External Beam Radiation?
Newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. Considering several treatment options. Would appreciate comments from someone who has had external beam radiation (3D-CRT) or Targeted CryoAblation.
Treatment for Metastatic PC
My name is Mike A. I'm 57 yrs.old and have had prostate cancer for four years. Lupron worked well for two years, also with use of Casodex. I've had various standard chemotherapies, including Taxotere, which worked for about nine months, Mitoxantrone, which worked for four months, and BMS, an experimental drug which worked…
I had the Brachytherapy Implants in March. I am not doing so well, and this is sure not what I expected. Has anyone had this and did you have anal pain daily? Doctor now tells me this is part of the recovery for some five percent. How long will this daily pain go on. If any of you guys have had these implants. I sure would…
Newly diagnosed and very afraid
My father was sent to a Urologist for a slightly elevated PSA (5.4), after exam, Urologist opted for a biopsy due to some "hardening" but was not concerned. We were then told some cancerous cells were found. We were given some reading material, but appt. was 2 wks. out. During that time we convinced ourselves the cancer…
artificial sphincter
Hi...I'm new here so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bill Ennis. I'm 56 and reside in Towanda, PA. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about two years ago. I had robotic surgery in Aug. of 2005 by Dr. Jean Joseph up at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY and have been suffering from incontence and impotence…
Radical Perineal Prostatectomy
I am scheduled to have a radical perineal prostatectomy at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore next month. I am sufficiently frightened. I would like to hear from others who have had this procedure, specifically about issues that arose during surgery or complications during recovery.
After treatment...then what
Stats: Age 56, robotic prostatectomy 11/06, Gleason 6, cancer contained with negative nodes, 95% cure, great continence, no woody yet. great supportive wife. OK when do I not think about the cancer everyday; and why am I so damned depressed?
What happens near the end?
My Dad has had a relapse. The doctors have said there is nothing more they can do and to get hospice. I have found only one book that describes what happens near the end. I have heard that PC is terrible near the end. I am looking for resources to give us info to make it less terrible and would appreciate any ideas. Sorry…
Pomegranate Juice
Hi all! Here's a brief history of my PC. 2/29/2000 diagnosed with PC (Age 50). Stage T3a gleason 4+3=7 Initial PSA was 6.7. Had RRP on 5/15/2000. No other treatment at that time. I had a Sural Nerve Graft which was considered experimental at the time. Did not work. I am completly non functional since then but lucky to be…
Metastatic Prostate Cancer
My step-dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in Oct 2004. In April 06, it had moved to the bones. Two weeks ago, we were told it moved to his liver and lungs. 3-6 months life expectancy. Does anyone know of any experimental drugs that seem to be working for patients with these mets?
newly diagnosed in Albany, NY
Confused frightened,anyone ever had any experience with Dr. Michael Moran in Albany
Skin just peeling away
Brief history my dad (age 79) originally diagnosed with PC in 1996. Had testicles removed and radiation. Oct 2004, PSA started going back up. Jan 2005, dr did cryosurgery, bone scan was good. Aug 2005 bone scan showed numerous masses in bones. Went with casadex, then hydrocortoisone and ketoconazole, PSA still up. Apr 2006…
Nausea Post Chemo
My dad has been experiencing some nausea every day for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't had any chemo now for about 6 weeks. He wasn't all that nauseas when he was on chemo. What would cause it now? Any ideas? The new chemo stopped working. His PSA in the mid 100s now. Could the cancer have spread somewhere that would cause…
What happens near the end?
