Pro Lymphocytic w/ intestinal lymph nodes
My father is just finishing chemo for chronic B-cell Prolymphocytic leukemia. However, he cannot eat and is losing far too much weight. The dr. is now looking into enlarged lymph nodes in the intestine and stomach. Does anyone have information or experience with this? I searched the board and Google but found nothing…
Starting chemo for CLL
I will be starting Mon am looking for feedback from people who have gone thue this or will soon start
My father has just been diagnosed with CLL. He was told that right now he is low-risk and to try and be as healthy as he can. I guess my question is what can we, his family, do to help. Can children be bone marrow donors? I know that research and medical discoveries are rapidly changing, I just want to know what is…
I am looking for someone with stage 3or4 Cll. My father has stage 4 and I feel there is more we can do still. I think the rest of the family believes the end is nearer than it is
Gene Expression Profiling & Whole Cell Profiling
Cell Culture Drug Resistance Testing (CCDRT) has a long history with a number of different technologies and many different tumor types tested. Almost all technologies used for hematological malignancies are identical in their logic and similar in their execution. The concepts underlying cell death assays are relatively…
15 month old with MDS
Hi Everyone, I have a friend who's son just 15 month's old was diagnosed with Myelodisplastic Syndrome ( MDS ). What I was wondering is there anyone out there with a young child in this same situation. Thank You, Lisa
A bone marrow transplant from Asia
My son 7 years old has leukemia (ALL) and is now in a high risk group. He needs a bone marrow transplant. Now I 'm looking for informations and parents who have experiences in this case. Thanks for your replies! TranPham
7 month old was diagnose with ALL
Hello, My daughter was diagnosed with ALL in December and I am having a hard time finding other parents with an infant with Leukemia. I am just looking for someone to share the experience with. Thanks Amy
Some help to offer
Many of you may not know of me, but I have been at this site for many years. I am a ALL Pre B survivor. Since then, I have devoted myself to assisting others with this disease. I have a website. It offers a comprehensive amount of information for different blood cancers. I try to keep it updated as often as possible. There…
12 yr survior of AML
To everyone who is going through chemo- my prayers are with you. I am a survivor and have been recoverd for 11 soon to be 12 years!!! I was 25 when i was diagnosed. All I can say is keep a positive mind and keep up the prayers. I even have a 6 year old very healthy little girl. I havent had to even have bone marrow test in…
Hi people im 16 years old and male and looking for some advice. i have got about 10 tiny pinprick red smooth spots on my arms scattered about they are hard to notice unless you look close. is this a sign of leukemia? i have to get a blood test done but the doctor told me its nothing to worry about. someone please help me.…
the psychological part
i know this really is for survivors..but..i really need someone to talk to.. and talking to my family gets harder everyday.. but my uncle just passed away from leukemia he was battling for 2 years he was one of the greatest people i knew but when he left he left his wife 17year old daughter 9 year old daughter and a whole…
ALL---59 years Old
Looking for those of you diagnosed with ALL at an older age. It seems to me that a lot of you out there were diagnosed at a younger age, however It my be that just young people are doing intrnet support. My father was daignosed with ALL this week. He is 59 years old. He is currently doing his first round of Chemo. Looking…
Gleevec users
What other options have you heard of after this drug has little or no effectiveness?
Reistance to Chemo
My sister in laws brother was recently DX with AML. He has had 2 rounds of chemo. Doctors saying that he has some sort of problem with Chromosomes 1 and 16 that do not allow the chemo to work. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Bone Marrow Transplant
Hi...I have Leukemia (AML) and I had a bone marrow transplant a year ago. I just went to the Dr. and my white blood count is low. I am currently on Bactrim. I wanted to know if anyone else has had a BMT then have their white blood count drop any. I am really scared and trying to figure out what might be causing it.
Supplements like Astraglus and Maitaiki mushrooms are supposed to help your immune system. Do the help or hurt when you have Chronic Lympocytic Leukemia?
immuno therapy for CLL
Has anyone tried this and if so how did it go?
platelet counts
I have finshed 3 rounds of chemo as of March 2nd--my platelet counts are going lower--they are currently --as of today--131 --on low end today--Dr. wil check in a week--is there any reason to worry? I am worried cancer is coming back and very anxious about it!! All my other counts are in normal range and have not dropped…
Procrid why/ good/bad input
If you have tried the drug procrid please share your thoughts?
Has anybody taken shots called Zidaza. A client has been told he has 6 months to live and these shots might give him a few more months. He's concerned about the side effects and his quality of life
A dear friend to me has been diagnosed with secondary AML due to previous breast cancer treatment. They just tried the GO chemo during her first induction phase. There were still 3% blasts left on day 15. She started a different chemo today. If she achieves CR it is almost certain she would have to have a BMT to survive. I…
Has anyone used essaic to supplement treatment for childhood ALL? If so, what were the results? I've tried many web site chat rooms and have not had any responses.
APL - Just Starting Maintenance
Just wanting to talk with other people who are in the same position as I am! I'm 28 - diagnosed 12/04 and after 3 rounds of chemo am still in remission! What a journey - especially with a 1 yr old and husband! Now taking Atra, Methotrexate and 6MP...I find the Atra to be have some nasty side effects. Just feeling tired…
My last message was asking if anyone had taken Zidaza shots--my apolagies the correct spelling is "Vidaza". Thank you for any information on this treatment.
Hemolitic Anemia Treatment Options
My Dad has CLL with the Hemolitic Anemia as a by-product. They are treating him with a common steriod Prednisone. It is a slow and painful journey back up the red blood cell chart. Anyone who has this and being treated diffrently, please advise? Has anyone tried the Procrid? For what and how did it go? Thanks!
When to treat CLL?
I have always had low platelets and doctors didn't say a word until I was diagnoses with CLL Leukemia then they use it as an excuse to put me in stage 4 so they can justify giving me Fludarbine. My red cells are perfect and my white cells have stayed the same for a year. I have had no infections, bleeding, or fevers. I do…
Friend with AML
Hi Everybody, I am here visiting from the breast cancer board. I am a survivor of breast cancer with a friend that just got dx with AML. Right now she is undergoing her second round of chemo because the first round did not put her in remission. Once she feels more up to it I will put her in touch with this board, but right…
Low white cell count after allogenic stem cell transplant for ALL
Hi, my dad had a stem cell tranplant back in December and so far, he's been doing relatively well. When he went for his weekly check up today, they told him white cell counts were really low and he is borderline neutropenic. Now I'm worried that maybe he is relapsing. Has anyone gone through this? He had ALL with…
No appetite with ALL
My name is Tom and my wife was diagnosed with acute lymphocydic leukemia in July. She is 47 and we have 5 kids ranging from 20 down to 8. She has lost about 25 lbs and says she can only eat cereal and boost. I have try a number of foods and she just says she can't eat them. She has no strength left and is now getting a bad…