Second three months of Folfox
Hi. I've been on the Folfox regime for six sessions, every other week for the last three months. This is my half-way point, so I have six more sessions to go. So far it hasn't been so bad--I've had some stomach queasiness, some tingling in my hands and mouth, and a lot of fatigue. But following my last treatment (#6) I was…
Hey everyone ..havent posted in a while.. I am on the last two weeks of radiation..still going stong on chemo..yuk seven days a week with my fanny pack.. anyone have any ideas about how to help with this fatigue..am so tired of being tired... hope everyone on here is doing good..I keep this site and its members in my…
Jerri's pet scan results
Hey all...We finally had some good news with no "buts" attached to it (appropriately just before Thanksgiving). Jerri (my wife) had a pet scan last Tuesday...on Wednesday we were told there was no evidence that it had spread outside the pelvis area. Thanks to God, and all of our old friends and our new friends, the…
hey em!!!!
hi em, i would like to know if you could share some of your juice recipes to myself and maybe the rest of the gang. i would really appreciate it. thanks, bruce
OH, Susana and everyone else
I know it is two days after Turkey Day but it took my that long to edit my photos. Here she goes again with that new digital camera! I would not inflict this on you but for the fact that I would personally love to see all of y'alls family pics. Go to my web page and look at the links. There are a couple of new ones…
CT scan results.....
Hello all you semi-colons; Well the awaited results are in from both the colonoscopy and the CT scan. Benign and ALL CLEAR!! no change from last ct. WOOHOO!!! NOw all I have to worry about is a day with the in-laws tomorrow. What's worse? In-laws or cancer? Happy Thanksgiving to all. peace, emily who will relish her…
holiday blues
hi guys, hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. Besides having a wonderful dinner yesterday with my beautiful family, my hubby and I, along with my 3 year old little girl, decorated the christmas tree. I was totally taken by surprise at how emotional I was all day long. I burst into tears a few times while decorating…
I am thankful for knowing such a wonderful group of friends as you! (and yes, Barb, I am thankful for all of my "pets" - of course, they're even MORE thankful for me - can you say delusions of grandeur?) Happy Thanksgiving y'all, and to my Canadian friends - consider this an early greeting for you! And to my UK and OZ…
What kind of pets do you have?
My family and I are going to get a Newfoundland pup in a couple of weeks. I can't decide if I'm crazy or not. These dogs are tremendous!!!! Such mushes though. We went back and forth between a "lap dog and a Newfie for my daughter who is disabled. The Newfie won. The fun starts on Dec. 11th!! Can't wait. What kind of pet…
info 4 all
Hiya guys n gals. I may have posted this site before so if you have it forgive me. I thought with so many new friends here they may not have this website. The Virtual Cancer Centre is a very informative ozzie site. http://www.virtualcancercentre.com/ luv ya guys, kanga n Jen
Just Got the Date for the Next Check-Up
Hi Everyone, I am here for my semi-annual I am scared outta my mind 'cause the check-up is coming post. It is even better this time. I went to the GP for a script renewal (migraines) and they took a look at a 'bump' on my arm and decided "THAT NEEDS TO COME OFF NOW". OMIGOSH! I had it looked at two years ago and they said…
happy thanksgiving to all of you
Hi guys, I just wanted to take a minute in wishing you all a beautiful, plentiful, restful, peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving day! Love you all, Susana
5FU and Leukovorin ?
Anyone on this program post surgical ? I had the 6 weeks chemoradiation, surgery then 3 treatments of the oxyplatin/5FU/Luek. Changed to just the 5FU push with 2 hour Luek drip. My original oncologist set me up for 4 cycles of 6 weeks on ( 1 day) and 2 weeks off. I switched oncologists and treatment centers ( 2 minutes…
Happy Thanksgiving
I wish all of you a happy holiday. I thank God for you all. You've really been a blessing to me. Love ya Love and prayers, Judy(grandma047)
Hi all
I just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone. I've been lurking but not posting. Not really sure why. I've been a bit down lately and so many people are having a rough time of it here. Guess I felt I had nothing to offer in my current state of mind. I do think of all of you each and every day. And to the new comers,…
bud Update
Just received the radiologists report on my most recent PET/CT scan; although IÃÂm not exactly ready to shout from the rooftop, the news is good; the maddening thing about this monster is that it often never goes away. the radiologist says the nodules are probably still there, but there has been no change since previous…
Hey, Sponge...
You really want me to answer that question? :) Barb
Thanksgiving Weather forecast
Thanksgiving Weather Forecast Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder. During the late afternoon and evening, the cold front of a knife will slice through the…
Bob's hanging in there!!
Hello Everyone!! Well, as I promised you all an update. Bob is hanging in there! We went and finally had the draining procedure Monday afternoon. They were disappointed that they couldn't drain more fluid as there was only about a gatorade bottle in there. Most of the bloating is from his liver and spleen. We saw his Dr.…
Matching Ensemble ?
Just a reminder that Sponge Bob/Square Pants watches are now available at BK for 1.99 (w/ a value meal) Now you can sport your Live Strong Braclet and matching-(?) SB watch. Bud
In memorium
I don't know why, but Kris S's presence is strong today..although she passed away almost two months ago, she is still here as long as we don't forget..hopefully the following quote from her website will make someone's day a little better. Thank you CSN, for leaving it on the site: "Don't let the small annoyances of life…
My dear dear friends
Alas, Here in the US, it is our very best time of the year. Thanksgiving to New Years is so wonderful. You all blew me away with my FYI posting on my recent changes in my lifestyle as I battle "the monster". I cried with tears of joy as I read how "our" and I mean OUR bracelets are all over the world and you all seem to…
to all semi colons and families!!!!
just wanted to say happy thanksgiving to you all and your families. all the best bruce
How are you Judy?
Hi Grandma. I read about all the garbage you have been going through. You are in my prayers everyday. I hope today finds you feeling better. Love, Barb
Bone Scan
Thank you to everyone who resonded with such encouragement and comforting words. Good news, my bone scan was negative - so no cancer in the bones. My cancer is apparently located in the lymph nodes, no organs. I am in the process (slow) of getting into MD Anderson in Houston and will begin treatment as soon as possible,…
Can chemo really be fattening?
Has anyone else gained weight immediately following chemo? I am putting it on in a hurry, which has erased the svelte new figure I had acquired after losing 38 pounds the hard way. Seriously, I wonder if my appetite has been effected. I stopped chemo about 7 weeks ago. My surgery was in May, followed by the chemo all…
Thanks to all the semi-colons
I'm apparently socially inept; I didn't even introduce my wife and myself to you all. My name is Jimmy. Jerri is my wife. We live in Dallas, Texas. I REALLY appreciate the encouraging words and the offers to talk. You all sound like very nice people. I will show Jerri how to use this site and do the email thing. She has a…
Help me help my wife
Hi. We're new to this world of colon cancer and unfortunately we've been pushed in to neck-deep water. My wife was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer a few weeks ago. We are both 47 years old with two kids, one grown and one finishing high school. My wife's cancer spread to her ovaries and lymph nodes near the colon.…
To Kangatoo
This is Lisa Perrins son. I checked on your ISP (bigpond) site. You have 7-20 megs of storage depending on your plan. Is it possible for you to delete some other things. My dad sent the pictures in 2048X1536 resoulution which is huge. Yah hes not the swiftest at times with computers. Andrew Perrin