Thankful ...
Thankful … I have a lot to be thankful for this year. But after reading on here, I want to let everyone know that I am thankful that I have a wonderful doctor who cares more about the patient than the money. I trust my doctor along with his staff. They are willing to do research and keep finding possible solutions … they…
mouth sores (on the side of the tongue)
dear friends, what to do about terrible mouth sores (on the side of the tongue)? i know from earlier posts that regular rinsing of the mouth with salt+soda water helps. but do you have additional advise? please share your personal experiences with mouth sores: what you did to relieve the pain, what sorts of foods were less…
systemic medical breakdown and open conflict - What can be done in dire circumstances?
Some of us appear to have been confronted by systemic medical and/or legal blowups in hospitals/nursing homes/hospice that in their worst form appear to be what I will call getting T4'd, being tacitly starved or put down with "them" citing govt/insurance regs or "standard medicine", and caregivers' struggle over authority…
Trouble Swallowing During Chemo
I've only had two FOLFOX treatments so far (ten more to go!), and this week I've noticed a new side effect to contend with. At least I THINK it's a side effect since it wasn't one of the things I was warned about. I'm having a weird time swallowing. It's not that I can't. It's not that it hurts. It just sort of feels like…
Hi All. My husband had a ct scan of the chest, abdo and pelvis and cea and appropiate blood tests. There was no evidence of metastases and cea marker was the same as previous readings. This is his second clear scan and he has had one clear colonoscopy, so we are heading in the right direction. THANK GOD He has occasional…
Update after Laparoscopic LAR
Hi everyone, It's been a while since I posted anything. I just had Lapraroscopic Low Anterior Resection (LAR), I think that's what its called on November 13th. I had a tumor in the lower portion of my rectum. The surgery was to remove my rectum just above the spinter muscles and attach my colon to the lower portion where…
Off CRC Subject but interesting
I was looking for another research group a few days ago and found University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. They didn't have any trials that looked like I could be included but I read about a research scientist who was studing a deadly brain tumor that keeps recurring after NED. He found that this particular cancer…
Update on Jeff - he fought until his last breath
Good evening, My dad, Jeff, battled colorectal cancer for over 4 1/2 years and gave it all he got. Unfortunately, science ran out of treatment options and he passed away on Wednesday afternoon. I've never been on CSN before but I know my dad found great comfort in chatting with others who were going through the same thing…
Scan results :-)
I met with my oncologist this morning and he gave me some good news. Monday's CT shows that most of my cancer is gone. There are several small lesions on my liver there and several lymph nodes that were large in size and they've returned to their normal size. Other than that, my blood work looks great and my tumor marker…
FOLFOX Round 2 Effects Much Worse - Normal?
Hi gang! I had round 2 of FOLFOX yesterday, and a couple of the side effects that weren't so bad the first time are pretty whammo this time, and I'm wondering if that is normal. Most notably, the neuropathy. I was fine during the actual infusions, but as soon as I got home and ate, the pain in my fingertips was pretty…
Introducing Myself
Hello, this is my first time posting in this survivor's forum. I am basically new to this network, as I found it by chance about a month ago. Let me introduce myself by telling my story, a little bit about my "case". I am 35 years old, and was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in March 2012. I had been having symptoms…
Marie Who Loves Kitties her sister passed away from cancer
Marie's loving sister passed away 1:50 AM Friday morning, with Marie and her family by her side when she left our world and onto her spirit path to another. Cancer has taken another life. I am so sorry for your loss Marie, we are here for you. Luv and hugs, Winter Marie
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving
Just coming on to say hello to all and to wish everyone a very happy and most of all healthy Thanksgiving. My 44th birthday is coming up. It has great meaning to me this year. I used to wish for silly things, this year I think we all know what I'll be wishing for for all of us. Love to all, Helen
Pet Scan today- update ...hip fracture- mets confirmed
My husband is still having a lot of pain in his legs - he hasn't been able to walk without a walker in weeks. All bone biopsies have been negative and the soft tissue biopsy was negative for cancer but showed that he had myositis ossificans that is causing the pain. He's been on prednisone and celebrex for weeks now and…
IVC Filter
Has anyone ever had one put in? I'm reading mixed reviews about it online.
wow what a wild and scary ride on the cancer coaster
Hello my cyber family.i am home now still very weak but at least im home.first let me thank my mother(wolfen) for letting you all know and keeping you updated on my current episode.i started having diareah and the next day it looked a little pink but deep down i told my self no this cant be happening.then the pain in my…
Content removed
Content removed by CSN administrator.
