Thanks guys for all your well wishes
Truly, truly appreciated. You're all the greatest!!! :o ) Monika, who couldn't be happier to have "met" you all and, can you believe it, is actually capable of a short post!
colon cancer
Hello, I'm new at this website. my mommy died of colon cancer on 3-10 and I don't know what to do?
new here recurrence
Hello i am 35 yrs old and at age 28 diagnosed with colon cancer while pregnant at the time. at the time 4 of 14 nodes were postive with no mets anywhere else. in nov 2002 the cancer had returned 3 tumors in gastro area and 17 between my two lungs. they said at my home oncologist and surgeon nothing we can do go home and…
A Very Lucky Winner
IN Nov 03 my sister-in -law had a colonoscopy and they penetrated her intestine. It led to a very serious situation. That same day I quite reluctantly agreed to have the same test. Learning of her situation, I refused. My DR kept pressuring me, however and I had the test on Jan 15, 04. There it was big as life, a cancer at…
Thank You for the Response to Eloxatin
Thank you.......Judy, Susan, SpongeBob (love that name), Kris, Pjenks,Carolyn.. all of you for your encouraging words and support. I knew I would feel better when I read these posting. Tomorrow is the scan and we will not hear the results for possibly a week as our onc. is out of town. The waiting will be terrible. Hunt…
Meds after Transanal Excision Surgery
Hey everyone. I have a question. My husband is now 3 weeks post op for transanal excision surgery due to rectal cancer. Brief history: Had surgery on Feb. 25, did really well (some pain and itching) until March 7 (diarrhea all day long resulting in severe pain and itching). Started feeling alot better by March 12 when we…
My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer (stage IV) in May 2002. He had one spot on his liver. Everything was removed during surgery. Then, he underwent chemo for a year (4 weeks on and 2 weeks off). I believe he was on campostar. In December 2003, he had a clean pet scan and normal CEA levels. As of March 2004, his CEA…
Incisional Hernia
My husband had bowel resection in October 03, colon cancer, Duke's C2, currently doing 6 months of chemo, and he now has a grapefruit size hernia next to the abdominal incision. The oncologist says he cannot have any surgery until after he finishes chemo. Has anyone else developed a hernia next to the incision site?
Good news
Hi everyone, I hope all is well. I got my CT results back (I had one done on Monday because my CEA had jumped from 2.0 to 3.6) and everything is stable... No new spots! Yeah! I'm very happy and relieved. On a seperate note, however, I am wondering if I should pursue more aggressive treatments. Back in September, 8 spots in…
New member to group
Here's a quick history. Had typical symptoms of blood in stools and told Dr. about it in a routine physical in January. He did a sig and found a tumor that was confirmed cancer by a colonoscopy in early February. I had a CT scan done and it showed no signs of spreading, so my wife and I felt pretty good going into surgery…
Chemo & Stoma Ulcers
Is there anyone out there who has a colostomy and is/was on Oxal/5fu & developed stoma ulcers? I am developing ulcers on the stoma, and a white ring around the outer peristomal skin, and wondering what can be done to minimize/prevent this problem..this is only my 3rd round, & it will likely get worse. Bud
Chemo Chronographs
day 6 of round three Oxal/5fu..whatta train..more like roller coaster..how do you people focus, let alone work while taking this demon? Even tho no vomiting, and constipation instead of diarrhea, the overall effects are totally incapacitating for the first week..took a drug called Emend, which controlled the actual…
I usually get better answers here, then refine my questions for the Onc.. so here goes; after much prodding, they advised me that the lab is just now sending current-(2months ago) lung biopsy slides to the pathology lab that removed my cc tumor 3 years ago for comparisons of the lung nodes with the original colon cancer.…
I would like to talk to someone who has rectal cancer. My tumor was removed January 27, 2004. I have a temporary colostomy. I am undergoing chemo and will get radiation and chemo starting April. I also take Levamisole. It is a pill. I was wondering about the side effects of all this. I only had one round of chemo. All this…
Re: Levamisole-Thank you all
Thank you so much for replying to me. I appreciate your resonses. Since I am new here, how do I email or communicate with any of you? Thank you again.
