VickiSam, are you ok?
Been praying that your markers are ok? Let us know how you are doing. Big, big (((hugs)))
Is it ok to have 5 or 6 weeks in between diagnosis and surgery ?
Hi, I'm new here and on 9/13/12 my radiologist gave me the diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Estrogen positive and Her2neu 3+. They won't be sure what stage until the surgery but think that it is stage 1 or 2. Of course, the radiologist was pretty sure it was just a benign lump when doing the biopsy. I'm concerned…
southern cali
It is very pretty. I am having fun out . FRom the air saw the grand cnyon and the rookies coming out here
Genetic blueprint article from Nature journal, author Charles Pero
Anyone else excited by the news on TV, radio, and newspapers about this article that finds 4 subtypes of cancer based on genetic testing? It came out of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I would like to know if anyone has been tested for luminal type A or B?
have not been here in a while so alot of you dont know me but thought i would drop in and say hi
Advice please!
I posted months ago about how my husband just doesn't 'get it'. From the day of my diagnosis, he never asks how I feel, never asks how follow up tests have gone. Basically, it feels like he doesn't care. Our communication is very minimal. We tried marriage counseling earlieer this year for a few months until he said he…
I Miss My Friends
Early on I felt like I had a lot of support from friends and family. Now that I'm almost 5 months into this diagnosis and nearing the end of treatment, my doorbell has stopped ringing, my phone is quiet, my e-mail is empty. It's as if everyone went on vacation at the same time! I know it's the end of summer and people have…
What happened to faith_trust's post about her oncology nurse?
Yesterday afternoon, faith_trust posted a lovely account of one of her oncology nurses receiving an award for patient care, talked from her heart about the care her oncology nurses gave her, and gave us information on the award foundation, encouraging us to nominate a nurse, if we felt so inclined. I didn't have time to…
My visit with my onc, markers, etc
Saw my oncologist this am. He is pleased with how I am doing on the faslodex. Haven't gotten my Ca 27.29 back yet, but my CEA remains elevated but unchanged. No more symptoms, so I am not having any scans at this time. I will see him back in 3 months. For other ER+ with mets, I did ask about fulvestrant (faslodex) plus an…
There should be more than one way to say thank you
Hi guys, I haven't been on much lately...I'm still having trouble with my eye and headaches. That's really limiting my computer time. I saw the eye doc yesterday, she said my left eye is irritated (well big fat duh!!) But I have 3 new prescription eye drops to go with the other 20 or so drugs...I will finally get back to…
MsGebby- Pulmonary doctor appt?
Mary, how did it go? Did he say anything about the nodules in your lungs? Let us know how you are doing, ok? xoxoxo Rebecca
PinkKari09? How are you doing?
Kari, I haven't seen a post from you lately and pray you are doing well on Doxil. Please post an update when you can. Lots of hugs, Noel
How Are You Doing New Flower?
I know this is a heavy week for you. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and wishing you good will. Keep us posted on how you are doing. <3 Big hugs to You and Yours <3 .
Pink Fire Trucks
Hi, some of you asked about my picture with the pink fire truck. This is a group of fire fighters that tour the nation in them. You can find out more about why they do this and where they will be at pinkfiretrucks.org If they come to a town near you, go see them. You can sign the trucks, but t-shirts, etc. It's pretty…
Any news on how Kat AKA HootieGirl is Doing?
Please share if you have heard how Kat is doing. I know she underwent delicate surgery and is at the hospital recovering. I know many have been thinking and praying for this Amazing and Strong young Warrior Woman. God bless her and her family.
HELP! Triple Negative and HER2
I am hoping that one of you will be a supportive friend and guide for me. I am so scared as I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with breast cancer. Good news is I already had a double mastectomy, clear nodes stage 1 and am feeling sore but rather well. I have been to one consult with an oncologist last night. I thought I was an…
Triple Negative
Hi, I've just joined this wonderful group. I was diagnosed w/triple negative breast cancer on 3/2011. I completed my chemotherapy in 12/2011. Luckily I didn't have the nausea or vomitting many do. Main problems were leg pains which linger today, however, not close to how they were. I had my radiation done in the month of…
I'm back, and very happy to be home!....sorry it's long
Hi everyone, Thank you all for worrying about me. I haven't read any of the posts yet, so I'm not sure what is out there...in the beginning of my absence here my parents were visiting and I wasn't feeling great. So all my energy went to that. After my parents went home I kinda fell apart physically. I had been having…
Pink Bus and Prayers Please
Is anyone up for a ride on the pink bus with me tomorrow? If not, prayers will work! I need to have an ultrasound of an area above my reconstructed breast. I've had some swelling/tenderness there for a couple of months and now found what my onc calls a nodule (I call it a pea sized lump). My onc is hoping it's fat narcosis…
I am SOOOOOOOO Done with MRIs
I took 1.5 of the Ativan pills and it seemed to work okay. I made it through all 3 of them without sreaming "Get me out of here". I had to tell the tech that I was freezing to death and she gave me a blanket. In total all of the tests took about an hour and a half. I was still pretty groggy when we got home and took a 2…
Let's gas up the Pink Bus for NewFlower's PET scan on Tuesday!
Olga: We will be with you for your scan and waiting with you for the results. Praying for good news. HUGS!!! Jamie
Prayers please!!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to give y'all a little update so you can get the prayers and good vibes going. I'm having surgery tomorrow morning (Sept 17th) at 6:30. I have two neuro surgeons working on me to remove a tumor that is wrapped 320 degrees around my spinal chord. The surgery should take about 5-7 hours and its a…
Need Good Drugs, 3 MRIs on Wed.
I am scheduled to have 3 MRIs on Wed. Two of my back and one of my brain. I am very claustrophobic. The doctor gave me Ativan but the last time I had an MRI and I took Ativan it did not seem to do anything. Maybe I will take 2 or 3. I asked them if they couldn't just knock my out. They said that they couldn't do that. I…
Does anyone use Dr. mcGee in NJ?
Just wondering if anyone else uses Dr. mcGee in Toms River Nj as their oncologist. I have my second round of chemo today and was wonder what others think of her and the staff Thanks Hugs Christine
good news
Thyroid bio came back negative Yea
OT - Prairie fire - enforced evacuation.
We're fine - only grass burned. We were on an enforced evacuation this afternoon for a prairie fire for a while but it's contained now. Called Hubby to get home in case and got dogs out (and papers) and sat to wait in case I had to run. Neighbor (who likes to freak out over nothing) gave me her 6 ferrets to 'watch' - they…
OT - Recipe for 'Dilly Bread'?
Does anyone have the recipe for 'Dilly Bread' that was on a yeast package years ago? (Or a similar version?) It's getting colder now and Hubby told me he wanted Cream of Leek soup on Sunday (no prob - it's easy) BUT he also wants some Dilly Bread too. It's been years since I made Dilly and I can't find the recipe for it in…
Femur pain
Did anyone have bone pain when chemo was finished
Now I have to find a new PCP
Now I am in a search for a doctor that will listen and treat me instead of doing a wait and see . I need to be treat for my thyroid and this doctor wont treat me for the thyroid problem I have but he will hand out antidepressents that won`t help the thyroid problem I have.
Brava Machine, fat grafting reconstruction update.....
Hi all, I got the Brava machine on Friday and am on my third time of wearing it. I wore it during the day once and at night once. During the day is going to work out best for me because the suction broke on the seal last night and I didn't even hear the alarm. So I didn't get a full night of suction last night. That's 10…