My Dad has had a relapse. The doctors have said there is nothing more they can do and to get hospice. I have found only one book that describes what happens near the end. I have heard that PC is terrible near the end. I am looking for resources to give us info to make it less terrible and would appreciate any ideas. Sorry…
Newly diagnosed at 43
Hi. My 43yo husband had no symptoms or family history and his prostate is not enlarged. He had a PSA test before a hernia operation in Jan 07 and it came back 7.4, five weeks later it was 8.6. Biopsy last week showed cancer in 6 of 12 samples (percentages 5, 7, 30, 35, 40 and 50), with 5 of the 6 on the left side. His…
Penile Implant
Anyone have experience with a penile implant for ED problems?
post surgery biopsy results
On Wensday my father visited Dr. Tewari to have his cathader removed and all went well. Since then he has had no leakage and is doing the kegal exercises daily. On Thursday we got the results of the 12 biopsys they took on my father during his prostate surgery. I am happy to announce that all 12 came back negative. The…
1 month post surgery
My father had his surgery on February 20, 2007 now 1 month later he is doing great. His scares have almost healed, he has full urinery control and is still doing the keagal exercises. I believe he has had some sensations in the area. But all in do time. As of now every thing looks good as we await the first post surgery…
Treatment for recurrent PC
I had radical surgery and followup radiation in 1992. I was told, at the time, that if there was a recurrence my only options were ADT or Chemo because once the prostate bed was radiated it could not be repeated. I had eight years of PSA results <.01. In 2001 the PSA test revealed some cancer. Since then the test has shown…
Robotic vs other options - input please
Going through the literature, I've been debating brachytherapy vs RP. At first glance, brachy appears to have less side effects esp re. incontinence and sex. However it looks like the incontinence and even the sex issue is addressed by Robotic RP (eg with DaVinci system) which provides the surgeon with very precise…
Newly Diagosed In Louisville, Ky
I have just been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. My Gleason is 6(3+3) and my PSA is 1. One of the options I'm considering is the Robotic/DaVinci surgery to be performed by my Urologist, Dr. Nick Meiers at Norton Hospital in Louisville. Has anyone had any experience either with Dr. Meiers or the DaVinci at Norton?
Ultrasensitive PSA levels post surgery
Posted in November: My husband had a RP in June and results of his PSA were 0.02 then 0.00 3 months ago. Waited the 3 months and it is at 0.04 today. The doctor recommended waiting 2 weeks and repeating the PSA and if it is still up moving on to radiation (5 weeks). Why the wait? I mean if it is up why would 2 weeks make a…
Walsh or Tewari
I have the opportunity to have Dr. Patric Walsh or Dr. Ash Tewari do my surgery. I am 57 years old. I have State T2b cancer, my gleason score is 7, I have been told by each doctor that the nerves on the right side must be removed. I very much like them both. Any suggestions.
need help choosing a physician
I am trying to choose a surgeon to do robotic surgery to remove my prostate.I have been seen by a local urologist who does the procedure but I am concerned that I should find one who does a big volume.since I live near nyc(150 miles)I was thinking of going to sloan kettering but don't know surgeons there. I am not sure…
What seems to be the normal time from biopsy to surgery
PSA back up..
MY husband had a RP in June and results of his PSA were 0.02 then 0.00 3 months ago. Waited the 3 months and it is at 0.04 today. The doctor recommended waiting 2 weeks and repeating the PSA and if it is still up moving on to radiation (5 weeks). Why the wait? I mean if it is up why would 2 weeks make a difference? The way…
On February 20th my father had the robtic surgery done by doctor Tewari. It seemed fairly quick. We arrived at the hospital at around 10:30am and the surgeory was completed by 12:20. During the surgery we received information from a nurse that the surgery was going excellent. by 2:00pm we were able to visit my father in…
Lupron side effects for Prostate Ca
Week 6 after my 1st Lupron shot, I experienced a sharp, burning sensation in my pelvic area, just below the beltline, when sitting. When I stood up, it would lessen in intensity, but wouldn't completely disappear. Longest duration was about 2-3 mins. each time. If anyone has had a similar experience, please respond.
Newly Diagnosed - Need Help
Just got the news from my urologist. Need help with three questions: 1. Is there a different in the cure rate between RP and laparostic removal of the prostate? 2. How do you determine how must of your biopsy sample was cancerous? I see guys here that say less than 5%. In my case -- he took 12 samples. Two had CA - one was…
Cleveland Robotic Surgeon
Just diagnosed and looking for a good Robotic Surgeon in the Cleveland Area.