Lurking no more...
Hi all. My name is Kim and my husband was DX in July with Stage IV rectal cancer. He just turned 38 yesterday. We have three kids- 10, 7, and 3. At first the team at Wake Forest here in NC was going to address the primary with chemo and radiation. They went so far as to tattoo his rear in lining it all up. Then we got the…
Friday Christmas Joke
How Angels Came To Be Atop The Tree Santa was very cross. It was Christmas Eve and NOTHING was going right. Mrs Claus had burned all the cookies. The elves were complaining about not getting paid for the overtime they had while making the toys. The reindeer had been drinking all afternoon and were dead drunk. To make…
Dad diagnosed with Stage IV had resection
Last Friday, Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer with mets to liver. Dad is 74, recently emigrated from Florida here in the States where I live (I'm in Jersey) to Eilat, Israel. He had a CT last Wednesday that showed a mass in his colon, colonoscopy on Friday and a colon resection this Monday all locally in…
feeling down
I had chemo yesterday and my onc stopped the oxi for awhile and is giving me a month break from chemo over the holidays. That was all good news. But when I asked if I was a candidate for surgery she shook her head no and said I have to much lymph node involvement and the cancer to advanced. This news was hard to take I…
Hi! I am getting so sick after the white count shot. I thought this was suppose to make me feel better. Can anyone share with me any side affects they get from this ugly shot. I wonder if it's a bad solution. Does it need to stay frozen until maybe the day before. Because it arrives frozen and then I put it in the fridge…
New here -- HI!
I'm brand new here and in fact, just found this forum a couple of days ago. I came to the ACS board looking for information on my cancer. :) I'm 46 and have a family history of CC. My dad was dx when he was 67. I had absolutely no signs or symptoms of CC. Just went in because it's the thing to do when you have a family…
Surgery, Chemo then Radiation?
I just got back from the Oncologists office today and she said that after the new year I would need to have a radiology consult. Brief background, I had colonoscopy 9/3/09, surgery for left hemicolectomy 9/14/09. Tumor outside of bowel and 1 out of 20 lymph nodes had CA present. No CA in lymph vessels and all margins were…
Melissa in Cali & Brant
I just looked at Brant's Caring Bridge page and learned that he passed away early this morning. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/brantwalton There is also a link to a page where people can help if they are able www.brantwalton.org I hope I'm not acting inappropriately by posting this here, but so many semi-colons already…
melisssa in california and the CSN board
Those reading Brant's carebridge, please check in for an update posted this evening. It doesn't look good :( Please keep this family in your prayers! Melissa- You, Brant and Will are never far from our thoughts. We are here and we are reaching out to you and yours on this journey you are on. *holding you in the light…
Craig and DaVinci - It's All Going Down Now In a BIG WAY - A Sundance Exclusive !!!
Good Mornin’ Semis; Well, things are finally getting ready to “go down” now from the DaVinci robot surgery. I’m working with the Media Manager at the hospital now. She has written up a story about the surgery for the hospital and I am working with her on this, proof reading it to make sure that the article is correct. I…
Something for everyone on 5 fu chemo
I came across an article from the august 1999 edition of clinical cancer research. The article described the benefit of lovastatin in combination with 5 fu. The article was very clear in the added benefits of combining the two. The study found that lovastatin increased cell death from 44% to 66% +/- 3%. Now the article…
Hi - I'm new
Hi, I'm new to the discussion board. I wanted to introduce myself before I just started chiming in on discussions. My name is Christine. I was diagnosed with a rectal tumor on may 8, 2009. I had chemo & radiation to shrink the tumor. It shrunk and in August the tumor was removed. I had 2 bad nodes, they were removed and…
colon cancer/been 5 yrs cancer free
Hi I am here too encourage everyone and support you. Been 5yrs for me and 6 months chemo. If anyone needs me support or help please email me at bev04 here at csn
My port is being removed tomorrow. Any advice?
My port is being removed tomorrow. Any advice? Thanks!