Having A Rough Day, Could Use Some Optimism
Hi folks. I hope it's okay that I'm taking my rough day to the forums here. I'm having a day filled with fear and anxiety that is spiraling and I don't quite seem to know what to do about it and I was hopeful you lovelies could perhaps help? As a quick recap, I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the small intestine in…
hipec : stopgap chemo
My dad has had a reoccurrence in the peritoneum ( detected on september 5 ) which is 2 months after 1st line chemo ended.we have been given hipec appointment for 11th Oct. The medical oncologist says that stopgap chemo till 11th October will do more harm than good but I am very worried about going without any chemo till…
Erbitux again
my oncologist told me,if he did a scan and the lung mets are growing I am not able to go back on erbitux? So he's not super keen to scan and will watch CEA. anyone else experienced this?? Mind u if they are growing it's obviously stopped working anyway?....... then I'd seriously consider surgery woukd appreciate your…
Hi, an introduction
Hi everyone, i go by Sky, my beloved pup's name. Ive been pretty active at CC as Skypup. My story is kind of lucky, kind of rotten. Diagnosed 5.5 years ago (longevity is the good part); the bad part is that I'm mCRC and inoperable. I refused chemo when I was no longer curable in favor of doing an immunotherapy clinical…
Ron how are you???
thinking about you dear Ron.....wondering how the test went and hoping you are okay would love to hear from you mags
Hi Everyone especially my old Folfox buddies. It's been a while since I posted. I guess it was about a couple of weeks ago when I had another four month CT Scan to check out my everything but especially my liver. I had a RFA on my liver about 8 months a go and so far no return. HOWEVER this time my Oncolongist saw…
Question about hospitalizations (Update- bottom post)
As you know, my brother was hopspitalized with multiple thoracic emboli. He had surgery to remove them, was in ICU and today was moved to a room. He has another person in the room with him. I thought, since he has a weakened immune system, that he would be in his own room. Am I crazy thinking that? That makes more sense to…
Ketogenic Diet
Now a question for any of you on a ketogenic diet. Since my onc told me he doesn't have anything else for me and turned me over to the Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center and now they have found problems with my blood work that may exclude me from their trials, I have turned to a ketogenic diet to at least be doing…
Go my port out today!
I haven't been here in a while but wanted to share my news with all the wonderful people here. After having finished chemo in September of last year, having a clear colonoscopy, clear blood tests, and another clear CAT scan...I decided t get my port out. I decided to get it removed in the hospital surgical center with…
Hello old friends …
I do not come to the board often anymore after my husband passed over the summer. This has made me feel that I do not have much courage as there are others here that stay to help long after their loved ones are gone. I just have not found my way yet to have a helpful voice for those of you who are suffering this dreadful…
Colonoscopy after having a colonostomy - nervous
Hi everyone...It's been a long time since I've been here..Husband, who had rectal cancer & a perm colostomy is having a scope done tomorrow morning. He has started the prep work. Yay..let the "fun and games begin!" anyway..just wondering how much different it is having this done with an ostomy. I am worried about such…
I hate hospitals
Went there to see my brother and he looked better. The doctor who was there said his platelets were low. They dropped since he was admitted. They sent in a hematologist who said that they wuold do a scan of his body to check for bleeding. As of 8pm tonight, no scan. I put in a call and spoke to his nurse on duty and he…
petscan result and bloods from yesterday
clear peritoneum, liver and pelvis, only active disease lungs two small stable spots, see blog. one year since removab worked so well for me. still ketogenic and qigong and supplements. I am overjoyed and grateful, back to Germany for more treatments focusing lung spots, feeling very well.…