naturopath specializing in oncology
Post the completion of my chemo and internal radiation therapy i had an appointment with my naturopath with extended oncology training. I thought i would share the information she provided along with the testing she has done and treatment we are starting little background - diagnosed 11/2012 with Uterine Cancer. 12/12/12…
Does it get easier to go for your doctor appts?
Ladies, I am hoping you, and anyone from any board can chime in, does going to the doctor ever get easier? I am only in about 6 months of the monitoring now and get very anxious when I have to go see the surgeon for my follow ups. I am not talking about the physical exam, I am talking about the unknown. My next visit is…
favorite ways to make water taste good
Hello all, I'm doing platinum based chemo treatment again and am wanting to drink more water, but have had trouble with the taste. Usually I love just plain water but it seems to get more "chemo" taste just straight. I've been trying some different experiments this week and thought I'd share. been using organic fruit and…
Second opinions
Hello fellow warriors! I am new to this support community, and have just passed my one year "anniversary" of diagnosis! It is good to know you are all out there! I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, stage 3C, and have done the surgery, chemo (carbo and taxol) followed by radiation (external beam and brachytherapy.) I…
Another birthday
I am 67 today and happy to see it. 15 months ago I wondered if I'd see 70. Now with the help of NED, my medical team, and all of you, I am counting on it and hope for many more after that.
new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
Very encouraging!
Very encouraging! Keep your fingers crossed ladies! This could very well be a breakthrough http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/testing_starts_creates_homegrown_4jSHWpWFBEkczPTFque7VM Stanford researchers are on track to begin human trials of a potentially potent new weapon against cancer, and would-be participants are…
Now what!?!?
2013-07-09 This post qualifies as 'now what'! PET/CT colorful around ureterer, possibly Ca encroaching. Some docs said yes! others said fibroids from scar tissue from radiation, as was previously reported to help 'with one hand' and 'cause Prblems later on', my story exactly. now rad scar tissue seems to be blocking,from…
Friend with Uterine cancer. VERY CONCERNED!!
Hi Ladies, I'm coming over from the OVCA board with a question regarding a close friend. My friend had surgery a few months ago for stage 3 uterine cancer. She underwent 25 radiation treatments. She completed those about a month ago. About ten days ago she developed a high fever (103). A medical doctor put her on…
Something Silly to share
Hola, I just wanted to share with everyone something very silly. I just came back from the grocery store, and while there I meet Charlotte Gerson. She was so sweet to talk to me for a little short period of time. She told me that the best anticancer vegetable, though expensive, was asparagus. She also mentioned the…
Radiation and chemo help!? ( 3b endometrial cancer)
Radiation and chemo help!? I have stage 3b endometrial cancer, and recently had a hysterectomy. Next up in a month or so I start treatments. I am underweight NOW so am concerned how much I can tolerate. I also wonder if I can choose the amount of treatments (they are recommending 5-6 weeks rad and 6 chemo) I would like to…
Osteoporosis after Chemo
I am sure we have talked about this before, but I cannot find the thread. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine and osteopenia in the hips and neck, right after I finished chemo. I told my doctor to give me some time to recover, so I did not have to take any prescription medication. I am now having back and chest…
Anyone have atypical pap results after being NED for awhile?
I had my six month appointment with my doctor on May 31st. Since I had not had a scan for a couple of years, he ordered chest x-ray and Ct of abdomin and pelvis. Got those results last week. All results were unremarkable. My doctor did a PAP on the 31st. Yesterday, June 20th, I get a call from the office with regard to my…
Paging Dr. Beila
Beila - just checking in to see how you are doing. Please let us know how you are doing. Last I heard you were going to spend some time with hubby - hope you are still enjoying time with him. Just say hi - we all worry about each other! JanH
new to this... and pretty freaked out
hi, i am new to the board and not fighting my own battle but fighting hard for my Mom. She was diagnosed with stage 111c uterine cancer in October 2009 and had surgery including lymph node removal - there was cancer found in 3 of the 30 taken. She went through 6 rounds of chemo in 2010 and we waited with fingers crossed.…
A glimmer of hope on the horizon...
