I have just recently been admitted to this "club" w/Breast cancer. i start chemo next week. I'm not quite certain if I'm scared or not. I really don't know what to expect or how I feel. I have a number of friends and family that all say they are here if I need them, the thing is, they aren't. My husband takes me to…
Must read this!!!!
Hey there ladies, how are you all doing this fine weekend? I have a cold in my chest and have been coughing so hard that I have a headache. Why cant women hock up phlegm like men do? Oh well,tomorrow is another day. The reason I am writing is that on the news last night and in yesterdays paper there is an article on…
Pains and spasms on tomoxifen?
Anyone experience tummy pains and gassy spasms on tomoxifen? My oncologist said no and said to get it checked. My "regular" doctor thinks it might be kidney stones (great another new thing)due to calcium oxalate in sample but I don't have any "passing water problems" Had a CT Scan today. My "year" anniversary is Monday and…
Where are Pat,Nancy and Jackie?
Hi gang, Tiger here, has anyone got anything from Pat, Nancy S or Jackie, I noticed there is nothing on the site from them in quite awhile. Maybe they are in the parts of the States that had the ice storm and has no power? Take care all. Hugs from Tiger.xoxo
A sense of humour
hi everyone. i gonna start this thread, in the hope we can all find a litle humour to tell each other. i need to keep my sense of humour, and it is bit of a struggle at the moment. however, i think yu can all picture me with my big white plastic bowl on the sofa beside me! havent had to use it yet, but i am taking no…
a glimmer of hope
Howdy there ladies, I hope this finds you all in good spirits. Has anyone heard from Pat? I wanted to share a little story that my home care nurse told me about yesterday. She had come to my house after visiting a lady who is in her fourth go around with chemo. She has breast mets bones, and has been doing chemo with no…
I'm New To This
Hi all. I am new to this and in the midst of trying to deal with my recent (one week ago) breast cancer diagnosis. I am 31 and was diagnosed with Stage IIIA inflammatory breast cancer. I have already experienced my first chemo treatment. I have been trying to find some support other than family as we have no local…
Question about exercising arm after mastectomy
Hi everyone, I was wondering about exercising my arm after a mastectomy. I had surgery Dec. 15th. My doctor told me to walk my fingers up the wall & just keep working at going higher & higher. Does anyone have any other suggestions on things to do to help. I feel like I do pretty good at the time but then when I go back to…
I need your prayers
Hi ladies, Tiger here, I am going for my cat scan tomorrow morning, would you all please say a little prayer for me? I am not going to get my hopes up, but will keep thinking positively.Your thoughts and prayers will help tremendously. Thanks. Hugs from tiger. ooxx
So very, very tired
I need some encouragement. does anyone else have this dreadful weakness and tiredness with chemo? I have got to the point that even five minutes doing something, like washing some dishes, or having a shower, totally exhausts me.I feel as if I am going to keel over. I am just about despairing. have never esperienced…
Re; I am new here
Hello I have recently joined and would like to correspond with anyone with breast cancer. I had my cancer back to front ie secondary found in right femor first and a year later 1999 found a lump in right breast. I have had radiotherapy and chemotherapy which finished in February this year. I believe in being very positive,…
hospitalizations due to chemo
I am currently on taxotere in the adjuvant setting. I have been hospitalized twice once for neutropenic fever and pnemonia, and recently for a rare complications: nectrotizing enterocolitis. I need to hear from others who have been hospitalized during chemo. It is discouraging to suffer such setbacks, and consequently I…
Board redesign, from tony
We are in the final stages of testing several changes which will make the site better, including a redesign of the board structure and appearance. Bear with us, all should be finished this month. We will notify everyone when the new look is up. Thanks for your feedback. Tony
I've been taking tamoxifen since mid-January and have lately noticed that at night when I finally have some time to sit down to read the paper or watch TV that my legs begin to feel stiff and painful. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm blaming it on the tamoxifen, because I'm not taking any other drugs at present. I…
blueberry power
Hi there ladies, Tiger here AGAIN !! Well, the constipation problem is solved, tasty too!! Blueberry pie, my husband picked one up yesterday for me, country market style, I had one piece and that night, wham,bam,hello dolly!!! My belly feels alot better. (and it is all natural!!) So I think after every chemo,blueberry pie…
As it is now 2001 here in NZ (10.20 am) I thought I'd take this chance to say a very happy & healthy new year to everyone wherever in the world you are. You have all become such important people to me that I can't think of anyone I'd rather make this wish for. Keep positive everyone & keep sharing. I love you all. Love &…
just worryin'
Hi gang, cher in again. i am worrying about the dumbest things this morning. actually the bigggest worry is not the cancer but that someone I confided let the information slip to my mother's entire family. Since my mothers death 17 years ago I gradually distanced myself from them since extended contact with any of them…
Feeling a little whiney
Hi, I'm new to this Web site, but I'm thankful to have found it. After reading others' experiences with breast cancer via the discussion groups, my complaints seem so trivial. However, I'd still like to ask ... I finished treatment (surgery, six months of chemo, seven weeks of radiation) in May 2000, and I now take…
Any one ever hear of Breast cancer recurrence after 43 years - this has happened to a family member of mine.
