hello i am from the uk. my mum has recently been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. She had previously been having difficulty in eating and consistent pain. hence a recent endoscopy highlighted a large tumour on her gullet. The national health oncologist tells us its terminal and she refuses to offer treatment saying that…
scans and patience
At our oncology visit earlier this week, my husband relayed that every meal has ended with hiccups, feeling of stuckness, burping and often vomiting. He is stage 4 and on 5fu and herceptin. He did not have the above problems prior to four weeks ago, so we are feeling that it is not post-radiation problems. His h@h also…
Services for Jimbo
By his daughter Candace this morning: I just wanted to give you an update on my dad. He decided to come back to the hospice house after the nurse telling him she thinks his organs are starting to shut down. That was confirmed by the doctor and now we are just sitting at the hospice house comforting him however we can. This…
Update on Dave
Finally some good news. Just got the pathology report back, and there was just a tiny little bit of cancer left in the removed esophagus. This means that he had almost total response to the chemo and radiation treatments. No cancer was found in the lymph nodes, and that is good news. Medical oncologist will decide if he…
Jimbo is gone
He passed away peacefully last night. My heart aches.
High ALK PHOS Level
Mine was 172 today after labs. Not sure what it means, but have to watch it. Onco didn't seem concerned. Thoughts?? Jan
Tiny lung metastases in CT post chemo/radiation
My husband was diagnosed with EC in April 2012. T2-3 N1 M0. CT post chemo & radiation showed tiny nodules in both lungs. Radiologist thought they might be inflammation from radiation. Surgeon wanted to do lung biopsy to see if nodules were benign or malignant.. Lung biopsy was performed on 10/2. Frozen section biopsy…
How long should I wait until post op chemo??
I'm feeling stronger after IL on 7-25-12, so we're looking at 11-01-12 for clean up chemo FOLFOX and 5FU. Still have trouble eating some foods, and mucus, energy levels. Jan
Dave Post Op Day 6
Things continue to go pretty well, but not without some complications to just set me on edge! :) We've been plagued with low blood pressure, hoarseness, mild aspiration (but no danger of pnuemonia, at least that I am aware of) and leakage at his neck and lower incision by his navel. They are taking him in for a CT scan…
Painful Radiation??
My dad has esophageal cancer that has bone met. and also in his brain. They started radiation this week on his head and shoulder but although he was given plenty of pain meds prior, he made them stop the radiation on the 2nd treatment due to the extreme pain. He does have a completely torn rotary cuff in that shoulder, but…
Juicer - now I need recpies
Well I ordered a juicer tonight. I guess I need some suggestions for recpies or web sites that don't get too crazy for ingredients. I live in a rural area so basic fruits and veggies are the most readily available. Thanks
Severe Sweating
my brother has been experiencing heavy sweating from his head, he has 4 types of cancer, lung, liver, esophogus,stomach and lymph nodes and he is on chemo. We are on the phone now and he was told it's just from the cancer. Is this true, is it from the chemo or the cancer, and is there anything he can do. I am trying to…
Pins and needles - results
Well the biopsy came back positive positive in the lymph nodes in the neck. I'm devastated obviously. I had an appointment already scheduled next week for my oncologist and he will order a PET scan then so I will have a better idea how extensive this has invaded the lymph system. But what are my chances that chemo will get…
Bawa, how is your sister?
Haven't heard from you in a few. Hope your sister is doing okay. Has she made any progress? Is the internal bleeding under control? You both are in my daily prayers. I hope you are keeping strong. ~Jayme
Scan Results
Had a CT scan Monday. Was diagnosed 3 years ago this month with EC, stage 3. Had surgery 2 years and 8 months ago. Today, the oncologist told me I was a poster child for EC. He said that I should tell both of my surgeons to put me in ads as a success story. In other words, the results of the scan were great--NED! After all…
My visit with Jr.
I felt the urge to just get in the car and go visit my brother. I asked God to let my brother please be up and at his keyboard, I wasn't sure if he would be in the bed but when I got there he was sitting at the keyboard! We had a very good visit, we talked of many things and he shared some things with me. He played a few…
husband with EC, went through radiation, chemo, now to do 5 FU chemo
My husband has esophageal cancer, had chemo and radiation, then surgery to remove the remainder of the tumor, but the surgery had to be stopped because they saw it had spread a bit. So, now, next Monday (10/15), he'll start chemo with the fanny pack (5 FU). Can anyone tell me their experiences with this? I read all the…
Successful surgery yesterday!
Dave had his THE at Hopkins yesterday with Dr.Yang. What was supposed to be a relatively straight forward procedure was fraught with complications, and was 9 hours long, but in the end successful. First problem, the stomach was not a good candidate to fashion the new esophagus out of. It did not have good blood flow, so…
Successful surgery yesterday!
Dave had his THE at Hopkins yesterday with Dr.Yang. What was supposed to be a relatively straight forward procedure was fraught with complications, and was 9 hours long, but in the end successful. First problem, the stomach was not a good candidate to fashion the new esophagus out of. It did not have good blood flow, so…
Bermudagirl, Thinking of you and Dave today and hoping the surgery went well. When you can, please let us know how you are doing. You are both in our thoughts. ptom
Was looking for cancer survivors in Bay Area California to meet my sister
I need my sister to meet some cancer surviros living in the bay area of California.
10 Weeks have past since Ivor-Lewis....now chemo again.
I really do not know if I can handle the next regimen of treatment... Folfox and 5fu. One treatment every other week for 2 months. This was ordered by the top onco at Rochester/Mayo. I am so darn tired all of the time, have avoided all sweets, and eat 5-6 small meals per day. If I take one bite too much, I really pay for…
Callaloo has passed
This was posted by Sherri on esophagealcancerfighters.com: ********** It is of great sadness to report that Callaloo has passed away on August 17th. The following link will bring you to her obituary page and the attorney firm where she worked for the past 30 years as a partner in a Law firm. Her name was Fern Eng.…
R.I.P Mel P Turner Sr. 11/21/1953-08/13/2009
Hey guys, I got the call this morning around 8:30 am, My father has passed away, at the age of 56 from Esophageal Cancer. I know it was recent when i came and joined this amazing site. Thank you for the support and the added strength of my faith in this situation. It came quick and took him quick. However my father was a…
Joel C ??
Joel, how are you doing? I think of you often and how you helped me soon in my husband's journey with EC. Angie, wife of Larry, dx Stage IV EC June 2011
It might be back
I had a PET scan last week and my appointment with Onc Dr isn't til Friday. It was driving me crazy so today I went to his office and asked for the report. They didn't really want to give it to me but did. I read and everything seems ok except the SUV increased from 5.6 to 9.1. Now I have no idea what this means but it…
Update on Jimbo
For those of you who are concerned for Jimbo, this is from his daughter, Candace: Hi! Thanks for your concern. It really means a lot to have everyone's thoughts and prayers. Currently dad is in the hospice house here in town and they are trying to get his pain under control so he can come home and rest. He is supposed to…
Anyone with experience on a clogged g-tube??????
What happens when the g-tube gets clogged??
Finished with Chemo and Proton Radiation
55 years Old T3N1 Stage 3. I finished my 5 1/2 weeks of Combined Chemo (Docataxol and Xeloda a pill form of 5FU) and Proton Radiation 2 weeks ago. The week after was hardest with not being able to eat anything solid. I relied on Blue Bell Ice Cream and Glucernas and Boosts. Have been able to start eating some solid food…
good vibes and prayers please
Charlies scan today --please send good thoughts janet