post surgery biopsy results

concernedson Member Posts: 23
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
On Wensday my father visited Dr. Tewari to have his cathader removed and all went well. Since then he has had no leakage and is doing the kegal exercises daily. On Thursday we got the results of the 12 biopsys they took on my father during his prostate surgery. I am happy to announce that all 12 came back negative. The caner was contained in the prostate. Now we have to monitor his PSA levels every three months. Hopefully, the hard part of this disease is behind us. I want to thank all of you for your knowledge and support that you offered me during the past three months. I will keep you posted and as always if any one has any additional advice it would be greatly appreciated.


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  • rogermoore
    rogermoore Member Posts: 264 Member

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Be sure and convey our best wishes to your Father. By all means keep in touch and let us know how things are going.

  • fcatroneo
    fcatroneo Member Posts: 89
    Great news on your Dad. As you see, there is life after prostate cancer. I am now associated with the National Prostate Cancer Coalition to bring more awareness for men to get PSA screening early (especially if PC runs in their family. Good luck and keep us posted on his progress.
  • Tasch
    Tasch Member Posts: 18

    Thats GREAT news to hear.
    Please tell your dad he has been in my thoughts and prayers since I spoke with him in December.
    I am so happy to hear everything went well!!!

  • forbes
    forbes Member Posts: 6
    Weren't his biopsies taken pre-surgery? Post-surgery he should have no prostate but he will want to monitor his PSA...which hopefully will approach zero.
  • concernedson
    concernedson Member Posts: 23

    Dr. Tewari, takes biopsy's during the prostate surgery. Once he removes the prostrate he takes biopsy's of the surrounding areas to determine if cancer is in the surrounding tissue.
  • shipjim
    shipjim Member Posts: 137 Member


    Dr. Tewari, takes biopsy's during the prostate surgery. Once he removes the prostrate he takes biopsy's of the surrounding areas to determine if cancer is in the surrounding tissue.

    Thanks for the follow up. So many times we never hear what happened. I'm happy for your family and now your dad can get on with life and probably enjoy the little things a bit more than before. jj


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