Newly diagnosed
I start my first chemo session tomorrow and am very nervous. I've been told all the side affects and I guess the not knowing how my body is going to react is what's scaring me. Any suggestions from anyone?
I have a lump in my leg
Hi ladies, I need some insight. over the summer my dog hit the bottom part of my leg,right on the bone, with his leg, the pain was nauseating and it hurt like a bugger for a few days and I had a bruise and a bump, then it went away and I never thought about it anymore. Well, in the past few weeks the bump is back and it…
Introducing Myself....
Hi everyone and Merry Christmas ~ My name is Jody and I am 33. I have been married 14 years and have two boys, ages 8 & 9. I will be hitting the one year anniversary since my diangnosis on January 4th. I had two tumors in my right breast so underwent a mastectomy. I completed 4 rounds of AC in the spring and my oncologist…
diep flap recon,heard of it?
Hi all, Tiger here, has anyone ever heard of the "diep flap" method of recon? from what I have read they take the extra fat and skin from your belly and move it upwards to construct new boobs. Apparently it is less invasive,less painful, and less recovery time than a "tram flap" But if you have a flat belly it wont…
new member of the breast cancer club
I have not had any contact with support groups yet, but have had a lot of confussion lately and could use some guidance or discussion about this situation I have been thrown in to. I am 34, diagnosed with stage II breast cancer, near the end of my chemo and heading into radiation and scared about the hormone therapy they…
33 is the magic number
Hi everyone ~ I hope you are all having GOOD DAYS! I got my CA 27/29 tumor marker blood test results back, and the "magic number" is 33. It is down from last May, when it was 44, so I am thrilled. I am curious, though, as to why my number seems higher than everyone else's 'normal' number. Most everyone I know from my area…
News From Pat Sharkey
Great news. I have heard from Pat. She was hospitalized for her 2nd chemo & has had a real bad time. She is home now (released just before Christmas) but only after a tough ride. She is having doubts about going on so she needs all our help ladies. By the way just to annoy you all. It is really really hot here today. I…
Check up results
Had my monthly check up last night after x-rays & blood tests. Good news!! Some of the smaller mets in my legs & ribs have gone (or are so small they are not registering on x-rays).The big ones in my pelvis & spine are shrinking too. Hooray for Tamoxifen. Lung tumor is still a problem. Has shrunk a little but not as much…
First to see Christmas
Hi gang Just thought I would get in first to wish everyone a very happy Christmas. Where I live I will be the first to see Christmas (New Zealand is 18 hours ahead of US (PST) so I'll be in bed by the time you start to open your gifts. I wish for everyone what we all wish. A cure for what ails us and the strength to be…
I am new here
I just recently became a member of the Cancer Survivors Network. I am 48 years old and this is my second time with breast cancer. I originally had it in April 1989. I had a right breast mastectomy in March 2000. I started chemo on April 24, 2000. I will probably be taking chemo until December. I am blessed I have not had…
Merry Christmas everyone. We have all been through a lot this year 2000, and with GOD'S help and presence, 2001 will have many blessings for all of us. I pray that each of us is on the road to recovery. We have all been blessed with one another and the opportunity to share our experiences and sometimes our fears. You have…