Should I have my port removed?

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was just reading through the "Picc or port" thread & it got me to thinking. My Onc told me, when he made the remission statement to me, that I could have my port removed in a month if I wanted to. He said I could have my plastic surgeon remove it at my exchange surgery. I'm planning on having it removed. It's unsightly, it hurts when it gets bumped (and with a 2 yr old crawling all over me that happens alot).
My questions are, Do you think I should just go ahead and have it removed? and, If it were you, would you keep it in for a while or have it removed?
I must also add that I had no insurance coverage when i was diagnosed - i got approved for a Medicaid-offshoot called Option 3, for women with breast or cervical cancer. Basically it covers your treatment, but after that, nothing. So I'm thinking my coverage will be gone really soon, unless they consider Tamoxifen part of my treatment. So i would have to pay cash each month or so to have it flushed.
Thanks to all!


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  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I think the people who leave
    I think the people who leave it in are people who have to be on herceptin or if their cancer type is considered high risk for it to recur sooner than later. I did not have aport but am sure others will weigh in with their reasons for keeping it or removing it. I would vote to get rid of it.
  • calvertcrafts
    calvertcrafts Member Posts: 93 Member
    port removal
    I had mine removed when I was finished with chemo because it was unsightly and sometimes it hurt too. I also didn't want the hassle of having it flushed. I also wanted all the reminders of the cancer and treatments removed that could be removed. I don't regret it at all. Good luck on your surgery!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hey Heather,
    I have to keep mine for a year to have Herceptin, But I'll tell you one thing when the time comes nobody will have to say it twice I would take it OUT. I hope all is going well for you. And feeling good. Take care Darlin Kay
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member

    Hey Heather,
    I have to keep mine for a year to have Herceptin, But I'll tell you one thing when the time comes nobody will have to say it twice I would take it OUT. I hope all is going well for you. And feeling good. Take care Darlin Kay

    ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I
    ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I had planned on having it removed & discussed it with my Onc & Plastic Surgeon - I was just second guessing my decision I think. But you are all right - I am pretty low risk for recurrence (although I know in this crazy world of ups & down's that doesn't really mean squat...) and wont be on Herceptin. I dont want to have to pay to have it flushed, or to even have to bother with going in to have it flushed. It has gotten to the point that the smell of the saline flush they use, as soon as the nurse opens the package, makes me sick to my stomach! I'm positive it's a subliminal thing on my behalf about chemo, though!
    Again, thank you! Your comments have helped to reassure me that I've made the right decision!
    I woke up today still with this dang cold. My throat isn't sore anymore but i have a bit of a cough, and a little stuffy. PLEASE pray that they don't want to postpone my surgery!!!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My port will stay
    My port has been in for over a year and I have no intention of having it taken out any time soon. Initially my Drs said that we would not 'talk' about taking it out for at least a year - we're now not talking about it coming out at all. No - it was not needed for Herceptin as I'm HER2-.

    To me - it is my 'life jacket' in case chemo is needed again. It's there and ready if needed. I'd much rather just go in every 28 days for a flush than have to have another one re-implanted IF/When needed. Partly because taking out and re-implanting would result in more scar tissue in the area which I don't want. Perhaps I would feel a bit different if I was not IBC (Inflammatory BC) but as it is very aggressive (25% - 45% survival rate for 5 years as opposed to 87% over all for all BC) I'll stay as prepared as possible.

    Just how I feel.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    I have to keep mine after my exchange surgery because of the Herceptin. Otherwise, I would have it taken out. Hugs, Jean
  • ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I
    ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I had planned on having it removed & discussed it with my Onc & Plastic Surgeon - I was just second guessing my decision I think. But you are all right - I am pretty low risk for recurrence (although I know in this crazy world of ups & down's that doesn't really mean squat...) and wont be on Herceptin. I dont want to have to pay to have it flushed, or to even have to bother with going in to have it flushed. It has gotten to the point that the smell of the saline flush they use, as soon as the nurse opens the package, makes me sick to my stomach! I'm positive it's a subliminal thing on my behalf about chemo, though!
    Again, thank you! Your comments have helped to reassure me that I've made the right decision!
    I woke up today still with this dang cold. My throat isn't sore anymore but i have a bit of a cough, and a little stuffy. PLEASE pray that they don't want to postpone my surgery!!!

    Sending feel better vibes to
    Sending feel better vibes to chase your cold away sister!! They better not postpone the big day!! Good luck with the exchange YEAH TO A BRILLIANT NEW SET!!!!

    Blessings and hugs,
  • mrs gadget
    mrs gadget Member Posts: 118
    getting removed during surgery
    I have already been told that they will be removing mine when I get my lumpectomy in January. The surgeon told me that it is just the next boob over so they might as well take it out and save me the hassle later...
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    getting removed during surgery
    I have already been told that they will be removing mine when I get my lumpectomy in January. The surgeon told me that it is just the next boob over so they might as well take it out and save me the hassle later...

