Good news thread



  • Quilter_1
    Quilter_1 Member Posts: 117 Member

    I also have UPSC mine was

    I also have UPSC mine was stage 2 I completed brachytherapy 11/2020, and chemo Feb 3, 2021. Had my followup labs and CTs Feb 25, all clear, hope I am as lucky as you. Any tips regarding diet, supplements or exercise?

    I don't have any sage advice,

    I don't have any sage advice, I am a chubby couch potato.  I did decide that I needed to try to lead a healthier life, so using an app called LoseIt, I have slowly lost 15 pounds with a total loss goal of 50 pounds.  Once nicer weather gets here, I plan on taking daily walks, instead of the sporadic walks I take now.  We have always eaten a relatively healthy diet, apparently I just ate too much of it, ha.  Good luck to you, I hope that your tests and good health continue.

  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    els19 said:

    Donna great news!

    Donna, that is such great news! I'm so happy for you. Living with cancer is so much better than what you previously thought. Thanks for posting. Your journey is similar to my journey right now and I've been feeling a bit down. You've given me hope!


    Hoping you are feeling much better. I do understand now how easy it is to get down. I do have things that will lift me up if I do them; inspirational stories or sayings I have printed out and put in a folder and also listening to uplifting Christian music. For awhile though, I found myself just crying and that seems to help also. 
    One great help is a thread like this one where we can encourage each other! 
    Donna D

  • els19
    els19 Member Posts: 106 Member
    edited March 2021 #64
    dgrdalton said:


    Hoping you are feeling much better. I do understand now how easy it is to get down. I do have things that will lift me up if I do them; inspirational stories or sayings I have printed out and put in a folder and also listening to uplifting Christian music. For awhile though, I found myself just crying and that seems to help also. 
    One great help is a thread like this one where we can encourage each other! 
    Donna D

    Thanks, Donna

    I'm once again in my positive mode. I also have my own bag of tricks, many the same as yours and I also use visual imagery. My CA125 continues to go down and at this point I'm not showing any progression of the cancer. I have another CT scan in a couple of weeks that hopefully will confirm it. After 9 chemos my doctor thinks I'm in a good position for a break. And my good news is I got my second Covid vaccination yesterday. My doctor arranged for my husband, as my caregive, and I to get our shots in a special section for immune compromise.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    dgrdalton said:

    Finally have some good news!

    When this thread first came up, I had just lost my mother-in-law and then my sister-in-law. My SIL and I had been through 16 months of cancer treatment and she was such a help to me; it was covid that took her. I was just too grieved to find any good news. I still miss her, but she is still an inspiration for me to keep on fighting.

    My good news came after a long talk with my oncologist before chemo yesterday. My cancer marker continues to be in the normal zone, labs good, just slightly anemic and kidney function is better.

    Last year the treatment and cancer had caused my prognosis to be a year or less. Now my oncologist says I am living with cancer and not actively dying. She says this is very unusual to see with my type of cancer. I really believe prayers have made the difference! 
    All the good news I'm reading is so awesome! Love this group!

    Donna D

    Donna, I am so happy to hear

    Donna, I am so happy to hear this news about your cancer markers.  You have helped so many of the women and are a gift to us here on the board. 

  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    I remember when I had my

    I remember when I had my recurrence in Sept 2017, my husband and I searched the whole internet to find people who had endometrial cancer and had microscopic spread in the omentum (qualifies as Stage 4 if at the time of first diagnosis, does not change your staging if it is a recurrence which sounds more like a technicality) to see if they survived it. We found women sharing their diagnosis here and there but then nothing about whether or not they were still alive.

    For the person who is going through the same thing now, I am still here. I am OK. It has been three years since the end of chemo. It is all very doable. You are going to be OK. Much love!

  • Frances081920
    Frances081920 Member Posts: 37 Member
    dgrdalton said:

    Finally have some good news!

    When this thread first came up, I had just lost my mother-in-law and then my sister-in-law. My SIL and I had been through 16 months of cancer treatment and she was such a help to me; it was covid that took her. I was just too grieved to find any good news. I still miss her, but she is still an inspiration for me to keep on fighting.

    My good news came after a long talk with my oncologist before chemo yesterday. My cancer marker continues to be in the normal zone, labs good, just slightly anemic and kidney function is better.

    Last year the treatment and cancer had caused my prognosis to be a year or less. Now my oncologist says I am living with cancer and not actively dying. She says this is very unusual to see with my type of cancer. I really believe prayers have made the difference! 
    All the good news I'm reading is so awesome! Love this group!

