New oral chemo for stomach cancer--Tesetaxel
[New oral chemo, tesetaxel, has been fast-track approved by the FDA for gastric cancer.] Tesetaxel is a novel oral semi-synthetic taxane. The drug stabilises microtubules, inducing potent cytotoxicity in a wide range of tumour cell types. Certain taxanes have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of breast (BC), lung,…
Looking for expertise in Northern California
Hello everyone- I'm a member of the breast and uterine cancer boards and this inquiry is because I'm trying to help my neighbor. I don't see a separate board for pancreatic cancer, so I'm starting here. Anyway, my neighbor was recently diagnosed with a rare form pancreatic cancer. He was told he's 1 in a 100 and "they"…
colonoscopy and endoscopy gets done for the 1st time tommorrow morning...scared
my dad is having an enoscopy and colonoscopy tommorrow morning...scared of what they'll find...been six months waiting since he first vomited blood and they'd suspected him a stomach or colon cancer sufferer, and tommorrow's the day. i made up that liquid drink Fleet that he has to drink to induce diahorrea so they can see…
Peritoneal Cancer - New Discussion Board
Hi anyone who has peritoneal cancer (primary or secondary) - we have started a new Discussion Board called Peritoneal Cancer. If you have this, as well as stomach cancer, please visit that Board too. We hope to have lots of information available on this quite rare cancer. Thanks! Cheryl
I see all cancer sections except one for what i was diagnosed with 6 months ago. I have peritoneal carcinomatosis and I want to discuss this with people who have the same thing. No offense to my fellow cancer patients. Its just, well you know, you are more comfortable with discussing your illness with someone going through…
Mum just diagnosed with PPC
*sigh* I feel my world has turned upside down. My beloved mum went into hospital a couple of weeks ago with a fluid buildup in her abdominal cavity. She has now been diagnosed with primary peretoneal cancer and started chemo today. She was told last Tuesday that she had secondary ovarian cancer, inoperable and there was…
linitis plastica
Dear readers, Before I ask my question I want to wish everybody the best and hope you and you'r love one will survive! I live in the Netherlands and I am looking for treatment, story and everything else about the cancer linitis plastica. My other sister (age 36) died 12 years ago on linitis plastica. My younger sister age…
signet ring cell cancer of the appendix
don't know
Stomach cancer - Is there something fishy???
My beautiful Mom was admitted to a private hospital in South Africa on the 4th of May. She has been treated by her doctor for an ulcer, which came and gone after my Dad's passing. She was also treated for Kidney pipe infection. But that Wednesday morning, she was in bed, complaining of alot of pain on the sides of her…
My 47 year old sister has stage 4 stomach cancer - can she survive?
My sister was just recently diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma stomach cancer. She has several bone lesions on her spine that they say is also cancer. The oncologist has said with treatment, she may survive a year to 18 months. And that if she did nothing, she wouldn't survive 3 months. She has decided to go through the…
30 year old brother diagnosed with Peritoneal Carcimatosis -
Well, after much speculation, this was my brothers diagnosis. They are going to start chemo next week (5-FU and oxyplastin). Does anybody have any success stories with this sort of chemo? Also, side effects? They are giving him 3-6 months without treatment, up to a year with. Would love to talk with someone going through…
I have a friend with diagnosis of gastric cancer one month ago. She is 35 years old and she is the mom of two babies. This is a sad story, but the worst is she cannot eat solid food because the tumor is blocking the pilorus, and doctors have sent her to her home with liquid diet. She only drink the third part or less of…
acute allergy onset-husband nearly died - anyone else developed this after sub or total gastrectomy?
Hi guys After my husband made a seemingly terrific recovery from a subtotal gastrectomy in June last year, where he had most of his stomach removed & had 12 weeks of ECX chemo - and returning to competing in triathlons earlier this year - he's done 3 races up to Olympic Distance & also smaller Club Triathlons, plus a 5km…
Primary Peritoneal Carcinomatosis/Does anyone have any success stories of the chemo working?
My father has Primary Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. He is his 3 session of chemo but we haven't gotten the results of the cancer cell count yet. Does Chemo work on this. Is there anyone out there with a remission story? And if so, I sure would love my dad to be able to talk to you. I am open to combining alternative medicine…
My Father has gone to a better place - thanks to all for the support in the past...
