TJ's Challenge



  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    mimivac said:

    Aww, Moopy
    That is just lovely. Your sweet nature and kindness really shine through that picture. Very beautiful.

    OK, I have looked and looked and I don't have a high school picture at my condo, but I will have my mom send me one. TJ, can you hold off on updating the challenge for a few days?

    Mimi, I can't wait to see
    Mimi, I can't wait to see your graduation picture...I know it is going to be beautiful, just like you. This thread has really been fun. Maybe we can have other events in picture, i.e. wedding, milestone birthday (40th, 50th, 60th), etc. Thank you TJ for starting this thread, and I hope to see many more on here. Jean, you really do look like Farrah Faucet, Moopy you look so sweet, even in high school, Stef, I can just imagine you in Haight Asbury among all of the "hippies" we used to drive through and see, and everyone else who participated, WOW! A well needed diversion. Thank you all.

    Hugs, Judy
  • tat2granny
    tat2granny Member Posts: 77
    fauxma said:

    As my dad would have

    As my dad would have said, nice set of gams. Was your hair naturally curly or was this a perm period? I love the necklace. It's a cute picture. Thanks for sharing.

    no perm
    No perm just really short hair! My Mom used to perm my hair all the time when I was young. I hated it! And Lord the smell!!! Can still smell it. Right now I have long straight hair. Hope I get to keep some of it lol.
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    TraciInLA said:

    Class of 1987
    I was going for "Madonna hair" back then, and I wouldn't be caught dead without my gold glitter mousse and my lavender eyeshadow.

    (although, apparently, I hadn't yet discovered eyebrow tweezers!)

    My girlfriend's 11-year-old son saw the picture yesterday and said I was "hot"!

    :-) Traci

    What a great thing to hear from a younger male! (Although that kid sounds precocious--guess they all are nowadays, though!)

    Just a couple of years ago, one of my sons told me I was hot right in front of his fiancee! I still remember that! Sure did give me a lift!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Ok, so now I have to find a
    Ok, so now I have to find a better picture. If I have time I need to seach for them. kinda packed them away and well don't have the energy to dig them out. but I will try. You all look so great. Its nice going back in time.

    These pics are just great!
    These pics are just great! I can't see yours Kat. Can you make it bigger?

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I couldn't find my graduation picture, but I didn't have very big hair for that one anyway. Here's a big hair picture from the early '80's, probably about 4 or 5 years after graduation. Not very clear, but it'll have to do for now.

    Love all of your pictures! So many gorgeous ladies on this board!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    I couldn't find my graduation picture, but I didn't have very big hair for that one anyway. Here's a big hair picture from the early '80's, probably about 4 or 5 years after graduation. Not very clear, but it'll have to do for now.

    Love all of your pictures! So many gorgeous ladies on this board!

    Great picture Cindy! Your
    Great picture Cindy! Your hair looks so thick and pretty!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Moopy23 said:

    High School Years
    Thank you, dear Creampuff and Stef. I feel like the kid sister who's just won approval from her greatly admired big sisters. My sister Jackie left for TN today, and y'all make me feel less lonely tonight. Big sisters are found in many places.

    You know, Judy, the story about your tears is so like you and Stef: whatever fear or stress or sadness darkens your lives, you move through it into the sunlight. Like the tears that are erased with makeup, and replaced with a luminous smile.

    ID requests at 27 and pregnant?? Stef, you can't claim motherhood aged you. Denise and the kids are still keeping you young!

    Looking forward to more photos, and maybe even more memories. Thanks again, ladies.

    from the era of Freebird (yep, the Lynard Skynard song that lasts...forever)

    Jeanne, you do look like Farrah with your long blonde hair. Always our blonde beauty, you probably broke a few hearts, hmm?

    These are GREAT! It is like
    These are GREAT! It is like we get to know all of you a little bit better by seeing these pics and reading the stories! Thanks!

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    wow you are beautiful..... I
    wow you are beautiful..... I love the picture....Lisa

    Moopy is right
    You do look like Farrah Jeanne!

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    mimivac said:

    Aww, Moopy
    That is just lovely. Your sweet nature and kindness really shine through that picture. Very beautiful.

    OK, I have looked and looked and I don't have a high school picture at my condo, but I will have my mom send me one. TJ, can you hold off on updating the challenge for a few days?

    Yes we will let this ride
    Yes we will let this ride for a while, i can feel the joy it is giving everyone
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    tjhay said:

    Yes we will let this ride
    Yes we will let this ride for a while, i can feel the joy it is giving everyone

    Thanks Tj! ♥
    It is fun, isn't it? I am waiting for more stories from Stef and Judy. Come on girls, enlighten us or is it entertain us? lol

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Kylez said:

    Great picture Cindy! Your
    Great picture Cindy! Your hair looks so thick and pretty!