Any One Else
Notice eye problems after treatment. I am going into my 10th month now after treatments, and I am experiencing vision and eye pain. At times my vision seems normal to what it was before treatments, other days though I feel my vision is a little more strained. I do wear glasses, but since my treatments I can not stand to…
doctors not agreeing
Has anyone had the problem with doctors not agreeing? My Onc sent me to moffitt for liver resection consult and they referred me to theraspheres, and my ONC doesnt agree. Not sure who to listen to. Christy
Onc today
I saw the onc today and had my bloodwork done. The CEA won't be back until Thursday or Friday. CBC was perfect. I have to have a colonoscopy sometime in Jan. at my 1 year post surgery anniversary. I'll have my first CT scan since Feb. '09 in late March or early April and see the onc on April 6th for the results. I was…
talked to someone taking Dr. Cantrell's treatment
Hi Everybody, Most of you probably know from my past couple of posts that I have made an appt. for Dec. 3 to go see Dr. Stephen Cantrell of Neoplas Innovations in Nashville, TN (I'm only waiting that long because I want to have the results of my next PET scan back and with me when I go). I was able to call there this a.m.…
I need information on healing a fistula.
Help me! Has anyone here suffered from a post-surgical fistula (enterocutaneous fistula) or know anyone who has had one? My husband is trying to heal from his recent surgery and the subsequent intestinal fistula that developed. It is a tough road. He is on a wound vac and no food or water program. Because of the location…
Scans, tests, starting chemo and other prayer/ good thought needs for week of Dec. 14th. Add yours
I know many, many have scans, tests, surgery, start chemo, etc. this week. It's hard to keep track! If you'd like others to remember you this week, add your name with what you're having done so we can pray or send good wishes, good thoughts your way. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Diane: CEA on Tuesday. 1st one since chemo ended Aug. 12th.…
What's you favorite Christmas food?
Hi all, Okay thought it might be interesting to hear what's everyones favorite food at Christmas. I've been pretty much vegetarian since July, no sweets either so I think about food sometimes. Eggnog, is something my sister would always buy at Christmas and my grandpa would always prepare Kalbi.(it's Korean short ribs…
Question about H1N1 Vaccination
Question about H1N1 Vaccination The Nurse from the Medical Center called today and said that my oncologist recommends that I get the H1N1 flu Vaccination They scheduled an appointment for 21st My question is should I get this Vaccination ??? I thought the Flu season was over So can I get some help from the CSN Family ??…
1/2 hour before we leave for first tx
well, after 2 delays, I'm 1/2 hr away from taking my hubby to his first tx. In the last couple minutes, i've gone from feeling strong to crying to getting tunnel vision and feeling like i wanna throw up... he's strong & ready (as he's ever gonna be) big deep breath and then we're off! wish us luck! thx jen :o )
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Please send me some positive thoughts
Hi everyone! I wanted to say thank you for being such an amazing group of people that allows me to share my joys, fears and crazy questions. Although cancer suck I'm am glad to have this oppertunity to meet you guys. I wanted to to kindly ask for some positive thoughts and prayers. I'm in the hospital with an abcess in the…
How do you say thank you?
That is a question I have been asking myself for 3-1/2 years. I was DX with Stage II colon cancer in July of 2006 by emergency surgery and from that point on it was one big daze; glossy eye experience. I was in denial until my first chemo treatment, then it came crumbling / crashing down all at once. Wow, this is real, I…
On the First Day of Christmas my oncologist gave to me......... (a fun game)
On the First Day of Christmas my oncologist gave to me... An appointment for a colonoscopy..... Next?
Start with Folfox today
Start with Folfox today. It will be 1st of 8 treatments. Wish me luck. Brian
This sucks! This has been a gradual process. I noticed a few months back that my hands were getting dark... especially the lines in them... then the feet turned dark too. After that my hands started this "pitting" thing that made my fingertips sink in... then my hands shriveled up and looked like I was 90 years old. No…
Would like to speak to someone who's used Alternative Therapy
I'm the same kid who was on here a few months ago afraid that he had colon cancer. Well, it turns out my 80 year old grandma now has it. Huh, go figure - everything happens for a reason, right? At least I'm knowledgeable about it now. Anyway, I know there are a few people on here who have done alternative therapies. I was…