Going under the knife
Ok, so tomorrow at 6am I need to report to the hospital for Hernia repair surgery, I am scheduled as the first one, at 7:15. House is clean, laundry caught up, groceries bought, home decorated. cleared off my desk at the office, gave insrtuctions to all who need to cover me. I think I am ready for my wonderful all…
Folfox #3 so far so good and Chinese Herbal Medicine and slight lymphopenia
got dosed up nice and fast, like filing up my car at the service station. My a couple of friends keep me company in different shifts. dosed off in the second. really busy day got an hour walk in with my diving friend Paul. went to Xmas parent helpers morning tea and choir concert at my daughters school. speed to the…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!! RIDDLE: I like puppies but not dogs, kittens but not cats, trees but not leaves, and killing but not deaths. What else do I like?
Thought of the Day
“Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
Looks Like I'll be back in Hospital today :o(
yep... it's true. My doctor should be calling me soon telling me to go in. The problem is that I cant seen to clear the stool from my colon. I did have surgery a few weeks ago to clear or a blockage and a ton of scar tissue so I thought everything would be okay. NOT!! I have no idea on how that go about getting things…
Gluten and Neuropathy
Hi All, Just wanted to share some interesting information on the possible link to gluten and neuropathy. I will post a web address at the bottom. Found this when my loving sister Debi recommended I visit one of her bosses facebook pages Lazarus Health Coaching. Seems like a lot of good information to me. If this is old…
I got your email but you seem to have your ability to recieve personal messages blocked so I can't reply to you. I'd be happy to share with you what I did but need your personal email address, it's way too long to post here. Send it to me on the email site here. Lisa P.
Questions to Ask
Ok guys as you know I am new to this site. I am actually blown away by all the information in here and thought I was under control of my stuff but now I think I am not. I will be getting my 11th round of chemo Tuesday then a three week break due to New Years Eve. Then I am to have a CT scan 4 weeks later and if that shows…
New Board Member
Hello all. new member today. 41 with 1st folfox chemo done today. diagnosed in october. wasnt staged due to a perforation and infection. doctors have good outlook but wont really say how good. cea is 0.05 with apparently no lymphnode involvement so hopeful. tumor is 7cm x 4.8cm in rectosigmoid so hopefully it stays…
This is for the guys
I forgot to tell you men out there about my adventure with a punch drunk bladder. I have had this happen to me 2 times after surgeries. When I woke up they had a cath in me. The next day they took it out. No big deal. Then I could not pee. After almost a day I still could not pee. I sat up in bed and it hurt like hell. I…
ForBenandSophia (Erin)
Hi! I know today was the HIPEC day. Please let us know how things are going for your hubby and of course how you are doing too. Wishing him a speedy recovery and a happy holiday to you and your family!
Lump on Foot
Golly geez saw a lump on the side of my foot today after shower and now I'm all concerned. Never saw it before and it's not like I'm looking at my feet when drying off, but today just noticed it. Yup now everything that never bothered us before bothers us now. Looks like it could be a cyst or something but did you ever…
A Happy Holiday in the john
For your enjoyment and how appropriate for the semicolons! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAP_RbPrQuQ&feature=related
Buzz is still ok
Hey everyone, Buzz is ok. I think he still needs a little more time. I was relentless in my PM's until I think I guilted him into answering me, lol. I only got a grunt, but the grunt said he was ok. I'm trying to force him into being my buddy, (whether he likes it or not) :) Linda
To break or not to break
I called my onc's nurse today to talk about a few things. One of the things I asked was about when my next chemo would be - it wasn't scheduled as it ususally is. I had chemo Dec 2, so should be scheduled for the 16th. The nurse checked with the doctor, who said she thought maybe I would like a break for Christmas. I am…
Lately some frequent posting members are missing ! Among others:
Impctzone . Lilmiss82. WinneyPooh. jams67. And many others l don't remember, all of them in apparent good shape or recently operated. Any news from them?
Just check in
Im still here . I did my 4th chemo Treatment this week. It was ok. Now for my good off week. Yeah. I can't stand haveing numb fingers. Getting the house decorated, the tree trimmed. cookies started and shopping hopefully I can get some of this done.
Lori !
I have not seen you posting today, everything fine there?.Are you on chemo today?. Hugs my dearest friend!
Things I hate about my treatment (and things I am thankful for)
On Friday I go in for my fourth PET/CT. With a little luck there will be no hot spots. I hate that it hurts like hell every time I take a crap I am thankful that my wife takes good care of me I hate that my feet and fingers have gone numb I am thankful that my cancer has not spread past a distant lymph node I hate my port,…
Message from Lovekitties to all of you!
Hi, You recently posted that there was a hacker on the board. Well I got on today and tried to respond to a post and a message from CSN came up that I am not allowed to post as my IP address have been flagged as sending spam. I have contacted the admin folks to try to get this taken care of. In the mean time please warn…
Guatemala and beyond
Well. Rapidarc in Guatemala was semi-successful. They treated the main tumor and found a new one in a real bad place and treated it as best they could. By all accounts so far, the treatment was successful. There is one tumor that I wanted treated that didn't get treated because of the urgency of the new one. I still have…
Surgery Date is set
I now have a surgery date. It will be December 20th, (Guess who'll be missing Christmas at home?). Winter Marie
PET/CT Thursday 7:30 am
It's off to Salt Lake on Wednesday with what looks like a decent break in the weather. Please send you good thoughts my way. Here's hoping for good news! all the best, Leslie
Meeting with Onc/Test Results - Update
Last couple weeks very busy on the cancer front. After bad news at scan results liver biposy ordered. Met with radiologist and had liver biopsy where they took 4 different samples of the liver. Doc wanted to be sure we were looking at mets and not something new cancer wise. Doc was a little more upbeat yesterday, said all…
meeting with Dr today
Well things have went from bad to worse for chris.. About three weeks or so ago chris started having no appetite and feeling tired all the time. So his Dr sent him in for blood work ( CEA , CMP) last thurs. Since then he now has alot of pain in his lower abdoman and deep in his right side. And when he does try to eat has…
Dang..... heck of a week! Had it out with my Onc because telling me take 20 Imodium a day and call me in the morning did NOTHING but piss me off. Had to remind him who is boss. All cool now. He even apologized. I went in for stool testing...urine testing..blood testing... and before they could get all results in I was in…
Things taste again!
What an strange thing! Since I was 5 rounds in folfiri, and then i've continued with 4 straight weeks of 5 FU ( next week will be the last one thanks God!), I lost my taste, but today suddenly things taste again and I'm still in chemo and radio! .Hope it continues the same!. Hugs!.
be careful faraji is a hacker!
Food Blog
I wanted to share my food blog with you folks.This has become my therapy. I have stage 4 rectal cancer and I am keeping busy working on my blog. Thanks. I am a lurker on this site. Ann http://www.applesandtwinkies.com/
Heparin Allergy- Seeking alternative anticoagulant for port?
Hi Everyone. My dad, Dave, just had his powerport installation a few hours ago. Unfortunately, his heart rate went up during the surgery. The doctor thought it was just anxiety at first, but his heartrate is not going down. They think he might have an allergy to Heparin, the anti-coagulant that they used (and will continue…