mets to abdominal skin

gerryo Member Posts: 50
Has anyone had mets to the abdominal skin. My husband's cancer was in his transverse colon. Restaged 8/10 to stage 4 with mets to liver and lung. on chemo for 1 year, holding his own and then found out yesterday he has met to the skin above his transverse colon (or what used to be there) And to top it all off right above that he has an enterocutaneous fistula. Going to the surgeon on Monday to try and figure all this out and see what can be done.

Anyone ever hear of this?



  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    Hello Gerry.
    Some do get

    Hello Gerry.
    Some do get mets to the abdominal wall. I don't know anything about fistulas, but I hope the surgeon can answer your questions and come up with a plan. Sorry can't be of any help, but will be thinking of you. I don't know anything either about clinical trials, but have you asked about any at Emory.