Good news thread



  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    Maxster said:

    Some good news

    I was thinking how I enjoy reading these discussions and thought I should share some good news too.  I have received both of my vaccine shots (Pfizer) and had little reaction.  Mostly a sore arm which resolved in a day.  I am very happy about that.  It is very freeing.  I also had my quarterly check-up on Wednesday and everything was fine.  My CA125 is still low (6.2) which is what I worry about the most.  It has been reliable for me since I was first diagnosed.  It has been almost a year since I completed treatment so I am early celebrating one year NED.  I remain grateful to all of you who post on all the various threads.  It has brought me information I did not have and reassurance when I needed it.  Thanks to all of you.  

    Congrats, Maxster.

    Congrats, Maxster.

    I received second dose of Pfizer 5/17 a little fever and headache but all behind me. 6 month post chemo ct said NED. Filled with gratitude.On to radiation next....

  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    edited May 2021 #83
    First Keytruda infusion!

    Sort of good news bad news. I'd rather not have to taking Keytruda but thankfully it's an option and I have others after further genome testing. The good news is we finally got started and my side effects have been minimal. Only some chest pain. And my hair is growing back! Yay!!

    Continued prayers for all the ladies here,


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    The bright side

    So nice to read your post, and your great attitude.  I think there are lots of new drugs coming based on gene mutations so there is lots of hope that this can work.  AND woo hoo on your hair.   I hope your minimal side effects continue!  Your sister is a VERY valuable asset it your arsenal.  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    So good to see your good news

    So good to see your good news Deb! I hope you continue to tolerate Keytruda with minimal side effects.

    I enjoyed watching my hair come back. Loved it when it was curly. Didn't last long but was fun to have curls for a while.

    Please keep the updates coming.

    Love and Hugs,



  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    edited May 2021 #86
    I love reading this thread

    I love reading this thread with such good news! I hit 3 years cancer free! I didn't even realize until the day after and my doctor sent an email. I never thought I would forget that milestone but life goes on and I've been happily busy. 

  • LSpry
    LSpry Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021 #87
    Quilter_1 said:

    I haven't posted in a while,

    I haven't posted in a while, like a lot of us who get busy living.  December 22, I went for my 3 month checkup, I was diagnosed September 2018, had a hysterectomy in October and finished chemo and radiation in March 2019.  My gyno/oncologist was very pleased with my blood work and ct scan, I have now been "promoted" to checkups every 6 months. While I feel with having UPSC I will always be aware that this sneaky cancer can reoccur, I'm quite happy for the time being.  I no longer live in fear every day, I am just living my life.  My best wishes to you all.

    Thank you!

    I was diagnosed with serous uterine cancer three months ago and feel like life is basically 'over' is so heartening to read about those of you several years out with this diagnosis. The statistics are so frightening. So very grateful for those of you 'still living' with it and leading reasonably normal lives. Good to see a 'face', too, for example you, Quilter_1! 


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited May 2021 #88
    LSpry said:

    Thank you!

    I was diagnosed with serous uterine cancer three months ago and feel like life is basically 'over' is so heartening to read about those of you several years out with this diagnosis. The statistics are so frightening. So very grateful for those of you 'still living' with it and leading reasonably normal lives. Good to see a 'face', too, for example you, Quilter_1! 



    LSpry, I'm sorry you had to find this board, but know that we're here to help. This topic is great, but as it gets more posts, it can be hard to spot new comments sprinkled within older messages.

    So please feel free to create a new topic with any questions you might have or just to introduce yourself. See "Add a new Forum topic" at the top of the topic list.

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    edited June 2021 #89
    NED and now Ready for Radiation

     Doc cleared me for radiation. I have my first appt on Tuesday with radiologist. Good success with probiotic and Fodmap diet from bowel issues with chemo.  Intend on continuing with that thru radiation, armed with imodium and a 'get er done' attitude. TY ladies for sharing. 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Lyn70 said:

    NED and now Ready for Radiation

     Doc cleared me for radiation. I have my first appt on Tuesday with radiologist. Good success with probiotic and Fodmap diet from bowel issues with chemo.  Intend on continuing with that thru radiation, armed with imodium and a 'get er done' attitude. TY ladies for sharing. 

    Congrats Lyn70! May you dance

    Congrats Lyn70! May you dance with Mr. Ned forever! Please let us know how you are doing during your radiation. 

    Love and Hugs,


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited June 2021 #91

    Soon this will all be in your rear view mirror.  Congrats. 

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lyn70 said:

    NED and now Ready for Radiation

     Doc cleared me for radiation. I have my first appt on Tuesday with radiologist. Good success with probiotic and Fodmap diet from bowel issues with chemo.  Intend on continuing with that thru radiation, armed with imodium and a 'get er done' attitude. TY ladies for sharing. 


    So glad to hear Lyn!   I only had the brachytherapy radiation.   Not pelvic.   Not sure which one you are getting.  Either way, you can do it!


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member
    My congrats, too!

    I'm so glad you got the All Clear news! Hope you do well with radiation.