    Its not your imagination
    Its not your imagination about the saline, I can taste it every time they flush my IV.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    port removal
    I had mine removed when I was finished with chemo because it was unsightly and sometimes it hurt too. I also didn't want the hassle of having it flushed. I also wanted all the reminders of the cancer and treatments removed that could be removed. I don't regret it at all. Good luck on your surgery!

    My personal opinion .. No insurance coverage, as well
    I need to talk with you .. via cell 1 day after your recover from you exchange surgery (Haha) .. recovery - takes a while, believe me - regarding varies routes for us to take -- pre existing conditions and all... after care breast cancer 'survivors' insurance coverage, or lack of it...

    ---have your port taken out at the same time -- at long as you don't have to take Herceptin for 1 year (like I did) .. Ouch! baby crawling on you, you bending over to grab something and your port is hit or moved .. yes, I remember those days .. of course, I had my port removed in September 2010 .. No herceptin, no port! My humble opinion.

    --- I would also sit your family down, and explain to them that you are fatigued, and still recovering from the fight of your life --- Ask them for more patience, as you still REQUIRE/NEED help around the house - cooking, cleaning .. etc. Myself, as my new hair grew - my family and help disappeared. It's human, our loved ones have been at our side for months - so i imagine there is a signal internally within each of them that saids 'new hair growth', or Heather's skin tones getting back to more natural shades -- she is now better and all 'well' - normal .. so off we go to do 'our' thing!

    Strength to you .. and I'll be there with you tomorrow 'watching' your surgeon, holding your hand - rubbing your new buzz scalp .. praying for you, HeatherBelle.

    Vicki Sam
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Had mine out
    I told my onc I was superstitious and willing to keep it, but he said he was superstitious too and it should come out. I'm happy it's gone, it was a reminder and I have enough scars to do that.

    Hope everything went great for you today, and you'll be feeling much better soon.

    As for your issues with hubby, men in general can't cope with stress, that's why they have wives. : ) Also, men like to be the "fixer" and this is so one time they can't fix. I think perhaps he is wanting you to be able to do everything you did before because then this whole thing will be gone and he no longer has to fear it. My husband and I have been married almost 31 years and he's definitely the fixer in the house. This hit him like a ton of bricks and he still has to be reminded that the "new me" isn't quite as strong as the "old me" and I'm almost a full year from my last treatment (I'm also much older than you). I'm not saying he's handling this right or the most compassionate way, but if he's like mine, the less reminder of this whole illness, the happier he is. Mine is just now starting to talk about fears he felt during all this, and believe me he was great about appts and treatments (at every one) and helping and yelling at the teen agers in the house to help me out along with him. It's the emotions I never really heard about until now. I also know that the stronger I appeared, the better he handled it.

    Hopefully after you're feeling better from this surgery, you'll be able to have some quiet time with your honey and talk in a relaxed way. I really feel for all of you, your kids are probably reacting to what they feel in the house, you feel less than yourself and you're worried abuot your mom too. As far as the bills, make payment plans -- what are they gonna do, give you back the tumor? Sorry that was rude.

    Take care and hopefully we'll hear that all went well for you today.

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    My surgeon wanted to leave it in for a year post surgery. Well, as soon as chemo was done I decided that that was it. I am NOT going to have a recurrance and I didn't want the port in any more. Like you, it was uncomfortable and hurt. He was not happy, but he did remove it. Then one year after my diagnosis, they found another lump. The surgeon gave me the "I told you so" look but it turned out to be a cyst and now two years post diagnosis, all I have is a scar and a little numbness, but it feels good to have it out.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Have it removed
    I vote for removal. Unless your doc wants it, why keep it. I had mine removed during my recon. surg. and it was like an added reason for celebration. It felt really good to get it out. They can always put it back (God Forbid) if you need it. Right? Love..alison
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Of course alot has to do with your finacial condition. Your at a low risk, thats good.
    Ive worked on surgery right at 20 yrs. Ive seen women remove there ports just to return to have it replaced.
    I have a aggressive cancer,so Ima keeping mine. I dont have a 2 yr old crawling over it though. lol I have bumped it and it does hurt. Def a personal decision. I named my port Ella. Its my lucky button. I go for flushings about 5-6 wks. Good luck in your decision. It is a toughy. Hugs,Katz
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I
    ahh thank you all SO MUCH! I had planned on having it removed & discussed it with my Onc & Plastic Surgeon - I was just second guessing my decision I think. But you are all right - I am pretty low risk for recurrence (although I know in this crazy world of ups & down's that doesn't really mean squat...) and wont be on Herceptin. I dont want to have to pay to have it flushed, or to even have to bother with going in to have it flushed. It has gotten to the point that the smell of the saline flush they use, as soon as the nurse opens the package, makes me sick to my stomach! I'm positive it's a subliminal thing on my behalf about chemo, though!
    Again, thank you! Your comments have helped to reassure me that I've made the right decision!
    I woke up today still with this dang cold. My throat isn't sore anymore but i have a bit of a cough, and a little stuffy. PLEASE pray that they don't want to postpone my surgery!!!

    Good luck with your surgery
    Good luck with your surgery Heather!


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