I think I'm winning for now
I had a chat with my liver surgeon yesterday morning and she told me that my scan was better than the last one I had which was the begining of Feb. She see's nothing in there. All my blood work is good. CEA @ 1.6 I guess for now I will just be obsereved. Praying everything holds up well. Seeing onc. for follow up visit…
CEA levels
Just got my CEA results before I go in for surgery next week. level is 2.0, well below normal levels. I don't understand.
Anyone else on Panatumumad!? I've done FOLFOX and FOLFIRI, I was responsive to botH and NED for a bit but cancer returned. Scan after 4 treatments shows nothing new growing and what was there Is shrinking. This route was chosen after my tumor was genetically sequenced and the results, several years later, were sent to a…
Vitamin D and coronavirus
Here is a general interest article about Vitamin D and coronavirus. There are many past discussions about Vitamin D and colon cancer. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/new-study-suggests-vitamin-d-linked-covid-19-mortality-141201888.html A new study from researchers at Trinity College Dublin has hypothesized that vitamin D…
Anyone experiencing delays or cancellation of treatment due to Covid-19?
While I personally am not in treatment, I did read that our largest oncology center has closed for at least 2 weeks due to 2 patients and one staff testing positive for Covid-19. Their press release said all patients would be called and treatment alternatives would be discussed based on their particular circumstance. I…
covid19 hustling rip offs
My grandkids mom told me baby formula was hard to get. People without babies are buying it up and reselling on fb. I told her she should get the seller to meet her for buying and group of them should meet the persons and take the formula and just give the person store price. SMH
Set back
Hello, I was supposed to go to treatment number 5 yesterday but due to chemo blisters on my right big toe I have to skip a week. I will do treatment next week if blister has healed. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this and due to this were you able to do the whole 8 treatments of Cape ox or was it cut short? I…
I always feel funny about questions like this but I don't know any other way. Has anyone heard from Capox Dude? I know he was seeing his liver surgeon a few months ago and I was wondering how he is doing.
3 year CT now ultrasound?
I had sigmoid colon cancer almost 3 years ago. I had a resection and did chemo. I went in for my annual abdonmen & pelvic CT scan on Monday and they called me Tuesday to tell me the Dr saw cystic area in the pelvis on the CT and I need to go in for a pelvic ultrasound next week before I see the Dr. That is all they told me…
Happy Birthday myAZmountain
May your Birth Day be special, in spite of these wild and crazy times. TRU
Chemo finished 4-22
All finished with the chemo. For just under a year I did 16 rounds of folfox 7 with avastian, 2 months off because on laporscocip look at my liver and then 6 rounds of the same again but irinticon spelling is off I know who cares. We all know what we are talking about. Last 2 scans said that all organs are clear and liver…
recently finished chemo, have questions, would like answers
newly finished chemo, but still with side effects New I just finished (4 weeks) ago a 6 month regimen of Folfox 5FU and still feel the side effects. I had stage 3C Colon cancer diagnosed with a second tumor in my cervical spinal cord which require a C4-7 Laminectomy and apparently the surgeon had to play around with…
Karen MG
I am so sorry to tell you that Karen MG has passed on. She was brave & awesome, she got her trip to Hawaii & she believed in Heaven. Thinking of you all in this strange time. Stay Safe Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
Anxiety before CT scan
Hello, I hope wherever you are that you are safe and doing well. My dad has after 4 chemos a CT scheduled at Wednesday. The tumor board will discuss then and we will get feedback on Thursday how they will continue his treatment. We are all very afraid of it. What if the chemo did not work? What if it is even worse now?…
New Diagnosis - Stage 4
Hello all, I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks, and am in awe of the strength and knowledge each member shows. I am hoping for some guidance as my family begins this journey. My wonderful father (64 years), always the picture of health, was just six weeks ago diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. In the…
H2 Blockers and coronavirus
Here is an interesting article about famotidine and coronavirus. I am posting because some of us take cimetidine, an H2 blocker (cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine and ranitidine). If this catches fire on the internet, there is a chance H2 blockers including cimetidine could sell out. It might be time to re-stock now.…
APR Surgery
I went to appointment with my friend yesterday. Dr. said because he did not get a clear margin when he removed tumor she needs to have an APR resection. Dr. said the "roots" of tumor are into tissue and would not show up on a test because they are too small. Dr. has a better safe than sorry attitude that I understand BUT I…
How is Everyone?
I'm just posting this to see how people are doing through all of this. If you all get a chance, please let us know how you are feeling, if your family is ok and just a quick update on your condition. We are both feeling fine, and all of our children (8 and 14 grandchildren) are doing well. Everyone has stayed in for the…
Anyone know what atelectasis is?
crazy bloodwork
Bloodwork showed elevation with alt, ast, chloride, glucose and sodium. What the heck! Does folfox cause all of this?
treatment questions
A friend is beginning her fight. She asked me to go with her to appointments. Initially, surgeon recommended chemo, radiation and surgery if needed. When we spoke to the radiologist he stated that is not normal protocal, and he was not sure the insurance would pay for it. The medical oncologist recommended a second opinion…
I've tested Positive for Covid-19 - UPDATED
UPDATE (3/29): My husband is in the hospital with coronavirus and pneumonia (bacterial, so antibiotics are helping.) OUr daughter's cough and breathing are still worsening, tho she's in pretty good shape. She hasn't been tested, but county health assumes she has it as well. (She does.) My symptoms remain minimal - more…
recently finished chemo, have questions, would like answers
newly finished chemo, but still with side effects New I just finished (4 weeks) ago a 6 month regimen of Folfox 5FU and still feel the side effects. I had stage 3C Colon cancer diagnosed with a second tumor in my cervical spinal cord which require a C4-7 Laminectomy and apparently the surgeon had to play around with…
For those just beginning the treatment journey
Hi All, When I was diagnosed with Stage 3C colon cancer back in April 2017, I found this site within the month of my first treatment. It was sooooo helpful to have this forum available to me; to be able to talk with people that truly knew what was heading my way was invaluable to me (as I had no idea what to expect). On…
Check In With Big Hug
I don't know how to operate this machine!!..lol..I'm sure these photos are too big but I don't know how to fix them. Hello to my kindred spirits. What a crazy start to a new year for sure. I think of everybody here often even tho' I don't post or check in much. I am squeezin in as much "life" as I can. I had my last scans…
Gluten Sensitivity
I have gluten sensitivity. Did not know it until 2 months ago. The nutritionalist said I would gain weight by cutting out gluten and I am happy to report that in 2 months time I have gained close to 3lbs. It feels so good to see that is working!
Questions from Butt.......
I have 2 question in 1. A week after chemo I have a clear case of a chemo brain but I also experience periodic hallusinations. I don t have a history of a mental desease. It appears to be an effect if chemo toxicity. Did anyone have it? Second, on my off week when I become more mentally clear and want to complete a…
Stage 2a colon cancer
I had a resection 11/20/20 and am on my 6/8 round of Xeloda. When do these side effects get better? I am not sure I can finish the last 2 cycles.
Round 4 Oxaliplatin Folfox
Round 4 Oxa done. 5fu pump until Wednesday. A little bit of nausea after oxa infusion and a moment of neuropathy in finger joints. Happy to be half way done!
12 years of NED with side effects to kidneys
Hello All My dad was diagnosed stage 3C in Aug 2008.APR resection and a colostomy followed. 6 rounds of folfox and 30 radiation cycles. cut to 2010-intestinal obstruction occured and another part of intestine was resected. 2012 he started having cysts in his rectum which a horrible oncologist led us to believe was a cancer…