband was diagnosed with metastisized sarcoma last year. He is 33 years old. This has definately been a roller coaster of emotions. Just when we think things are going well, we are hit with bad news again. He has undergone two different types of chemo treatment(6 rounds of the first type and three of the…
Feeling blue
Hi everyone, I had my 2yr anniversary of my diagnosis of breast ca. in April and had an ovarian cancer scare a couple weeks ago(turned out ok though). I notice though that I have anxiety and a bit of depression ever since. I actually wake up in the morning with that nervous feeling in my stomach. I previously had these…
Need you help
My father is suffering from stage 4 kidney cancer. although responding well to the chemo, he is a wreck. It's been 3 months and he barely gets out of bed and doesnt want to leave the house. I tell him its a "fight". He says he's tired and sick and doesnt know how. If you dont mind... Please respond by starting with Dear…
Cheer up!
My dad has been being treated for Stage IV renal cell (kidney) cancer. Dx 4/2008. It has spread to the liver and lungs and his left femur. Of course I can not relate to his diagnosis, but I do understand the severity of the situation. That said, we have been blessed so far. The dr (UPMC Hillman Cancer Center) was able to…
Being all that I can be
I am new to this site, but enjoying reading the discussions in various areas and even more so enjoying responding. Which is probably a bad thing. But here's the deal: I had a 15-hour surgery for neck and tongue cancer back in October of '05. That was, of course, followed by chemo and lots of radiation. And I am still here.…
So Much Anxiety!!
No official DX, but I had MRI on lump above my ankle. MRI Dr. said in report "favors Benign" in his opinion, but suggested orthopaedic surgeon, only to have HIM send me to an orthopaedic ONCOLOGIST! I am freaking!! I just lost my Mom to mestastic breast cancer in Oct 07, AND I WAS HER CAREGIVER!!! I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!…
I am so scared
My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday. The PET scan shows there may also be cancer in her colon. The doctor told her the lung cancer is the type that responds well to chemo. It is small celled, which I have heard is a godo thing. The tumor is about the size of a lemon. She visits with her oncologist…
no support groups in my area?
(Very) long story short, I was diagnosed and treated for a neuroblastoma about 2 1/2 years ago. I suppose that I am having a delayed reaction to some of the psychological effects of a cancer experience, so I thought that I would look into some local support groups. I looked through the ACS site for groups in my area, but…
in remission from lymphoma
i have been in remission now for a month,, just hearing that word was so relieving,, but as i read on I start to find that i have to try to live my life again,, but it has been very challenging my husband and children dont see the nights I cry myself to sleep so scared that this will come back,,I know I know that i have to…