Hi everybody,

Well, Moffitt just called me and said they have me scheduled for MIE surgery on Oct 7th. (Of course they added the caveat "subject to change". It's been misery waiting and jumping through the hoops so I'm finally releived to know that it's actually coming.

Question......I finished my chemo/radiation regimin on Jul 6th. With surgery being Oct 7th, that's 3 months. I don't think the chemo/radiation keeps working after about 4-6 weeks. Is there a "window" after chemo/radiation to get the surgery done in? I thought I saw Ericalynn mention something about that with John.

Michael Daniels (T3N0M0)
Brandon, FL


  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 163 Member

    I only had to wait a week after meeting with the surgeon and being cleared for the MIE and I know how relieved I was to have a date 3 weeks away. So after what you've been through I can only imagine how awesome this is for you.

    Cape Cod, MA
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    A Date! Finally :)
    I am SO RELIEVED that you finally have a date, Michael. That's got to be one worry off your back.

    I also have heard things about "sweet spots" regarding the promptness of surgery following treatment end. Although I am not certain. I'm sure someone with *knowledge* will chime in.

    Congratulations, Michael! I am so happy for you :)

    Wife to Nick, Stage 3
    Surgery 09/08 THE
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    BobHaze said:


    I only had to wait a week after meeting with the surgeon and being cleared for the MIE and I know how relieved I was to have a date 3 weeks away. So after what you've been through I can only imagine how awesome this is for you.

    Cape Cod, MA

    Michael, glad you got a date!!
    Hi Michael,
    Glad you got your date, I know it has been an agonizing journey for you. Don't know if there is window for how long chemo lasts, I think it lasts different times in different people. I had Taxotere March of 2010 for cleanup chemo and my toenail did not come off till months later so think it might be different for different chemos and the individual. Let's hope it all goes forward for you for the 7th of Oct. prayers always,
  • Laura23
    Laura23 Member Posts: 81
    Hi Michael,
    Congrats on

    Hi Michael,

    Congrats on finally receiving a surgery date! The time will go faster than you expect.

    From what the docs here told us, there is an "ideal window" to do surgery after radiation. It is 6 to 8 weeks after completion of treatment but it is okay to go a little longer than that. They also said that it needs to be done within 6 months. And this is because of the long term effects of radiation. One of these effects is fibrosis or the formation of strands of scar tissue. This makes surgery much more complicated and difficult. But it looks like you will be well within this window so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure your surgeon can answer all your questions at your pre-op visit.

    Our prayers continue to be with you. Remember that God is the Great Physician and He can heal anything including anxiety and fear.

    warm regards,
    wife to Luis
    Dx 4/11/2011 T3N1M0
    MIE 8/30/2011
  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Glad to hear you are one more step closer to your surgery !! Stay healthy and good luck

  • casp42
    casp42 Member Posts: 79

    Glad to hear you are one more step closer to your surgery !! Stay healthy and good luck


    Hi Michael,

    Congrats on finally receiving a surgery date!

    I've been watching and waiting to see when surgery is! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Keeping you in my prayers!

    God Blessings,

  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174
    I'm sure you are anxious to move onto the next step! We were told six to eight weeks after radiation was finished. Because Chad looked so good, however, his surgeon was ready to operate less than four weeks after radiation. Were you given a reason for the October date?

  • Ericalynn
    Ericalynn Member Posts: 200
    Surgery Date
    Dr. Meredith told us that his sweet spot was 8 weeks. Like Laura stated they want the radiation to work as long as possible but after a certain amount of time the radiation causes scare tissue. It does not mean that the surgery cannot be done if you are past the “sweet spot”. A person I know had the surgery in Feb 2011 his surgery was delayed due to insurance issues. I think he was about 16 weeks post radiation. Dr. Meredith did the surgery and the patient is doing great. In the mean time keep eating and gain weight! That is an order (LOL) I am so happy you have a date. I wish you were going to be there at the same time as John but this way you will hear (read) everything that happens before during and after surgery (on the board) so you will be prepared. I must go to bed 3 AM will be here very soon!
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Congratulations on the
    Congratulations on the surgery date. I don't recall a hard date but I believe I remember hearing someone tell me that Dr. Luketich liked to do surgery between 4-6 weeks after the end of chemo/radiation. That was to let the body recover some if I recall correctly. I could be wrong on that though. My surgery was about 5 weeks after I finished chemo. I asked to get into the OR within 2 weeks but they wouldn't hear of it. Did you ask if it was possible to get scheduled any sooner?
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    That is SUCH great news!!!!!!!!

    You of all people deserved to get that date without any more hell to pay for waiting!
    I am so glad to hear that. They HAVE to say subject to change. It's like a liability disclaimer with oncologists and thoracic surgeons I think!! LOL

    I have also read and been told that there is a perfect window of sorts for doing any surgery to remove the affected areas of tumors that has to do with the time it might take any latent or sneaky live cells to migrate or get into the blood or the like, and therefore, they like to get you IN AND OUT before that time has elapsed. I know it is not like a day or two more like within a time frame of a few weeks. My Onco and thoracic surgeon BOTH told us about this as a way to schedule.

    I am just SO relieved that your waiting is OVER and now you can mark that calendar and count them days!! I will be counting with you too! As will everyone here.
    We are ALL behind you on this one!
    Keep the spirits up high and I will be praying that NOTHING changes that date!