I know I inquired a couple of months ago referring to my Father and some stomach cancer complications.....please pray for him as he has passed away.:( I thank everyone for their knowledge as it was helpful during the time and it's nice to be able to have a site like this for everyone to put forth information. I pray for…
Stage 4 Gastric Cancer
Hi, all, My sister is 47 years old and was just diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. She was being offered palliative chemotherapy and was given a 1 in 5 chance of surviving 1 year. With those statistics, I emailed Dr. Avital at the NIH. He is studying stomach cancer.She has been accepted into his study. My sister's care…
life after total gastrectomy,intestinal pain after eating, food aversion, weight loss
My mom had total gastrectomy after being diagnozed with stage 3B stomach cancer in Sep 2008. Little by little after that she managed to get into an eating regimen and was doing OK. However few months ago, about 2 and 1/2 years post surgery she started experiencing some intestinal pain after eating, describing that the…
post partial gastrectomy may 4th. having trouble with eating. vomiting at least once a day. Not able to eat much at all. Do have a j-tube and receiving feedings. not having any trouble with dumping at this point. but the vomiting is troubling, will it get better.
Can keep food down after Radiation/Chemo
Hello, my mom was diagnosed with stage 3.5 stomach cancer. They removed 3/4 of her stomach right away. They then started on chemo and radiation for the infected areas. Soon after treatment she was told the cancer was in remission. Since that time she can't keep any food down. It has been about two months and she has lost…
Dormant stomach cancer help
My mum has stomach cancer and had surgery to remove it,but surgeon who performed the surgery said he couldn't get all of it out and some is laying dormant but he couldn't get to it and remove it.Am looking to hear from someone or know of someone who has same type of cancer and can offer help and advice as to what…
New diagnosis
My 83 y. o. mother was just diagnosed with stomach cancer last week by way of an EGD. Her PET scan revealed multiple bilat. nodules on her lungs, thyroid, and retroperitoneum. We have appts. with a general surgeon and an oncologist next week to find out if it's carcinoma or lymphoma. IS THERE ANY HOPE?
Has anyone been diagnosed stage 3 or 4 with such minimal symptoms???
My father has been told they suspect stomach cancer. he vomited blood once on 21st january 2011 which prompted him to seek medical help and has been anaemic ever since, he has no pain but his GP has said sometimes "pain" from stomach cancers can manifest as a ravenous hunger instead, he sometimes feels hungry when he knows…
Stage 4 Stomach Cancer - Microscopic penetration in pancreas
Dear CSN members, My Father was suffering from duodonal ulcer which has blocked the duodonel. Hence he underwent stomach-intestine bypass surgery on 22 Feb 2011. Durng the surgery doctors suspected a part of stomach as malignant. Hence they picked up a piece from there and sent it for biopsy. Unfortunately the biopsy…
Ampullary cancer
My boyfriend was told he had pancreatic cancer, obviously we were devistated. he went through the whipple procedure and after the whipple the pathologist examined it and found it to be ampullary cancer, which from what we understand a much better prognosis, none of his lymph nodes were effected, but they gave him radiation…
Stage IV stomach cancer and cannot hold anything down when taken by mouth
I'm not even sure where to begin. My father was diagnosed with stage IV Gastric cancer in March of 2010. It has spread to the outside of the colon and from my understanding it is in the fatty tissue. He has a tumor on the outside of the colon which is pushing down on the colon and causing obstruction. He has paticpated in…
Stage 4 Cancer
Dear CSN members, My grandfather in Iran has been fighting stage 4 stomach cancer for the past two years. He has been unable to eat anything except through a feeding tube. His condition has become worse as he no longer can walk, and recently he needs assistance moving an inch of his body. My grandmother called me this…
Gastrointestinal Lymphoma
My husband has been diagnosed with this cancer. Can anyone give me any advice on what he should eat. He knows what not to eat, but noone seems to be able to help us with what to eat. All help greatly appreciated.
stage 4 stomach cancer
i was told i have stage 4 cancer that started in my appendix and now has spread all around my stomach, but has not effected any of my other organs, and all that can be done is cemo. is this true? what about a treatment called HIPEC Cemo, does this work?
Ideas for regaining strength after chemo...and protein recipes needed
My father recently was given a clean bill of health...cancer free!...but the effects of the chemo have been extremely tough on him to say the least, his last treatment was in November...He is so very weak and has pain everyday that no one can explain...I believe it's a combination of physical and psychological...all he…
Gastrectomy - is it a good option?
My husband was diagnosed with stage 3c gastric cancer (linitis plastica) on October 15, 2010. He started chemo (ECF) immediately. Going into the third round though, it was determined that this cocktail wasn't working. The fluid in his abdomen (ascites) had increased and needed to be drained. 5 liters were drained out of…