Asking for Your Prayers



  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    It is absolutley wonderful
    It is absolutley wonderful to see sisters & brothers who havent posted in a while posting again with prayer and support for Moopy and Joe. You are surrounded with much love, encouragement, and powerful prayers. May God bless all of us with health in the new Year.
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    Still lifting you up in prayer...

  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129
    Betsy13 said:

    Still lifting you up in prayer...


    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe
    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe close to my Heart. Praying so hard for you both.
    Love, Nancy
  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129
    Betsy13 said:

    Still lifting you up in prayer...


    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe
    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe close to my Heart. Praying so hard for you both.
    Love, Nancy
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member

    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe
    Moopy, Keeping you and Joe close to my Heart. Praying so hard for you both.
    Love, Nancy

    speak positive and tell the
    speak positive and tell the devil he is a liar,speak it over your body.just like someone else posted it could be something else totally and they just want to rule that out, God didn't bring you this far to leave you now,my prayers are with you and know we all love you. sending a really long and warm pat to the back hugs. MollyZ
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    First let me say that I love your picture. The light in your eyes and the smile on your face, showing us all what a sweetie you are. Second, how could you possibly think you failed anyone? You, the survivor who is always thinking of others before herself. Going through treatments that were so hard on you, and not complaining, just asking how others are feeling. Don't you know what a gift you are to all of us?
    It's time to bring out the Moopinator again, not for rads anymore, but for again facing one of the many stumbling blocks this damnable "beast" throws in our path to recovery. Aortus, our honorary "sister", I know you will help keep your Moopy in good spirits until the waiting process is over.
    Sending big hugs to the both of you!
    All of you are in my thoughts and prayers, always.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    taleena said:

    Oh dear Moopy.... my heart
    Oh dear Moopy.... my heart goes out to you... however there is no way that you have failed anyone... please keep us posted, I hope Joe can reach you soon. Whatever you need please let us know... you have it without question...

    Love, hugs & Prayers (by the truck loads)


    and know, that you are only down a couple of highways from me...and that is not too far...say the word and a sister will be at your side!

    So very sorry Moopy to read
    So very sorry Moopy to read this about you. I know that with Joe and your sister, you will be comforted until you know something. Praying that it is something simple, and, nothing serious.
  • scout5000
    scout5000 Member Posts: 94 Member
    I come to this site infrequently because I find I dwell excessively on my worries when I do. Everytime I do visit, I see that you and Joe have posted such kind, warm, and intelligent comments. You have given me so much in comfort and support by what you have written to others. This waiting you are going through is so horrible and unfair. I wish I could ease your pain while you are waiting. I am sending you strength, positive energy, and my hopes for good results. Thank you both for all of the time and thought you have given to others on this site.
    Waiting with you,
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    scout5000 said:

    I come to this site infrequently because I find I dwell excessively on my worries when I do. Everytime I do visit, I see that you and Joe have posted such kind, warm, and intelligent comments. You have given me so much in comfort and support by what you have written to others. This waiting you are going through is so horrible and unfair. I wish I could ease your pain while you are waiting. I am sending you strength, positive energy, and my hopes for good results. Thank you both for all of the time and thought you have given to others on this site.
    Waiting with you,

    I respond with tears in my eyes that you and Joe have to go through this. You both are in my prayers, wishes and thoughts.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Oh Moopy! : (
    Here we have lived so close by and have never met but thru CSN I feel close to you. YOu are in my thought and prayers. If there is anything I can help with please let me know and I will be there for you.
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member

    Oh Moopy! : (
    Here we have lived so close by and have never met but thru CSN I feel close to you. YOu are in my thought and prayers. If there is anything I can help with please let me know and I will be there for you.

    I'm praying you receive good news Moopy
    I don't come here very much because I get real down in the dumps if I do, but occasionally I check back in to read and I'm saddened to see your latest post Moopy, you can add my name to those praying for you.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I'm praying you receive good news Moopy
    I don't come here very much because I get real down in the dumps if I do, but occasionally I check back in to read and I'm saddened to see your latest post Moopy, you can add my name to those praying for you.

    Just read this
    I'm praying and believing for the best for you Moopy. Peace and strength for you and Joe.
  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    prayers your way! It is always so good to see your smiling face when I read your posts. Take time to enjoy your sister while she is with you and your time with your husband while you wait for more news--the best way to past the time.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    PinkPearl said:

    prayers your way! It is always so good to see your smiling face when I read your posts. Take time to enjoy your sister while she is with you and your time with your husband while you wait for more news--the best way to past the time.

    I am hoping for a 'fat
    I am hoping for a 'fat liver" and you will have to spend the rest of your long life living that one down.!!!
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Adding my prayers to all of
    Adding my prayers to all of the others.


  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    My prayers are with you also. I know how worried you and Joe are. Waiting for the phone to ring after your test is so hard. We are waiting with you. As others have said, it may well be something else. Know that your sisters are with you and we are praying for you.