as we are in full swing of the holiday season lets all send prayers to donnas family, she is so missed!!
Maintenance or no maintenance?
Hi Everyone, Have all of you had a conversation with your oncologist about whether or not maintenance chemo was suggested for you? Is this only for stage 4 patients? Is it only for patients who have had a reoccurance? Who are NED? I think that from reading everything oncologists are all over the place on this. Please chime…
Should I be annoyed
....or should I just let it go. I'm stage 3, 10/11 lymph nodes infected (diagnosed in feb 09), in remission for now (touch wood my forehead). Found out today through my surgeons notes that I had not just the colon cancer but I had a small well differentiated carcinoid in the appendix. I was not told about the latter,…
The kindness of a stranger at Christmastime
Hello everyone, I thought that I'd share a nice story of what happened to me today. Kathy (khl8) posted a couple of weeks ago about decorating for Christmas, so I decided right then an there that I'd put up a tree for Christmas so that Rick could have something nice to look at all day besides the TV. So, I hopped in the…
I'm back - PET results and more chemo
I got back from Mexico Wednesday night and went to the oncologist Thursday AM. While my CT didn't show anything at all, the PET showed the 3 nodes had shrunk a lot, and the metabolic activity had slowed, but the cancer is not completely gone. The report says it shows current treatment is working well. The "cyst" that the…
shoulder surgery
Hi everyone!! I haven't posted in a while, but read daily. Happy Holidays!! I have been thinking of Patti and Donna a lot this week. I have put my cards in the mail, had to get them done as I go in for surgery tomorrow. I was in a car accident on my way to cancer center to get staples removed from my liver resection back…
2 years ago today I was diagnosed, what a crazy ride it has been
Two years ago tonight my best friend drove me to the ER and I heard those awful words everyone dreads. I am happy to say every 3 month checkup I have had has come back clean. I know how very lucky I am, I have seen up close what colon cancer can do when things are not going your way. I know that not every year will go this…
Christmas Cards
The Christmas cards are coming in. I got my first two. Thank you.
The damned bag is off my belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Guys, It be Saturday I be sitting here at the nurse station using their system. I just came in from having my second smoke. It be cold out there, but that smoke sure felt good. I have my good old farmers coat with me so I do stay warm while smoking. They did not give me too much night night crap this time so I did not…
Baby J. RIP ** Added pics **
Today my grandson would have been 7 years old, so we are having a cookie decorating party for his birthday! His brothers and sisters are all excited. All the cousins are coming over. Kisses Baby J, Nana loves you!!
Nana B - the cookies look beautiful!
Raquel, It looks like the cookies turned out beautifully; what a wonderful way to celebrate Baby J!
Crow 71?
Anyone heard from Crow 71? Hope all is well...
I'm wondering how she is doing today? Did she go to the ER?
Joint Pain After Treatment?
I tried searching for older threads on this but I have to ask- Are any of the Semi Colons experiencing severe joint pain? I stopped treatment in June and right around September, I could no longer pop out of bed. It takes a loong time to un curl myself from sleeping position, and get out of bed. Getting out of a chair ir…
Hi, was wondering how things went with your onc today. Hope all was good. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
When to go back to work????
So I was DX in March of 2010 and I have been on short term disability from work since then. My short term runs out in March and then I will transition over to long term but they stated that the company can let me go at that point. Does not mean they will but they have the right too. So now I am freaking out thinking I will…
Mucocele in the enlarged appendix
It has been a long time since I have posted here. My husband just celebrated 4 years cancer free (Stage 3 rectal cancer) It was a rough couple of years, but life has been good since. I check in every once in awhile and I pray for all of you! What I am wondering..... We had a CT scan, xrays, and bloodwork about a week ago…
Dang I lost it again
Where did the confidence the happiness go??? Shoot, lost it again.
December 9th, Next surgery scheduled
Well, it is finally here.... I go into the hospital for the major hernia repair on Thursday. I am grateful that this visit is not for a re-occurance, but still feel queasy just the same. The thought of having to be there again for 2-3 days and then home recouprting for 4-6 weeks, is just a daunting thought. I have done my…
More fun news on the chemo front
NO CHEMO FOR YOU So, I got a call yesterday from the onc. My platelets are too low, my CEA is up more, and my liver function is starting to show a bad trend (this from Thursday's draw). It all kinda caught me off guard because I was in the middle of a business meeting/lunch and didn't have time or place to ask questions. I…
dammit ... not happy
So, today was onc day. blah, blah, blah .... and somemore blah. Then, I asked what my CEA was, he couldn't find it so the nurse tried on the computer in the exam room but, she couldn't locate it. Onc said good-bye. Waiting ... waiting ... went to look for nurse. She had a piece of paper in her hand and said "now don't get…
Finished my third week of radio +5 FU pump, manageable so far!
l must be a lucky guy , thanks God! Pray for continuing as until today! Love!
Need answers from scan
Hi all, I haven't posted much lately because I have been trying to take a break from thinking about cancer ALL the time. However, I find myself checking in and reading the posts constantly because I want to check how everyone is doing. This site offers so much info. and support for one another. I don't know how I would…
Little help please?....regarding the other post "when to go back to work"
I have the same question for myself. I did work as long as I could during the chemo/radiation treatment in July and August. That got the best of me though and I had to go on my medical leave after about 3 weeks. It took till the middle of Sept before I could walk right (radiation burned the heck out of my urethra!!!), and…
Kathryn _in_MN are you back in the US?
Not posting lately! Hugs!
Hey every body ,it is Friday, any interesting plan?
We got a huge bank holiday here as Monday and Wednesday is holiday so Shopping ,Shopping and Shopping ! Hugs!.
Holly ID
How are you? I am missing you!
anyone knows how mag is
I'm just wondering if anyone knows how mag is .
Scan results not the best
Well I've just returned from NY and the news wasn't the best. There is a new, small lesion in my liver that wasn't there before. While the other lesions are stable, some have even shrunk a little, a new one has popped up. Also, a lymph node is very slightly enlarged. CEA is up to 23. On the positive side, all blood work,…
I'm now a member of Club NED
All I can say is Yee Haw. I finally got the news I have been looking for, clear scans. It's still sinking in, but damn if all the surgeries and chemo didn't kick a little cancer ****. I still have to have check ups every 3 months. But no more having the beast hanging over my head for now. I want to thank each and every…