    Donna D

    dgrdalton may I ask what

    dgrdalton may I ask what stage was your cancer? What current chemo are you on? You are inspiring and it is wonderful to hear that you are fighting and doing so well.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Quilter_1 said:

    Hi Cindi,  we finished with

    Hi Cindi,  we finished with our vaccines, Pfizer.  We had 2 shots, pretty painless.  Neither one of us had anything more than a slightly sore arm, no worse than with a flu shot.

    Hey Quilter1. Appreciate the

    Hey Quilter1. Appreciate the feedback. I couldn't wait to grow up so that I wouldn't be afraid of shots. Sure seems like going through multiple surgeries for cancer, chemo and radiation would have resolved this dumb phobia. There is no logical reason for it. I can do IVs and blood test with no problem. But say "shot" and I become jello.  I have literally watched people getting shots over and over on TV for the last few months. I even timed how long it takes..... 5 seconds to about 8 seconds. LOL LOL LOL... Anyway, I am happy to say I got a J&J scheduled for this Saturday and am looking forward to it! Maybe, just maybe I have finally grown up! Tongue Out

    Love and Hugs,


  • Quilter_1
    Quilter_1 Member Posts: 117 Member

    Hey Quilter1. Appreciate the

    Hey Quilter1. Appreciate the feedback. I couldn't wait to grow up so that I wouldn't be afraid of shots. Sure seems like going through multiple surgeries for cancer, chemo and radiation would have resolved this dumb phobia. There is no logical reason for it. I can do IVs and blood test with no problem. But say "shot" and I become jello.  I have literally watched people getting shots over and over on TV for the last few months. I even timed how long it takes..... 5 seconds to about 8 seconds. LOL LOL LOL... Anyway, I am happy to say I got a J&J scheduled for this Saturday and am looking forward to it! Maybe, just maybe I have finally grown up! Tongue Out

    Love and Hugs,


    Best of luck with your

    Best of luck with your vaccine.  Great yourself to some ice cream afterwards.


  • Theskinnyscot
    Theskinnyscot Member Posts: 36 Member
    Just had my one year after

    Just had my one year after end of treatment visit and yeah, no evidence of recurrent or metastatic disease ?. Also got J and J Covid vaccine so my daughter is coming to town on Friday for a celebratory hug after 452 days?. 
    It has been a rough four months but if I can just get my thyroid straightened out it could be a good year.?

    Thoughts and best wishes to everyone on this board ?.


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited March 2021 #71
    Congrats on the great check

    Congrats on the great check up Yvonne! Enjoy your visit with your daughter. Hugs are a wonderful thing! Smile

    Love and Hugs,


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited March 2021 #72


    To be NED and vaccinated are two great pieces of news! So happy for you. I'm sure you'll have a great time with your daughter.

    My sister has thyroid issues and I know that at varous times over the years she's had to adjust her medication to keep the levels in the tight range that she feels best at. I hope you find your sweet spot soon too.

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    edited April 2021 #73
    dgrdalton said:


    Hoping you are feeling much better. I do understand now how easy it is to get down. I do have things that will lift me up if I do them; inspirational stories or sayings I have printed out and put in a folder and also listening to uplifting Christian music. For awhile though, I found myself just crying and that seems to help also. 
    One great help is a thread like this one where we can encourage each other! 
    Donna D

    I agree, Els19! This thread

    I agree, Els19! This thread is very smile worthy. Blessings to all with good blood reports, scans and NED news. I keep a thankful journal. Just little snipets of goodness in a day, a visit, something pretty on a walk, a great quote or tip I can look back on. Not everyday has a entry. My platelets up from 56 to 128 and chemo #5 this Wednesday. I am truly thankful. Asked onc about CA125 and answer was does not pertain to my cancer. Off to 4 weeks radiation after #6, tips on tolerating it well? 

  • els19
    els19 Member Posts: 106 Member
    edited April 2021 #74
    Lyn70 said:

    I agree, Els19! This thread

    I agree, Els19! This thread is very smile worthy. Blessings to all with good blood reports, scans and NED news. I keep a thankful journal. Just little snipets of goodness in a day, a visit, something pretty on a walk, a great quote or tip I can look back on. Not everyday has a entry. My platelets up from 56 to 128 and chemo #5 this Wednesday. I am truly thankful. Asked onc about CA125 and answer was does not pertain to my cancer. Off to 4 weeks radiation after #6, tips on tolerating it well? 


    I did radiation (25) with my original treatment back in 2014. Some people breeze through it but I had lots of problems with diarrhea and digestive issues. My advice is probiotics and make sure to have Imodium on hand. Hopefully you won't have issues but if you do make sure to address it with your doctor as they can also give you prescription drugs. Good luck!