What to expect from colon surgery
I will be having my ascending colon removed in the next couple of weeks due to higrade dyspasia and the possibilities of cancer in the lining. They will be removing the end of the small intestines, including the valve that opens and closes to the large intestine, as well as about a foot or more of large intestine. I just…
Tumor-induced fever
I have colon cancer with mets to the liver. Relatively speaking, I am doing okay but I have a huge problem with tumor-induced fever. I was having it every day (in the 101-103 range) and Tylenol, Advil, and Indocin were not controlling it. My doctor finally put me on steroids to control the fever. It worked and I was…
Started my web page!
After feeling pretty "down" last night, I decided to put together my web page. Before I did, I read a lot of other web pages and it really made me feel so connected to everyone. I especially enjoyed the ones with photos - a real face - so I added a photo to mine too. Thanks again everyone for all your support. Everyday my…
What happens when the spouse quits?
Does anyone else have a spouse who could not handle the stress? I was diagnosed in Dec. 2003 with Dukes C1 stage colon cancer - I went through 6 months of chemo of 5Fu/Leukovorin/Camptosar with lots of nauseau, diahrrea, fever, gas, etc., but was able to take the whole treatment. I finished my treatment on July 9, 2003 and…
timing of chemo
I was expecting to start my chemo this week to "mop" up after my liver resection and for a "spot" on my lung. I met with the onc a couple weeks ago & got the chemo regimine sorted out. Then this week I met with the local doc at the cancer clinic in town- everything seemed set. Now my local surgeon has sent me to a thoracic…
Chest cold recommendations?
Hi everyone, Mom has developed a chest cold, coughing, sneezing, etc. Her temp is still low, but we're having trouble finding a way to deal with this. Over the counter remedies seem to be sapping her strength further, and causing her to be constipated (while on 5FU and Leucovorin!). What has worked for you? Thanks, Sondra
transanal excision surgery
My husband had his surgery two weeks ago today. We found out one week ago today that the biopsy showed cancer free. As of this past Saturday he was doing pretty well. Still had a little anus pain and a good amount of itching. But alot better than before. Then Sunday, he had 6-7 very watery stools. Had one more early Monday…
Ellagic Acid a Cure?
Does anyone know anything about Ellagic Acid which is derived from raspberries and strawberries. Researchers at some prominent cancer research institutions have mentioned this acid and I wonder why if it has curative powers I've never heard about it before. Anyone out there with personal experiences to relate?
Happy Upcoming 49th Kanga!!!!
Make it the best day ever!!! Got you beat...the big 50 coming up March 10...Sponge, I'll take any of the left-over Tiffany that you don't want. After all, you are just a young "wipper-snapper", still wet behind the ears, while a woman of my wordly knowledge and experience sure could use some of those pieces (hahahaha). For…
A little info on Eributux
Hello all, I am currently on Folfox and have 5 more treatments. Today I asked my oncologist if I would be elligible for Eributux. Since I am stage 3, my insurance would probably not cover it. However, he did say that either Eributux or Avistan (sp) would become the standard treatment in the near future to be given with…
We would like to leave you all with some "thoughts" which we sincerely would like you all to think about. Then as a family we begin to understand why we have such a big "family"--on this site and all about us. We are "touched" with a horrible disease that has changed all our lives in an instant. Consider; Realise that by…
Erbitux : is it worth it?
Hi all, I receive a wonderfully informative newsletter each week from a former researcher with Memorial Sloan-Kettering. These past few weeks he has been focusing on Colorectal drug treatments and their effectiveness. If I were more computer savvy I would just cut and paste it over here....but alas I am not. Nanuk tried to…
Stage 4 Again - Erbitux
My hubby Hunt has stage 4 colon cancer. 17 out of 18 lymph nodes effected, large tumor removed from colon, mets to liver. He has had camptosar, clear 45 days, CEA count reach 24.9 with spots returning to liver, he was dx in Feb 2003, been one year, he is on oxaliplatin and has one more round of this before he is scanned.…
Sorry I've Been Out of Touch
Hello Everyone! I've been gone a few days (celebrated our 29th anniversary) and will be gone again a few days next weekend (birthdays), but wanted to touch base with everyone just to say hi and hope you are all doing well. I've replied to some posts when I can, but NO WHERE near how much I would like to reply....ah well,…
Hiya guys--just a short note to say our long awaited holiday(waited 10 years) is about to begin.Jen and I are off on a 5 week adventure on our touring motorcycle from Adelaide in South Australia via Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane then home again. It is now 3 weeks since I finished my chemo and am gradually regaining my strenght…