    ?, Alicia

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    I love reading this thread

    I love reading this thread with such good news! I hit 3 years cancer free! I didn't even realize until the day after and my doctor sent an email. I never thought I would forget that milestone but life goes on and I've been happily busy. 

    Barnyardgal, I don't know how

    Barnyardgal, I don't know how I missed your post!!!!! Congrats on your 3 year NED status. May you continue to dance with Mr. Ned forever! 

    Glad to see that you are going on with your life and are happy and healthy!

    Love and Hugs,


  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    edited June 2021 #95
    Congratulations to him! 

    Congratulations to him!   Bragging rights for Mom.

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    edited June 2021 #96
    dgrdalton said:

    Finally have some good news!

    When this thread first came up, I had just lost my mother-in-law and then my sister-in-law. My SIL and I had been through 16 months of cancer treatment and she was such a help to me; it was covid that took her. I was just too grieved to find any good news. I still miss her, but she is still an inspiration for me to keep on fighting.

    My good news came after a long talk with my oncologist before chemo yesterday. My cancer marker continues to be in the normal zone, labs good, just slightly anemic and kidney function is better.

    Last year the treatment and cancer had caused my prognosis to be a year or less. Now my oncologist says I am living with cancer and not actively dying. She says this is very unusual to see with my type of cancer. I really believe prayers have made the difference! 
    All the good news I'm reading is so awesome! Love this group!

    Donna D


    Sorry for your loss.  Congratulations on you results and prayer does work.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member
    edited July 2021 #97
    Last Brachytherapy Tx was Yesterday

    I dressed up, as I always did with my brachytherapy appointments. They recommended a skirt so I wouldn't have to dress down in hospital garb, so I dressed in the fanciest outfits I could assemble! It gave me a chuckle to see my team's smiles!

    The 4th brachytherapy session left me with nausea, diarrhea, urgency, and I vomited a few times, so 5th has been no surprise. I'm fatigued, have some pelvic pain (crampy) and just feel blah. That said, I feel really happy --a reserved and cautious happy--to be done with the brachytherapy treatments! 

    Despite some of the side effects, it's all be very, very tolerable! I would advise anyone with fear or anxiety to not worry. Very okay! And yay, I'm done!


  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2021 #98
    dgrdalton said:

    Finally have some good news!

    When this thread first came up, I had just lost my mother-in-law and then my sister-in-law. My SIL and I had been through 16 months of cancer treatment and she was such a help to me; it was covid that took her. I was just too grieved to find any good news. I still miss her, but she is still an inspiration for me to keep on fighting.

    My good news came after a long talk with my oncologist before chemo yesterday. My cancer marker continues to be in the normal zone, labs good, just slightly anemic and kidney function is better.

    Last year the treatment and cancer had caused my prognosis to be a year or less. Now my oncologist says I am living with cancer and not actively dying. She says this is very unusual to see with my type of cancer. I really believe prayers have made the difference! 
    All the good news I'm reading is so awesome! Love this group!

    Donna D

    wonderful news

    so happy for you and your wonderful news.  thnaks for sharing with us and continue to stay well!  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited July 2021 #99
    Congrats on finishing your

    Congrats on finishing your Brachy!!!! One more step to the finish line!

    Brachy therapy was the easiest part of my treatments. Five years out and thankfully, I don't have issues from it. In fact, it has been three years since I used the dialator.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member
    edited July 2021 #100

    Congrats on finishing your

    Congrats on finishing your Brachy!!!! One more step to the finish line!

    Brachy therapy was the easiest part of my treatments. Five years out and thankfully, I don't have issues from it. In fact, it has been three years since I used the dialator.

    Love and Hugs,


    Thanks for your sweet note!

    Hey there, Ms. Cindi!

    Thanks for writing. I know I've probably got it relatively easy, as at this point, chemo is not part of my game plan. I have had so many laparoscopies and nearly died from an ectopic pregnancy that I feel like this latest little "surprise!!!" from my uterus was absolutely NOT fair! 

    I will get through this, and more bonus good news: I absolutely love my radiologist oncologist, and she is so funny, so cool, so empathetic. She told me she had a goody bag for me after yesterday's last brachytherapy---a bag full of assorted dilators!  She is a funny one, that girl, lol!

    I'm so wiped out. I feel like someone drilled a hole in my left heel and opened the spigot. But again, tonight is band practice! Yep, I'm in a band. We were together in the '80s, and play classic rock and classic country. Dance music. I did a band practice Wednesday night and drove home and collapsed, but I'm being cautious with my energy today so I have a little sumpin sumpin left over!

    <3 Love to all,



  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member
    edited July 2021 #101
    3+ years NED

    Hi, everyone -

    I don't stop in as frequently as I used to, but I'm still here and check in to see how you're all doing. I just got the results of my latest PET scan -- all clear! It'll be 4 years since diagnosis in November for what ultimately turned out to be Stage IVB. Three years ago this month I was 2/3 the way through chemo and miserable, needing blood transfusions to keep me alive (chemo did a serious number on my hemoglobin and it was so hard to breathe I could barely walk across the room). That feels like so long ago now.

    Just wanted to share my good news with you all.