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    els19 said:


    I did radiation (25) with my original treatment back in 2014. Some people breeze through it but I had lots of problems with diarrhea and digestive issues. My advice is probiotics and make sure to have Imodium on hand. Hopefully you won't have issues but if you do make sure to address it with your doctor as they can also give you prescription drugs. Good luck!

    I know very little of

    I know very little of probiotics. What recommendations does anyone have. I have had diverticulutis and digestive issues for quite awhile. It has been a challenge with chemo. I always have Imodium on hand. Tried BRAT diet but it doesnt keep my numbers up. Perhaps it will work with radiation. Are there lab checks during radiation? Question on CT...did it occur after chemo or after radiation, if following chemo. TY

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 570 Member
    edited April 2021 #76
    So happy to see that everyone

    So happy to see that everyone has been immunized!  Here's to speedy approval for 12 and up, to help us get even more quickly to herd immunity (if it can be achieved - they're seeing a tremendous decrease in new cases in Israel, after mass immunization).

    On the good news front, I am now a sexy sexagenarian (turned 60), a birthday that 2.5 years ago, I didn't think I'd live to see.  My daughter finally finished her last incomplete for her double BA, so I get to celebrate the re-issuance of her diplomas again with a slightly higher level of honors (they gave her the boot with two degrees a semester early, in February).  We can't go to the graduation (students only).  But even more importantly, promising job interviews are going on, and best of all, her first possibly serious romantic involvement!  That's how I got her to finish the incomplete, by saying, "That car, which WE own, is not leaving the driveway to go see that guy until the incomplete is done!"  It worked.  She finished it.   I think that the budding relationship is the thing about which I am most happy for her.

    It's funny, the UPSC diagnosis was such a tremendous shock.  And then, after the treatment was over, the unrelated slow lymphoma diagnosis and treatment preoccupied me, so that I wasn't focused on fear of recurrence of UPSC.  That is under control now, too, after an antibody treatment.  But mostly how I feel these days is just so happy, that I've been around a bit longer, to see my children's progress towards self-sufficiency. I'm not an optimist, but the way I see it is that all the time I have now is bonus time.

  • Quilter_1
    Quilter_1 Member Posts: 117 Member
    edited April 2021 #77
    zsazsa1 said:

    So happy to see that everyone

    So happy to see that everyone has been immunized!  Here's to speedy approval for 12 and up, to help us get even more quickly to herd immunity (if it can be achieved - they're seeing a tremendous decrease in new cases in Israel, after mass immunization).

    On the good news front, I am now a sexy sexagenarian (turned 60), a birthday that 2.5 years ago, I didn't think I'd live to see.  My daughter finally finished her last incomplete for her double BA, so I get to celebrate the re-issuance of her diplomas again with a slightly higher level of honors (they gave her the boot with two degrees a semester early, in February).  We can't go to the graduation (students only).  But even more importantly, promising job interviews are going on, and best of all, her first possibly serious romantic involvement!  That's how I got her to finish the incomplete, by saying, "That car, which WE own, is not leaving the driveway to go see that guy until the incomplete is done!"  It worked.  She finished it.   I think that the budding relationship is the thing about which I am most happy for her.

    It's funny, the UPSC diagnosis was such a tremendous shock.  And then, after the treatment was over, the unrelated slow lymphoma diagnosis and treatment preoccupied me, so that I wasn't focused on fear of recurrence of UPSC.  That is under control now, too, after an antibody treatment.  But mostly how I feel these days is just so happy, that I've been around a bit longer, to see my children's progress towards self-sufficiency. I'm not an optimist, but the way I see it is that all the time I have now is bonus time.

    Love your good news and your

    Love your good news and your beautiful outlook.

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2021 #78
    6 month post hysterectomy; 2

    6 month post hysterectomy; 2 week post 6th and final chemo ct said chest/pelvis NED. I had to look up NED when I first joined the site, now I know the meaning and I am so grateful. Prayers for all my sisters on this site. 

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited May 2021 #79

    Lyn - so good to hear that you're NED after chemo. That's a wonderful feeling.

    I know that you've been deciding on radiation or not. I did decide to go ahead with it, even though I was also NED after chemo. But other women here have made the opposite choice. We each make the decision that we're comfortable with, based on how we feel and what we know at the time. Let us know whatever you decide.

    But for now, enjoy this moment.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Big milestone

    You did I it!  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Congrats Lyn! May you dance

    Congrats Lyn! May you dance with NED forever!

    Now, be patient with yourself. It takes time to build up your strength and find your new normal levels.

    Love and Hugs,
