My Father has gone to a better place - thanks to all for the support in the past...

Chanel79 Member Posts: 4
I know I inquired a couple of months ago referring to my Father and some stomach cancer complications.....please pray for him as he has passed away.:(
I thank everyone for their knowledge as it was helpful during the time and it's nice to be able to have a site like this for everyone to put forth information.
I pray for you all - all who are battling this disease, all who know a loved one that is battling this disease. I am grateful for all of the miracles and blessings in my life, and I miss my Father so much it hurts, but I am confident now that he is resting in peace. I am very proud of him, he was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer almost 3 years ago. He had a total gastrectomy even though they said it was inoperable they still gave it a shot, he did a lot of chemo and radiation therapies and treatments, and he never gave up, he had a strong spirit to live. I'm trying to spread awareness and we have set up a fund to the Cancer society in my Father's honor for specific stomach cancer research funds as I feel there is a need, at least here in Canada, for more resources for stomach cancer survivors. Stay strong, believe in yourself, you can do this, as my Father did, and I have never been more proud of him. God Bless and Take care.


  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    My Heartfelt Sympathies
    Hello Chanel79
    So sorry for your loss of your dad. I lost my dad a year ago, March, 9 2010 to esophageal cancer. I can totally relate. I am proud of your dad for being so strong. I am proud of his drs. for giving it a shot. May our dads both continue to now rest in peace. No more pain, suffering, or cancer!! Listen to an old song by Elvis Presley. It is called, "MY WAY." I have dedicated it to my dad. I am sure you will also.
    Tina in Va
  • lwgwzw
    lwgwzw Member Posts: 1
    My heart goes out


    My heart goes out to you for your father's passing. I hope you look at this site sometime soon because I have a quick question. My stepfather was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer ealry March 2011, had 1/2 of his stomach removed on April 27th, is "cancer free" according to his doc, nothing in the surrunding lymphnodes or tissues, praise God.

    My question is what happened between Feb and March with you dad? If this is too hard, please just let me know, however your Dad had many of the same symptoms that my stepfather is having, and he is getting no better... his history.

    Afer the successful surger, my stpefather has not been able to keep anything down, has lost 20+ lbs, been on Reglan which is supposted ot make the stomach contract, but makes him completely lathorgic, almost non-responsive. He has also been on anti-nausea meds. Originaly was throwing up this dark, black and/or green bile - it is like the gasteric juices build up along wit what little he eats and it just comes out, flows upback up because it is NOT going down. When he gets mildly better, they sendhim home, in fact twice from the hospital only to return within 48 hrs each time. Nothing showing up on CT, X-ray, no blockage - in fact they say everything is flowing throug as it should. Today they put him on six teaspons of broth every 30-45 mins to see if this goes through and just keep saying 'it tkaes time'. My mom is so upset and tired of getting no positive results and watching my stepfather go down hill - oh, he is 81 YO, however prior to surgery - looked 70, walked 3-5 miles a day, vitamins galore, an amazing man for his age.

    Any advise, greatly appreciate
  • neverquit
    neverquit Member Posts: 220 Member
    Chanel79, I am very sorry
    Chanel79, I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my husband Mike to stage 4 stomach cancer on Jan. 23, 2011 after only a 7 month battle, so I know how you feel (and also lost my Dad to prostrate cancer almost 10 years ago). My husband fought with everything he had; no one would do surgery due to the metastisis, so it was chemo. only. Mike was an inspiration and a hero.

    I too believe that there needs to be much more done in the way of research for stomach cancer in the US and also more so with respect to early detection. We found out during Mike's battle that Japan has a much better success rate with treating stomach cancer. Their success is attributed to early detection through blood tests for people who are at risk. At risk is considered for those who have acid reflux (like my husband did) and for those who are genetically predisposed (not in my husband's case based on family history). At the cost of the blood test (recommended twice per year), we were irked (to say the least) to find out that no one ever tells you about this. We have also found it to be true for other cancers. We would have payed the money out of pocket if we had only known, even though the test is not 100% accurate (some people who have stomach cancer will not test positive in the one of three items they test for).

    Before Mike passed away, he started to warn people when he would find out about the acid reflux and cancer connection. I am trying to help by doing the same as well as participating in cancer fund raisers.

    Take care and I wish you peace.