    KYLEZ ♥

    Ladies you are so beautiful
    as well as smart, with big hearts and great sense of humor. I enjoy everyone pictures
    Thank you for this idea.
    New Flower
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    mimivac said:

    Pegged jeans
    LOL. No, I didn't use a safety pin. We had this method where we would fold the cuff over to the side and then up -- practically cutting off circulation to the leg. Of course half the time one cuff would become undone and then you would be lopsided. I haven't seen that this look is back! I will definitely NOT be stylin' this time. As for the high bangs, god forbid! Do post a pic. of your daughter, Stef!


    I remember Denise doing that
    I remember Denise doing that folding also. Yes, the style is back. If you drive by any junior high or high school take a gander and I am sure you will see some. And the guys are wearing them pegged as well. I have to go through some boxes to find one. Denise took several of them and cut the fan off the top of her hair in some of them. Too funny. She just didn't have the right hair for it. And for sure find one of you and post it.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    RE said:

    Moopy you look darling, not old at all...silly Joe.



    I also told Moopy that I wished I could time-travel back to 1978, and tell Teenaged Aortus that I had some good news and some bad news.

    The bad news: "In thirty years you're going to be a fat bald guy with a gray beard - exactly like me."

    The good news (holding up Moopy's senior picture): "This is who you're going to be married to."
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Ok, so now I have to find a
    Ok, so now I have to find a better picture. If I have time I need to seach for them. kinda packed them away and well don't have the energy to dig them out. but I will try. You all look so great. Its nice going back in time.

    Memory Lane
    Thanks, TJ, for continuing the challenge. All the photos and memories and comments really are fun. Thanks, Miss Mimi. We will wait for your high school photo, as I'm sure your proud mom will be sending one! Kat, you look, I think, a bit like Joe's sister. Will look forward to your h.s. photo when you feel up to it. Rest for now, new Rads Girl.

    RE, you are sexy!!! Cool car, too. TJ, is that a pre-tantrum era photo? Baby Lola, you take your time. High School is a big step. And Cindy, I had glasses just like yours! Remember the big, plastic frame?
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75

    Okay, this really dates
    Okay, this really dates me....guess I am the oldest one on the board. My 1962 graduation picture was so "60's", and was just like everyone else in the class. All were draped in the same blue netting, and all had the same hairstyle. Guess we were a generation of copy cats. What memories. (Just remember this was the age before hairspray, so in the south, you slept in rollers, and then hurried to school as fast as you could before your hair drooped. What a hoot.) Hugs. Judy

    Judy, you look like a movie
    Judy, you look like a movie star. What a glamor shot! I love it.
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75

    Picture change
    Sorry about the picture,, changed it and didn't know it would change here too. Take another look and you'll see the crazy lady in black.lololol

    Do we get to vote?
    My Big Hair vote goes to tat2granny..You rock.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Ooh, Stef - I've been away
    Ooh, Stef - I've been away for awhile, but you must be my soul sister. Beehive, heavy makeup, white oxford shirt, black tight skirt (short), white canvas Keds. Wipeout! I've loved all the pictures and all the comments - it really makes us 3-D. : ) Lynn
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Aortus said:

    I also told Moopy that I wished I could time-travel back to 1978, and tell Teenaged Aortus that I had some good news and some bad news.

    The bad news: "In thirty years you're going to be a fat bald guy with a gray beard - exactly like me."

    The good news (holding up Moopy's senior picture): "This is who you're going to be married to."

    That was so

    That was so sweet.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    lynn1950 said:

    Ooh, Stef - I've been away
    Ooh, Stef - I've been away for awhile, but you must be my soul sister. Beehive, heavy makeup, white oxford shirt, black tight skirt (short), white canvas Keds. Wipeout! I've loved all the pictures and all the comments - it really makes us 3-D. : ) Lynn

    ♥ Just love it! ♥
    Joe,what you said about Moopy is so sweet! Now I need to go corner my hubby and insist on hearing something just as darling or else he is dead meat! LOL

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    ♥ Just love it! ♥
    Joe,what you said about Moopy is so sweet! Now I need to go corner my hubby and insist on hearing something just as darling or else he is dead meat! LOL

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    Yeah, Joe
    As usual, you win the "aww" award. I would bug my husband to make such a comment, too, but it's his birthday today, so I will be nice! So, I just called my mom and she brought 3 of my senior highschool pictures to work and will scan them in for me. I should be able to post something this afternoon. Yikes!


    PS. And yes, more stories from all you lovely women. Love hearing them.