If it works on ovarian cancer...maybe it will work on UPSC which is said to be similar. Full article here: http://www.thespec.com/news-story/3845131-cancer-breakthrough-new-drug-shown-to-prevent-cancer-growth-ready-for-human-testing/ Excerpts from article: Cancer breakthrough: New drug shown to prevent cancer growth ready…
Not sure what chemotherapy options will be?
Going to drs. today to discuss chemotherapy for my second reoccurence of endometrial carcinosarcoma.They removed 1.9 tumor from my liver about 4 weeks ago.I feel pretty good.Somewhat concerned about chemo,because dr. said we were in uncharted territory now.I've only had chemotherapy once for this cancer,which was…
New Dz UPSC 3C
I'm fairly new to all this.UPSC stage 3C.I had my post op visit today,will be getting a port a cath on Thurs and first chemo Rx next Friday. Treatment plan is for sandwich method with external radiation. This is scary business.Wish me luck.
Nursing Field
I know this is way off the topic of our cancer, but figure I have a varied group of gals on these boards and possibly someone can pitch in to help. My daughter, 21 yrs, is at college working on her business degree, emphasis in marketing. Been working this summer at a financial corp as an intern, but wondering if this is…
New Doc - CT Scan - Symptoms?? Menopause? - Just ranting here
Well after finding a really great doctor and a doctor who did my recurrence surgery in 2010, I am once again faced with finding a new doctor since this doctor has moved to Texas. I met with the new doctor at the end of May. As first meetings go, it went ok. He did a PAP and ordered a CT Scan and chest X-ray. This was the…
Mary Ann's goodbye
Mary Ann wrote much of he own eulogy. Here is what she had to say about this group: "Having cancer is dreadful, but I sure can say I’ve met the very best people through Chester (that's what I called my cancer). I want to thank my cohorts from the Cancer Survivors Network. They are a wonderful group of women. We share the…
Gifts from Mary Ann
Another forum I am on listed a post for someone who went on hospice, so that person would know what gifts they had given to them. Mary Ann is not doing well. She is getting weaker every day. She is using oxygen to help her breathe. She is also taking morphine for the pain. I hope Rudy will read to Mary Ann how special she…
help me understand this
never knew anyone with cancer, I don't know much about this horrible disease. just found out my mom has cancer. she has cancerous tumors in the uterus and has spread to the lower lung. our family is devastated. it came to a shock to all of us. it's difficult wrapping my head around this. I can't imagine my life without my…
Gynecological cancer Public Service Announcements!
Early one morning getting ready to catch a plane I was so surprised to hear the PSA (top link) below. I thought, "That's right! This needs to get out there!" Now it just needs to get on during PRIME TIME!! http://www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/GYN_IHad/ http://www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/GYN_BeBrave60/index.html…
endometrial cancer
I recently had a laproscopic abdominal hysterectomy after being diagnosed with endometrial cancer. The cancer was grade 1 stage 1A. Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) has been recommended. Does anyone have personal experience to share re: treatment, short and long-term side effects, etc.?
Anyone develop Heart Problems while taking Chemo specifically A Fib?
Hello. I am hoping someone might have a similar experience to shed some light on my Mom's new problems. After her 3rd chemo (Taxol/ Carboplatin) for Stage 3A UPSC and mixed adenocarcinoma (staged during hysterectomy) her WBC counts went down very low and she contracted pneumonia. She was hospitalized for 7 days and given…
Sugar Feeds Cancer --- great article~
Sugar turns the body into a suitable breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer by devastating the immune system. Knowing that one's cancer needs sugar, does it make sense to feed it sugar? Does it make sense to have a high-carbohydrate diet? Of the four million cancer patients being treated in America today,…
Tears2overcome (Brenda) has passed
Tears passed on June 4th. She fought her cancer all the way to the end. Brenda was so thoughtful and supportive to all her cancer friends. She will be missed terribly. I know that Brenda is in heaven and no longer has to fight thsi dreaded illness. Miss and love you Brenda, I will see you again someday. Love
Raw Vegan with an occasional splurge of wine
Two and a half years into this Stage IVB Grade I uterine adenocarcinoma saga I have finally gone raw vegan. In addition to this I let my gyn onc know that I am exploring copper chelation (have known about it for a couple of years but a recent clinical trial success on aggressive breast confirmed efficacy). So today is day…