
simplyDiann Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My 80 year old mother has been experiencing severe vertigo for weeks. She has not had chemotherapy in three or four weeks. We had hoped that stopping chemo would -- at the least -- give her some relief from the dizziness.

Her oncologist said that he doesn't understand why she is having such severe vertigo and that she should not be experiencing it to the degree she is.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what might help her with this?

I was told fresh ginger would help, so she is drinking hot tea made from fresh ginger root twice a day.

Any advice would be welcomed.


  • rosie43539
    rosie43539 Member Posts: 55
    Hi, you didn't mention the type of cancer involved. I don't want to scare you but have the doctors done an MRI of the brain. My husband has stage 4 renal cell cancer and was undergoing experimental chemo when he suddenly developed severe dizziness and nuasea. Thank God our oncologist sent him first for an MRI of the brain which revealed a mass on his brain. He is currently doing radiation treatments and they put him on steriods which has helped a lot with the dizziness. If they haven't done it already, please ask for thr MRI.